"I just want you."

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Song: "Do I Wanna Know" by Arctic Monkeys


This oneshot is inspired by the song above. Enjoy!


|| B. COOPER ||

Do I Wanna Know?

If this feeling flows both ways

Sad to see you go

Was sorta hoping that you'd stay

For some reason, being in a relationship with Jughead Jones doesn't feel the same anymore.

"It's just gonna be for another couple of months, Betts."He told me, and as much as I wanted to believe him, it's getting harder and harder to convince myself that my three-month long boyfriend is still holding onto his word. Life has been easier for most people—why wouldn't it be? The Jason Blossom mystery is now solved, and the town is slowly returning to the way it was before the tragic Fourth of July (or should I say, Eleventh?) murder occurred. But as for Jughead and I, well, we're still in it.


Ever since Jughead was forced to withdraw back to the Southside, where he hails from, and accepted the black leather Serpent jacket, our relationship has majorly shifted, leaving me in a situation I never bargained for in the first place—laying in my bed with tear-stained cheeks, wondering when my boyfriend will come back or when everything will go back to normal between us or if he is safe. I am very well aware that the reason he joined the Serpents was to avenge his dad, which I understand, and that he keeps his distance from me to keep me safe, which I partially understand. I just wish that he could avenge his dad some other way, and not resolve into some kind of dirty business.

But knowing Jughead, if there was a more rational way to do something, he'd do it.

I lay in bed, prepared for yet another of countless nights where I lay restless and awake, thoughts clashing against each other, creating an even bigger mess in my brain. My phone rested on the nightstand, untouched, as I stared at the wall parallel to my bed, watching the shadows from outside the window of my room dance in the dim light of the moon that lit up a part of my room. I don't know if I'm expecting for Jughead to call or if I'm expecting for him to magically appear outside my window, standing on the top of his ladder, tapping on the glass to get my attention. I'd take the latter, but I guess that after all the screwed up phone calls we've had over the weeks he's spent as a Serpent, seeing him anywhere else other than a screen won't go as well as I hope.

I sit up on my bed, debating whether or not to go out of the house and take a walk to clear up my mind. It wouldn't be such a bad idea, since both my parents are out on another journalism convention. After a moment of collective thinking, I concluded that the only way to get rid of all my worrying for Jughead would be to get him off of my mind. It sounds impossible, but knowing myself, once I get used to it, I'd barely even notice he's not around.

I swing my legs off of the bed, balancing myself on my own feet as I walked to my closet, changing into a hoodie that once belonged to Jughead and a pair of leggings. The reason I'm heading out is to forget about Jughead, but here am I, wearing his clothes. I guess I'd also have to just forget the fact that a number of his things are in my possession, and convince myself that they are mine, that they always have been mine.

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