"But you love those drums!"

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Betty, age 8
Jughead, age 9


Betty had been outside the door of his family's trailer, knocking on the door and calling out her best friend's name. She's been standing there for a little over five minutes, and from the moment she's stepped on their doorstep, all she's heard were the faint sound of the drums that came from within the trailer.

Betty would normally cover her ears at the noise, but this noise was different. It was good, but at the moment she wasn't able to fully appreciate the music it created, because it had been the reason why Betty stood outside in the cold longer than she should be.

When her mom talked to his dad on the phone before he left for the night shift at Pop's, FP said that Jughead would wait for Betty right at the door. And, well, it didn't sound like he was anywhere near the door.

"Jughead!"The younge blonde screamed once more, pounding her fists on the door this time. She guesses that it worked, because right at that moment, the beat of the drums quickly turned to silence. She could hear footsteps inside the trailer, and the sound of the lock of the door being opened.

In just less than a minute, Jughead peeked his head out the door, his grey beanie sitting on top of his head as always. Betty gave him a smile, her posture straight and a transparent tupperware of cookies in her hands. Jughead loved food, especially those made by the Coopers. He's always thought that Alice Cooper was the food goddess.

Today, Betty's mom made another batch of cookies, which Betty insisted on delivering to Jughead personally. It gives her a reason to go and see Jughead-even though her mom always allowed her to visit him.

"Come in, Betts."Jughead hurriedly spoke, pulling her into the house, holding her hand to drag her in. He closed the door once she was inside, locking it. "How long have you been out there? I'm really sorry, Betts, I got so in the moment, I didn't realize you we-"

"You play the drums?"

Betty stared at Jughead curiously, and at the same time her face was filled with awe. She never heard Jughead play the drums before, nor has she seen him holding a pair of drumsticks other than chicken drumsticks. How come she never saw that coming? Why didn't she see it?

"Yeah, I play. I just started, though."Jughead replied, explaining with a small smile as he led her to his bedroom. "My uncle sent this last night, and I haven't been able to take my eyes off of it ever since."

Though the trailer was small, and Jughead's room was even smaller, he's found a way to fit the complete drum set in the corner of his room. It was sleek and glossy black, the cymbals shiny and had no blemish other than a couple of dents that Jughead has made ever since he started learning how to play. He didn't know why, but he felt like a part of him was attached to it, like it had been a part of him already.

"Wow."Betty's fingers traced the outlines of the drums carefully, afraid to leave a mark or a stain on it. She could tell that Jughead loves it more than anything else.

It isn't completely true, though. While Jughead may love the drum set more than he loves himself, he loves Betty even more than he loves his drums.

"You wanna try?"Jughead asked, offering her the drumsticks, which Betty politely declined. "No thanks. I'm cool with just watching you play."

It was the first time Jughead Jones played the drums for Betty Cooper.


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