"Happy Birthday, Juggie."

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Scene from Riverdale Episode 10: "The Lost Weekend" above!


You may or may not consider this as a sequel for "I loved Archie, but that was a long time ago."



It had been three years since Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones ran away.

"Daddy! Daddy!"The voice of a certain three year-old girl's sounded throughout the house, filled with laughter as the girl giggled. That girl was Samantha Jones, nicknamed Sammy by her parents.

Yes, her parents—Betty Cooper, or should I say Jones, and Jughead Jones.

Her messy blonde bounced behind her as she ran to her parents' bedroom, where a very sleepy Jughead Jones lay, clad in the thick and fluffy white comforter. And with her loud voice not being enough to wake her father, she climbed up the bed and laid on top of him, unable to hold back her giggles as she desperately tried to shake him awake.

"Daddy! Wake up!"Sammy said, grinning widely once her father started to stir awake. Jughead, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, smiled once he saw his daughter, wrapping his arms around her, suddenly fully awake. He tackled her onto the bed, slightly tickling her which only caused the little girl to laugh and scream. For a while Jughead and Sammy played around, laughing until Betty's voice echoed throughout the hallways.

"Guys! Breakfast is ready!"She called out, and Sammy wiggled out of her father's arms. "Come on, daddy! Mommy and I baked somthing nice for you!"She spoke cheerfully, trying to drag her father out of bed but failed. Jughead sat up, reaching for a pair of loose shorts and put them on, picking his daughter up and furrowing his eyebrows at her playfully. "What for?"He asked, only to be met by Sammy's unimpressed face.

"Ha-ha, daddy, very funny!"She fake fumed, arms wrapping around Jughead's neck as he carried her to the dining room.

And behold, there she was, looking just as beautiful as she was the moment he first laid eyes on her.

Betty Cooper stood behind the table, holding a home-baked cake in her hands, a smile on her face and the candles lit. Jughead set Sammy down, who rushed to her mother's side and started to sing him a happy borthday song.

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday, dear Jughead/Happy birthday dear daddy,

Hapoy birthday to you.

Jughead loved his two girls very much, more than anything else in the  world. When he and Betty ran away, he promised her he's give her the life she deserves—a life without Archie.

And so even if they lived only in a small apartment in Brooklyn, Jughead felt like he had everything he's ever wanted. He married the love of his life and she gave him a beautiful daughter, he has a decent job as a writer—what else could Jughead ask for?

At only twenty-two years old, Jughead had everything.

"We know you don't like big parties, so Sammy thought we could just bake you a cake and make you breakfast instead!"Betty explained, picking up our daughter. Sammy looked so much like Betty, but she had his eyes, which were a tortoise color, unlike Betty's ocean blue.

"Do you like it, daddy?"Sammy asked, smiling at me, clinging on to her mother's neck. Jughead smiled and nodded, lost for words—which is ironic, because he was a writer. "I love it, sweetheart. Thank you."He said. "Make a wish then blow out the candles!"Sammy cheered, clapping her hands.

Jughead bent down and blew the candles, but he didn't make a wish, not for himself, at least.

All that he wished for was for Sammy to be like Betty. Minus the secret relationship part—Betty and Jughead's relationship always remained a secret until they moved to Brooklyn.

"What did you wish for?"Sammy asked, wriggling out of Betty's arms. She put her down, and immediately, Sammy rushed to my side, holding onto my legs. I chuckled softly at her, picking her up and setting her down on her special chair. "I can't tell you, otherwise it won't come true."Jughead replied, placing a kiss on top of his daughter's head

"Happy birthday, daddy."Sammy said, and Betty smiled. Her eyes were locked with Jughead's gaze, filled with passion and love. "Happy birthday, Juggie."

He had everything he ever wanted.

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