"We're literally partners-in-crime."

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Song: "Take Care of Business" by Nina Simone


|| J. JONES ||

I was woken up by the sudden ringing of my phone, vibrating on the nightstand where I placed it before falling asleep. My eyes snapped open as my hand reached up to grab my phone, looking down at the Caller ID, a soft sigh escaping my lips as I felt someone shift next to me. I turned to face her, my wife, Betty, who slowly started to stir awake as I answered the phone call. "Hello?"I spoke, propping myself up on one elbow, looking around. Clothes on the floor, the contents on top of the dresser scattered over the surface of the dresser. Betty and I lay naked on the bed, covered by the sheets, our room a slight mess. I'm not surprised—nights like the one we've had earlier are considered a routine for us.

"Hey Jug, it's Archie."Archie spoke on the other line, sounding breathless. "Where are you, man? We've been worried sick!"The job that Betty and I—and Archie—have is not exactly your typical American job, as much as we want it to be considered as such. But no, it's not your typical American job because you can actually die or get seriously injured while on the job. We risk our lives in every single mission given to us, but hey, at least the job we have pays us a great deal of money. We're basically billionaires now.

We're spies. Agents from a secret organization that recruited us all at the same time, dragging us away from the comforts of our teenage lives when Archie and I were eighteen and Betty was sixteen. That was the same time I met Betty, who has now been my wife for five years now and I've known for the past eight years of my life. We've been a great spy couple, as a matter of fact—Mr. & Mrs. Jones, best of the best.

"I know, I know...but I gotta stay on the field for at least another month."He said, and I shook my head, running my hand through my hair. Betty started to shift more beside me, her eyes opened once I glanced down at her. "A month? That's too long! We need you here if something bad comes up."I replied. "Dude, believe me, I want to go back, but not now. I'm deep into my investigation and I'm really getting a lot of information out of them—they trust me, and if I gain their trust more then maybe they can already tell me where the bomb is. Just tell boss I need more time."

"Weatherbee will not be happy about this."I sighed, leaning against the headboard. "But fine. Just make sure you don't get your cover blown so we won't have to drag your sorry aśs out of trouble again."I said, and Archie let out a small dry chuckle. "Of course, of course. I'll call when I get more information. I can handle myself, Jughead."He said, and I scoffed teasingly, rolling my eyes. "Make sure you can."I finally spoke before hanging up the phone, placing it back on the table. Looking down at my wife, who was staring up at me.

"Was that Archie?"She asked, her voice slightly hoarse and raspy, probably from last night. I nodded in reply, a soft sigh escaping my lips. "Yeah, said he needed more time on the field since he's getting some good info out of them."I said, looking down at her, starting to play with her hair. "We're running out of time, Juggie. We need to find out where that bomb is or else it'll be the start of World War III."She spoke, and I leaned down, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Everything's gonna be alright, Juliet."I assured, smiling down at her, gazing lovingly down at her. "You trust me on that, right?"I asked, and Betty nodded her head, smiling at me as well.

"Of course I do."She said, a soft giggle escaping her lips. "I'm supposed to trust you with everything. I chose to marry you, remember?"Betty teased, causing me to roll my eyes teasingly at her playfulness. "Yeah, I remember. How could I forget?"I asked as Betty sat up as well, crawling onto my lap, straddling my hips as she sat on my lap. Her fingers traced my jawline lightly, grazing my skin before cupping my cheeks. I stared deep into her eyes as she stared into mine, both of us mesmerized by each other as if we were under some kind of spell.

And trust me, she has me under her spell—she continues to make me fall for her even after our marriage. I'm madly in love with her, and I just can't seem to get enough of her. It's like every single day is a clean slate, and everything will feel like it's the first time even if it's the same as every single day before it. Take breakfast as an example—I'd wake up to her making breakfast, dancing and singing to some song she has playing on her phone as she cooks, but I never get tired of it.

"Have I told you that I love you?"I asked, a grin spreading across my face as Betty shook her head teasingly, leaning closer to me, our faces barely inches apart. "Not yet, so why don't you just show me?"She asked, her voice laced with seduction as she leaned closer to my ear, starting to plant kisses on my neck, surely leaving marks on it. Groans escaped my lips as I let her take control, melting under her touch. She soon pulled away, looking at me with a smirk on her face. "You know, something jsut occured to me."She spoke up, and I can feel a smile playing on my lips. "What is it?"

"We're literally partners-in-crime."Betty replied, giggling softly. "And by crime, I mean all sorts of crime."I wouldn't fully consider our work as a crime, although it does include breaking the law even if we do it to keep the safety of the innocent people. But Betty is right.

We're partners in all sorts of crime.


Short oneshot, I know...but I really just wanted to make a Bughead AU wherein they're all part of the spy world! Betty and Jughead can be like Bonnie and Clyde, and I actually think that they'll be awesome like that. They'd do good as spies, since they're such a sassy and savage couple in my opinion.

Anyways, would you like to see more Bughead oneshots like this? And by this, I mean the spy Bughead AU? Let me know in the comments, I'll make sure to take in your feedback!

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