"You love me, and I love you."

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Song: "Back To You" by Louis Tomlinson feat. Bebe Rexha and Digital Farm Animals


|| J. JONES ||

"Look, I'm sorry if I cost you any trouble. I don't want to waste your time anymore."Betty said as she stood up, leaving me alone on the bed as she prepared to usher me out of her house. "Can I help you with breakfast? Coffee, perhaps?"

"You can help me with getting back the one thing I love most in the world."I replied, looking straight at her as she moved around the room, looking at her reflection on the mirror, rubbing the remaining sleepiness in her eyes. I kept my eyes on her, though she didn't notice since her back was turned on me. I was propped up on my elbows, forgetting to bring my beanie since I was in such a rush getting here when she called. I looked at her reflection on the mirror as well, seeing her face scrunch up into a confused expression as she leaned forward, frowning at her eyebags. "And what is that?"


She was taken aback by my reply. I can tell because suddenly she froze, her lips sealed shut as she slowly straightened her posture, taking about a minute of silence to turn around and face me. Once she faced me our eyes met, and once again I felt the flutter in my stomach that I get whenever I'm with her. It was still silent, until Betty opened her mouth to speak.

"Why are you telling me this now?"She asked, folding her arms over her chest. "Jughead, you said it yourself. You and I, we're done. We can't be together, the universe just won't allow it. We're two very different people, don't you remember what you told me last week?"Betty continued, and I let her speak. She has a right to, and I know that. When I decided to end things with her a week ago, I didn't give her a chance to speak, and maybe now's the time to listen.

But I guess that that time will have to wait, because I want Betty back.

"You think I don't remember what I said?"I asked, a slight scoff escaping my lips. "Of course I remember everything I said, my mind won't allow me to forget what happened then and it won't let me forget even a single word of what I said. Yes, I did say that we are two very different people, but come to think of it, Betts, what brought us closer is the fact that we're polar opposites."I said, and Betty just let out a breath. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I wouldn't have helped you with the Blue & Gold if I was a guy like Archie, no offense to him, but I wouldn't have helped you if I can't even write a proper sentence, even if I did want to. Because of my darkness and obsession with the murder, I joined the school paper with you."I explained, but it wasn't enough to satisfy Riverdale's hitchcock blonde. "That's not much of a proof, Forsythe. Just because you helped me write articles means that our differences were the ones that brought us together."

She called me by my real name.

Shit, that's not good. Is she seriously contemplating about officially breaking it off with me? I sure hope she doesn't, because I have come to realize something in the past week that I have spent without her.

"I know, but my point is..."I countered, whining softly as I stood up from the bed, a soft sigh escaping my lips as I started to take a few steps closer to her, controlling myself and leaving a short distance between us. If we weren't arguing right now, then I would have just grabbed her straight on and a slammed her on the wall and kiss her life out of her. But that's not what's happening, because we're arguing.

"My point is that our differences work well together. I don't know how, but it does. You're light, I'm dark. I see the darkness in your light, and you see the light in my darkness. I'm there to comfort you when you're down, and you're here to cheer me up when I am."I replied, walking even closer to her, unable to control myself. She turned around, folding her arms, and through the mirror I could see her lip trembling, sadness in her eyes, tears threatening to spill.

"I love you, Elizabeth Cooper."

A tear rolled down her cheek, and she sniffed, quickly attempting to wipe it away but failed when more tears started to stream down her face. "I'm a weirdo."I spoke, a sigh escaping my lips. "That's why I thought you'd never really want to be with me. Seriously, who on their right mind would want me? I don't deserve you, Betty, so I though you'd be better of in the arms of another guy, the Romeo to your Juliet. When you walked away, I knew I screwed up...big time. And I regret everything I said that night, because if there's something you don't deserve, it's to be treated wrongly and harshly. And I'm sorry for that. As much as I wanted to run after you and take back what I said right away, I just couldn't, because suddenly I thought of Archie, and all the other guys who are much better than me, who deserve you so much more than I do."

"Just shut up, Jughead!"Betty screamed, sobbing, turning around to face me. "Don't you get it? I don't care if there are many other guys there for me, because you're the only one I want! You deserve me more than anyone else, I just don't get why you always compare yourself to Archie and every other guy! You have what they don't, so why did you even try losing that too? Why did you even try losing me too?"She ranted, cupping my cheeks, and I stare deeply into her eyes as she did into mine.

"You love me, and I love you."She said. "Unless you don't love me anymore."I crashed my lips against hers, kissing her passionately to keep her from saying more. She kissed back, much to my surprise, and I wrapped my arms around her waist. her hands traveled from my cheeks to the back of my neck, pulling me closer. We pulled away for breath, looking at each other's eyes, trying to even out our breaths. "I love you, Betty. More than anything in this world. I promise you, nothing will ever get in between us ever again."I proudly spoke.

"Why do you keep doing this to me, Jughead?"Betty asked, an amused smile on her face, running her hand through my hair. "You are going to be the death of me, Jones."And she pulled me back down to her.


Well, here's the requested sequel to the oneshot I keep trying, but I can't.

I'm so sorry it took a while to publish this, but there are just so many ideas and prompts for the oneshots here right now so I'm really having a bit of a struggle with sorting out my priorities in writing the oneshots.

But who cares? I'm back!

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