38: Argument

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Scott dragged me into the suite and let go of my arm as he walked to the liquor bar. I could tell by his posture that something was wrong so I walked over to him and touched his back. He moved away and took a drink.

"Scott, what's wrong?" I asked. He put his cup on the mantle and looked at me.

"What's wrong? What's wrong!" he yelled. I flinched away and dropped my hand.

"Scott, why are you so angry?" I whispered to him. He turned around and stared at me. I stepped back.

"Why am I angry? That is the question of the hour isn't it?" he asked.

"Scott..." I muttered. He grabbed his cup and took a drink.

"That is what I love to do! Did you really think that I would put you at risk?" he yelled. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I looked at the ground.

"Excuse me," I said as I ran out the door. I kept running until I hit the bow of the ship. I wrapped my hands around the railing and looked out.

The darkness was unsettling. There was no one around and the stars were twinkling down on the deck. I held the railing and listened to the wave that were being made from the Titanic. I leaned over the railing to look at the water. It was beautiful and I stepped up on the railing to look at the dark water some more. I enjoyed it until someone pulled me off of the railing.

"What did I tell you about standing on railings?" Scott asked. I struggled against him and he held me tightly.

"Let go," I stated and he didn't let go but instead held tighter. I finally punched him in the jaw which made him let me go and I fell to the deck. I stared at him as he touched his jaw and looked back at me. I stood and looked at him as I fixed my dress on my shoulder.

"Mae," he started but I backed away and looked away from him. "Look at me." I shook my head. "I am here to apologise. The last thing that I want is for you to be put in a place that you are in danger." I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "Mae."

"No," I said as he tried to touch me. I looked at him and he looked at the deck.

"Mae, please," he said.

"I want to go to the room," I stated as I walked past him and to the suite.


The next morning, I stood next to Scott as we stood in life jackets. Scott was engaged in conversation but I kept my eyes on the deck. I was still angry at him even though we shared the bed the night before.

"Miss Morgan?" a man asked. I looked at him and Scott looked over as well.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I am Jack Phillips, the wireless operator aboard. I visited you yesterday," he said. I nodded.

"Of course Mr. Phillips, how may I help you?" I asked. He produced a paper and gave it to me.

"A telegram from Southampton came for you," he said as I held the paper. I looked at Scott.

"Give me a shilling," I stated and he handed me the shilling. That was the first time I spoke to him that day and he begged with his eyes for me to say something more to him.

"Thank you Miss Morgan," Mr. Phillips said. I nodded and opened the telegram as he walked away.

To: Miss Mae Morgan From: Miss Sarah Jones

Your father joining on Carpathia. Wants to apologise. Enjoy Titanic.

I folded the telegram and twirled it in my hands. Scott stood in front of me as he tied his life jacket for the practice. I had a life jacket on but I didn't know if it was on properly at all but I didn't want to ask Scott either.

"Mae, your life jacket is on wrong," Scott said. I shrugged and he untied what I tied up. He wrapped the straps snugly around my waist and chest to tie them tightly around me. I looked at him and he moved my hair.

"Thank you," I whispered. He looked into my eyes and I stared back.

"Mae, I am sorry that I raised my voice last night," he said. I looked away and he used his hand to move my head back to his direction. "It was uncalled for," he said. 

"It doesn't matter," I told him, "Most husbands yell at their wives."

"No, don't do that. Do not make it acceptable for me to yell at you," he said. I closed my eyes and sighed. "I am sorry that I yelled at you and I want you to accept my apology."

"I am scared, Scott. Mr. Ismay holds our futures in his hands and if we do something out of line, he can ruin our lives and I don't have anything in America. I don't even have the knowledge that I need to live there alone," I whispered. He exhaled sharply from his nose as a small smile found his way to his lips.

"It won't matter if we have money or not. I fell in love with you for you and the fact that you didn't change just because we suddenly had money. You are smart and funny and compassionate. Even if we had nothing when we land in New York, I would find a way to marry you and I would work on ships to make sure that you live comfortably for a long time," he said and I hugged him by his waist as he planted his lips against my forehead.

"Thank you," I whispered as he stepped to my side. He smiled as he tugged on his life jacket. "Do you know what the life jackets are made of?" I asked as I had wondered what they were made of for a while. He laughed.

"Cork and canvas. They float very easily," he said. I smiled as I took his hand and he smiled.

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