56: Sunk

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From inside of Scott's coat, I was much warmer than when I wasn't in his coat and against his chest. I couldn't help but to watch the ship raise up in the water and everyone kept screaming aboard the ship. I pulled out Scott's watch which got his attention. 1:30. I put his watch back and looked back to the ship. The stern was higher up in the air and I could see people running towards the stern.

"Mummy? Why is the ship doing that? Don't ships stay in the water?" Washington asked. I looked over Scott's shoulder and saw Ruth look at her son with concern.

"Well, baby, the ship wants to go for um... the ship wants to go for a swim," Ruth said and I looked back to the ship. I covered my ears and started crying. I knew my body was shaking and my sobs were probably loud enough for everyone to hear but I didn't care.

"Mae, don't cry. Mae, Mae, Mae," Scott whispered but I couldn't stop. Everything was disappearing in front of us and there was nothing that we could do. Scott rubbed my arm and rocked me.

"There has to be a way for us to get everyone off and safe in the lifeboats. They can't all die," I whispered while choking down my sobs but I knew that they were still so loud.

"Mae, there is nothing that we can do from here. I need you to stop crying. Take a few deep breaths for me and focus on me," Scott said and tried to take a few deep breaths as he touched my face to wipe away my tears. The orchestra had stopped playing and the calmness that they were bringing completely disappeared from the sounds that were coming from the ship.

"Miss Morgan, here you go," Robert said, handing me a napkin. I dabbed my eyes and looked at Scott. He hugged me and I stayed against his chest.

"I am sorry," I whispered. Scott shook his head and we looked at the ship that held the screaming people.

"When will it be over?" Emma asked. I saw her covering her ears and Robert pulling her closer to his body. I looked back and Scott pulled me to him.

"Officer Pitman, how much longer until the ship is under?" Robert asked. There was not a response which I was happy about.

"Oh Lord," Scott muttered and I looked over to see the whole damn stern out of the water. I felt my eyes grow as my eyes traced upwards and towards the stern that had the name of the ship that would be on the bottom of the ocean too soon.

"Oh God," Officer Pitman whispered. The lights flickered and burned out, ejecting another scream from the people still on the ship. The next sound was a sound that made me flinch and hold on to Scott more. I could hear the metal stretching and I knew what was happening.

"The ship is going to snap in half," I said. Scott looked at me and the rest of the people on the lifeboat looked at my back as well.

"What do you mean?" Officer Pitman asked and I looked back.

"That sound is metal stretching and metal isn't suppose stretch. When it stretches it rips in half," I said and no sooner than I said that we heard a tear. I whipped around only to see that ship rip down the center. We heard lines break and I flinched as the third funnel came falling off of the ship. The stern came crashing down and hit the water. The screams of everyone as the stern crashed back into the water made me cringe to the largest degree and the waves rolled out, rocking out the lifeboat to the point that we were trying to stablise the lifeboats so we weren't thrown into the water as well.

The stern started lifting again and the screams of the people on the ship got louder as they all looked like they tried to get to the railing and climb over it. I held Scott's hand as we looked up and he squeezed my hand. The Titanic stood at attention as the stern bobbed in the water like a cork. It was silent for a moment and the silence screamed louder than the actual screams.

"God have mercy on their souls," Mr Behr muttered as we watched the ship just bob in the water as the world was as still and as silent as the world around us. Slowly and yet surely, the ship started to go under the water.

"Jump off. They need to jump off otherwise they are getting pulled under with the ship," Scott whispered and I held his arm as the ship slipped more and more under the water. I took a deep breath and watched as the ship slipped under the water. The screams started again and I looked at Scott as he let tears fill his eyes.

The Titanic sunk.

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