2- A Town to Beautiful for the Eyes

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Me and everyone else have been stuck in these police cars for like 6hrs. Of course, the people have stopped to get food and toilet breaks, but otherwise we've been sitting in these damn cars. Don't get me wrong. I'm actually quite happy about the whole 'getting kidnaped' thing. It's not like I have a pleasant life back at my home. Who I live with basically don't even live there, they're always out. They don't exactly like me. The idiot says 'God made everyone to be like each other. So why the fuck you different, huh?'.

If you're wondering, I live with my older brother, who is... difficult. My parents are still alive, just traveling for work. Yeah.


Josh lets out a long loud sight that catches the attention of his best friend, who is luckily in the same car as him. "What's on your mind now Josh? It better not be negative." Lucy said. Josh turned in his seat to look at her. His face was sad. "Life. I'm going to say life because it is both positive and negative." He grinned slightly making Lucy roll her eyes. "That's always your response. One day I'm going to stop asking. Just let you tell me." They looked each other in the eyes and cracked up laughing. The best friends knew that that was never going to happen because Josh likes hiding his emotions. He's like a pro. He could be smiling on the outside, but on the inside, he is screaming into a void. "I'll tell you later. Maybe." Lucy seemed happy with this response as she turned to the window to and watched the scenery fly past.

The herd of cars turned a corner into the woods. Almost everyone was now looking out their windows, watching the trees turn from haunted looking, to beautiful lusher trees with flowers blooming. This caught everyone off guard. Almost. Lucy and Josh were too busy directing questions to their drivers while looking outside. None of their questions were answered.

Soon the dirt path turned into a tarred road leading into what seemed to be a big town (not big enough to classify as a city). The town was magnificent. Big houses were aligned in streets with trees and flowers growing almost everywhere. Shops and restaurants were scattered throughout the town yet perfectly placed. There were a few parks, but one massive one in the centre of the town. The greenery was so green. Next to the big park was a BIG building. It was 3 stories high with wonderful columns. It was the most beautiful thing in the town, and the police cars were headed straight towards it.

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