36- Edging Closer

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Josh sat in the back of his mind, stroking his wolfs fur in hopes to calm the creature. In the short time he was held captive, he grew closer to his wolf. Now, they were sharing the inflicted damage on their body. His wolf whimpered as a final blow was delivered to their stomach as Hunter spat foul words towards them. He raised his dead eyes to Hunter, all anger already been diminished and overwhelmed with the pain they felt.

Hunter stared back, his smirk faltering slightly before it was refreshed. "I see the mutt wanted to come out and play aswell. Want another round then?" He leaned down, readying his arm for a punch to the gut. In the few seconds of tormenting Hunter was giving the pair, they received a message.

Josh, listen to me. We have found the cabin with the help of the person who was sent to scout the shoot. We are working on a plan to infiltrate the place now. I swear if we aren't there before the next sunrise- Shit, I got to go. The boy is trying something. Hold tight.

The next thing Josh felt was not the pain of a fist to his stomach, but the pain of his mate. Despite his worn state, his wolf was provoked by the feeling. He watched as the fist came towards him, teeth bared, ears and tail already fully manifested. As soon as Hunters fists made contact, the chains were broken as darkness seeped off Josh's body. Josh took the impactfull on, only flinching slightly as anger fuelled them.

Hunter backed off immediately, scared from the murderous glint in glowing full emerald eyes. He picked up a knife that was already coated in blood and aimed it at the snarling boy. Josh sat back in his mind, something similar to a long leash attached to his wolf. Though he loathed Hunter with every fibre in his body, he didn't want him to die now. Not without answers. So, he just observed as his wolf was let loose with the intent to torture anybody in their path.

And Hunter was his first pray. Unless he ran out of the room like a scared school girl, shouting for his lapdogs to come and handle the situation. Which is exactly what he did. Meaning, Hunter wasn't the first pray, no, some buff looking lumberjack with tattoos would feel a wolf's wrath.

During this time, over at the pack house, hell was slowly being let loose. Once interrogating the captured enemy, they were easily able to find out his identity. He didn't hide it, which confused so many, but there was a plan just below the surface. When the mystery man revealed his name, Parker immediately called Eli down as the name sounded familiar. As soon as Eli saw the boy he stalked up to him and socked him in the jaw.

In minutes Lucy was storming into the room. She was right in front of the boy, spitting insults left and right. "I defended you earlier Kevin! I thought you were fine despite some sketchy behaviour. Fuck you!" She was about to turn around, but the now blue-fringed boy had a retort.

"Fuck me? Oh, yes please!" Kevin had a smirk plastered on his face, but it was quickly removed. No one had ever seen a human girl moves that fast before. In less than a second she went from the doorway to having her hand slapping the boys face. Even Cypher was shocked at the tiny girl's movement and rage. But there were two greater threats for Kevin.

"I would watch what you say next because I'm sure you don't want to end up dead in the few minutes." Eli spoke, his voice deadly clam but filled with rage. His wolf had partially taken over, becoming very protective of their mate and wishing Lucy to not be near the man any longer. With that thought he dragged a still rageful Lucy out of the room in his arms. Once they had left, Kevin spat out a small amount of blood, shocked from the strength of the girl.

"I see you have no regards for anything. Now, give us more information, other than your name, and I won't pummel you to a pulp." Parker said, cracking his knuckles for affect. It didn't work.

"Oh, please do. I'd love to have-"

"Enough! That was the only warning you get."

"Hah, you think you can actually do damage to me? You know who I work for, and you know what he's like. Just because I'm working for him doesn't mean he won't hurt me." Kevin replied, struggling to keep his sadness out of his voice. Everyone was silent, making him sigh. "Why? Because he hates gays, and lap dogs aren't supposed to like their boss. Now, will there be anything else or can I go?" He cockily smirked, thinking that that reveal would have them set him free to run home. But it was anything else.

You are never supposed to reveal such desires to a devil.

"So, you believe just because you wish to be with him is any reason to deal with the pain? Stupid mortal human." Though he was the devil, Cypher does not like to see people do stupid things. He may run hell, but he likes it when there's less damned souls down there with him. "Man up, tell us the information we want, and you'll still walk out of he a male." His voice was strong and clear, showing he was not messing around.

"And how would I leave here not a male?" Kevin questioned. He gulped when Cypher's fingertips burst into flames.

"Well, I'd simply burn you flat." With that the devil stalked closer, a grin plastered on his lips while Kevin began to shake as he neared. Despite circumstances that he would never do-it, he very much wanted to keep his manhood. As the burning fingers were lowered to his crotch, he finally broke.

"Fine! Jeez! Just keep away from my manhood." Kevin screeched before sighing and lowering his head. "Now, what can I help you with?" He felt like headbutting him for the threat. He didn't want to betray his boss, but he was slowly convincing himself that he didn't need Hunter anyways. 

The same Hunter who was standing over an enraged chained wolf that was snapping its jaws in his face. He ran for his life when the animal was free, gaining all his confidence back once it was chained. Pathetic, Josh thought, shaking his head as he sat right next to his wolf.

He's a coward! Let me tare him to shreds before he can cause us anymore harm! He was probably the cause of the problem of the pack house too! Josh's wolf yelled, pacing back and forth in their mind. Fine, Josh replied, but, if you get me in more trouble than we are already in then there will be consequences. And please don't block me out. I want to see the magic happen.

Kevin was truthfully spilling his guts about the hunters and rouges after a little painful scene, Parker was already getting ready to depart, Alfred was glad to finally see his son take charge, and Cypher was worried about the growing darkness coming from the woods.

Josh was slowly losing control of his wolf, that even though seems playful and lovely, would throw someone into the depths of hell for the fun of it. And Cypher feared for everyone's safety.

"We need to leave. Now."    

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