25- Interruptions

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After an hour of listening curled up to my mate in wolf form, I was able to stretch my limbs. Hearing my back crack, Josh began to tremble. I jumped onto my bed, surrounding him once again. He visually relaxed, a slight tremor to him still lingering. I watched his chest rises and fall until he had fallen asleep, then rested my head next to his and joined him in his slumber.


After hours of sleep, the pair awoke at midnight, their bodies protesting from the lack of food. Parker nudged his snout towards the door and began creeping around with Josh following suit. In the darkness the pair had found their way to the kitchen. They feared their growling stomachs would wake the whole house. But by the time Parker had shifted and put some clothes on, no other soul had woken from slumber.

Anything sweet? Josh whispered through their link causing Parker to search the fridge for exactly that. He noticed a few white boxes with what seemed to be codes. Finding a note, he paused his search. 'Cake samples for Parker and Josh, Prom Committee.' The note read, making Parker grin. He grabbed all four boxes before making his way over to the island counter.

Curious, Josh rose from his stool to get a closer look. He smiled softly watching as his mate scampered around with dishes. Once Parker had set everything out the pair sat on the counter, food in the middle. In a matter of seconds Parker had the list of cakes on his phone, pictures to accompany the strange names.

...and the Splatter Cake. My personal favourite in terms of visual. He said, showing Josh the cake that looked as if it had paint flicked at it. It's colorfulness surprised Josh seeing as he thought the cake wouldn't be like a disco.

It's very, ummm, colorful. Josh replied, staring at the smaller piece they received. His eyes wandered over to the others, before digging his fork into an orange cake. Parker followed suit, deeming the cake testing official. As the cakes slowly disappeared and a minor conflict began, the two edged closer unknowingly.

Parker strongly believed that even though the splatter was a simple mud cake, no one would want a fancy cake that tasted like fruit and had a floral centre piece. Each one looked at the small piece of their preferred cakes, knowing they couldn't share it. Oh well, Josh mumbled into the mind link. But Parker had an idea.

He popped the last bit of splatter cake into his mouth, chewing slowly before swallowing. He lent over to Josh, shocking the boy by invading his lips with his own. At the sudden contact, Josh gasped, giving Parker a free path to explore. Their mouths moved as one, a small shudder running down each one's spine. As Parkers hands moved to Josh's waist, he felt soft fur curl around his arms. This made Josh's shivers intensify, both pulling away.

They sat catching their breath, still latched in each other's arms. Parker rested his forehead on his mates, eyes switching between his normal mixed and a pure silver-gray. Josh was mesmerised by this, not realising that his eyes were doing the same. Josh didn't feel his wolf creeping closer to the surface, but as the pair lent in for another kiss, it scurried away.

The light flicked on causing the boys to jump off the counter. Lucy was standing at the threshold a smirk clear and shining. "Well, then. Don't mind me boys." She said teasingly, walking towards the fridge. Josh bent over, hiding his reddening face in his hands. Parker even was lightly shaded with pink as Lucy gave out a quiet chuckle. "Not on my watch." She then sat on the floor, her face wiped of amusement. "Explain what happened earlier."

Parker sighed as Josh stiffened. He pulled him into his lap as he joined Lucy on the floor. "Might as well have a little midnight meeting." He mumbled before linking his sister, parents, and Eli, getting back up to prepare some food for everyone.

** ** ** **

Josh sat at the back of the class, his finished handout covered with doodles. His teacher sat at the front on her phone, headphones in, head swaying. The rest of the class, however, was like a pack of wild animals. There were things flying, people yelling, and bodies grinding. Josh was disgusted. He rose from his seat, proceeding to the front of the class. Waving the paper in front of his teacher, she dismissed him early.

I'm heading to an empty classroom nearby. Josh linked Parker, not seeing the foot put out for him. He lost his balance, falling face first. But right before he hit the floor his body shifted, lifting itself out of harms way. Shocked at himself, he wasn't able to glare back at the person responsible. Josh hurried out of class and to that empty room he was thinking about.

"Well that was defiently a show." A voice said in his ear, making Josh jump. He turned around to see Parker standing there, silently laughing. Hmph. Josh waltzed off, leaving Parker behind. "Sorry about that." He said, still laughing. Josh didn't reply as he opened the door of anabandoned classroom. He put his things down before turning around face-to-face with his mate. "Would a kiss make it better?" Parker mused, only receiving a soft glare.

Could you close the door please? Josh said, moving to a corner of the room. As no windows were open, his new senses were sent into overdrive. The addicting aroma of pie, apple and cedar wood over took his thoughts. As he stood with his eyes closed, footsteps approached him. When he opened his eyes, Parker seemed off, his eyes switching from his own to his wolfs.

"Parker?" Josh called, looking into the struggling eyes of his mate. Parker didn't respond, only inched closer until their breaths mingled.

I think we forgot to tell them something about full moons Scotch. Parker linked, receiving a frustrated 'damn'. Blocking everyone else from his mind, Parker lent forward, capturing Josh's lips in his. Just like the night before their lips moved as one, tongues mingling ever so lightly. They edged towards the closest wall, Josh being pushed lightly against it. A low growl rumbled through Parker chest, making Josh tense, but as he put his arms on his shoulder comfortingly, he relaxed again.

Josh was pushed against the wall as Parker held onto his shoulders. "Pa-parker? What a-are you do-" he was cut off as his lips slammed up against his. They were rough, and Josh could feel the stubble around his lips, but before he could kiss back Parker pulled away with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I-Ishould-" Before he could finish the sentence Josh pulled him back into a kiss. At first he was shocked, then kissed back, putting his hands on Josh's waist, pushing him against the wall harder, making Josh gasp slightly.

He deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue into Josh's oh-so-innocent mouth making him moan slightly. It was a sound Josh never knew he could make but it seemed to make Parker kiss deeper, running his tongue along his teeth and Josh's own tongue. Josh wrapped his arms around Parkers neck and leant into him further, deepening the intimacy more than Josh thought possible.

Parker ran his fingers up the sides of his shirt, sending tingles to go through his body. He took his mouth away from Josh to breath making him moan in sadness wanting more but Parker decided on kissing down his neck while running his fingers in little circles. The feeling made Josh moan out loud. Parker's lips were at the end of Josh's jaw, under his ear when he moaned the loudest.

So, Parker stayed there sucking, kissing and licking the sweet-spot. "Par-parker." He bit down, canines out. Josh could feel the blood slowly escaping. Josh ran his fingers lightly up and down the back of Parkers neck and he let out a moan followed by a growl, so Josh put his leg in between Parkers as he made sweet love to Josh's neck. They were both moaning (Josh being the loudest).

Just as Parker was about to kiss Josh again the door flew opened followed by a loud "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!"

Brad stood in the doorway, a revolted expression on his face. "You're like him?!" He yelled, causing Josh to squat down, hiding his face and neck. Parker looked at his mark before turning back to the intruder. "No wonder you two defend each other, fa..."


I wanted to thank you all for 1K reads!! You guys are awesome and here is a double update for all of you waiting for what happens next.

^-* And thanks a bunch Jilly9092176389 for helping me out with the chapter

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