26- A Fist Of Rage

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I stared into the pure and mixed eyes of my mate, admiring the difference before he hid behind his hands. I knew my eyes were the same, mostly because the mating was incomplete. I gazed at my mark that would surely disappear. It angered me that someone had to interrupt, but I suppose it wasn't the right time. "No wonder you two defend each other, fa..."

I slammed my fist onto the closest table, silencing his harsh words. My eyes were filled with hatred, pure rage. I slowly advanced towards Brad, my anger rising with every step. "Back off." Brad warned, squaring up but looking terrified. He stared into my eyes and I think he nearly shat himself. He launched a fist towards my face, landing a nice blow. But it wasn't enough to leave anything but a bruise.

I raised my own fist, connecting it with his pointy warlock nose. A successful crunch was heard, a scream of agony soon following. I snickered at his weakness. "Screw you!" He screamed, taken back at my laugh. "No... I hope you burn in hell! Both of you!" He said, disgust clear on his face again. My gaze hardened. He was an annoying flea biting the wrong dog.

I lunged at him, nails extending the slightest. We rolled around to get dominance, me coming on top of course. He threw his fist at my body with all his might, but I only flinched. I sat on his legs with all my weight, holding his arms down with mine. I stared at the purple and black nose, bumps appearing near the centre. He spat in my face and yelled more profanities.

I twisted his strongest arm with a flick of my wrist. He yelped, scrunching his face in pain. I realized that it was his throwing arm, and being in my devilish rage, I bent it more. A crack rang through my ears and I knew that Josh heard it too. My mate rushed over and pried me off my prey. "Enough." He whispered, calming my rage. I retreated to the corner in hopes I wouldn't kill the idiotic boy that was writhing in pain on the floor.

Brad wiggled out of the room, heavy footsteps following his retreat. Warm arms wrapped around me. The scent of rain, trees and smoke filling the surroundings. The sweet moment didn't last long as a group stormed into the room, furious expressions on all their faces. I only recognized two. Lucy and Eli, the only two without enraged expressions, hidden at the back. "What the hell happened here Mr. Moonshed?" The principal screeched.

I turned to them, trying my best not to laugh at the weak human behind her. "Whoops." Was all I could muster. The crowd erupted in yells of anger and confusion, leading me, Josh, and Brad being dragged to the principal's dreadful office.


Josh shifted in the chair, his anxiety rising too high. He had been sitting in the waiting room for at least an hour. Occasionally he would hear yelling, then Parker would fume in their link. When Josh decided to stretch his legs, the door flung open. Brad stormed out, hugging his arm protectively. He glared harshly at Josh, making him wince. "This is your fault too. Remember that, Kinkston." Brad spat, rushing off to god-knows-where.

Parker hunched over in the seat Josh had previously occupied, not minding the deformed cushion. Ms. Tranvix walked out of her office. She stood in front of the pair, hands on her slender waist. She sighed as she gazed over the sight of the anxious Josh. "I need to call your parents Mr. Moonshed. I would have a discussion with the Cooplens but is seems that Brad called ahead." She sighed again, looking at the shocked expressions that spread across the pairs face.

"Ms! You can't. They're on holiday in Europe." Parker said, his lying skills at level perfection. The principal looked at the boys harshly. She pointed to a phone with her bony finger.

"Call someone in charge. I want to speak to them." Ms. Tranvix said before disappearing into her office. Josh glanced at Parker with confusion. He had no idea who they were going to call, but their silence did not last long. Parker sighed before moving to hug Josh. Can't you just call Lucifer?? Josh shook his head, glancing at the old land line like it was dangerous.

He didn't know how. Well. Call a random number. I'm sure something good will come out of it. Parker said, sitting back down in a chair. He nodded Josh on with his head, who, cautiously took a step towards the phone. He picked up the red handset, before raising it to his ear. He slowly moved his fingers around the dialler as a number formed in his head. To his surprise, the call was answered almost immediately.

"The Punished. Mazikeen speaking. What do you want?" A feminine yet hostile voice said. Her voice startled Josh, freezing him slightly. "Speak!" The woman yelled.

"Um, I w-was looking for a Cy-Cypher. It's J-Josh Kinks-ston." He replied, earning nothing but quietness. A hushed response was followed by quick footsteps. Shortly after, a deep voice rang, even in its delighted tone it would have scared others.

"Ah, little one! What do you need from the angel of no light?" Cypher spoke, his tone still as light as the devils could be.

"A fight at school... Just need you to speak to the principal over the phone." Josh replied, his nerves still high.

"Nonsense! I shall speak about this matter in person." Cypher said before hanging up. Josh sighed, shaking his head at the men he knew. He informed Parker about their situation. Now all the pair had to do was wait for the devil to arrive, even though there was one sitting in the principal's office already.

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