18- Not One but Three

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"You seriously do not remember anything?" Parker asked me, an exasperated look on his face. I shook my head, earning a long sigh. "But, you were in a cacoon thingy! It was made from bloody darkness; how could you forget that!" Scotch added, rubbing a hand through his hair.

We had been sitting in the infirmary for quite some hours. The friends and doctor interrogating me on the phenomenon that happened. They were clearly frustrated with my lack of knowledge, trying to pry. "All I recall is being pushed, a fight starting, anger, then I closed my eyes and woke up here!" I yelled, cutting them off.

They were reusing the same questions, over and over. It was getting on my nerves. Just as they went to replay, I abruptly stood, chair scraping on floor, and scurried out. I heard heavy footsteps follow, voices getting quieter each step. I retreated to the top floor, hiding myself away in a dark corner.


As Parker ran after Josh, and Scotch went for a glass of water, Dr. Nick was left alone with his thoughts. He was slowly trying to piece everything together. He had noticed something off when he did his first check-up on Josh. His blood was a strange mix. He called for Parker in the link, earning a huff of annoyance as a response.

Shortly, Parker appeared in the doorway to his office, Josh perched on his back comfortably. As he walked further into the office, soft gentle puffs of air could be heard releasing. Dr. Nick looked at the sleeping Josh, more questions building in his mind.

"What's up Nick?" Parker begun. "I have some theories on Josh here. His blood came up scrambled." Nick replied, resting his head on hands. Parker cocked his head with confusion, eyes dancing with curiosity. "Scrambled how?" Parker said loudly, gaining murmuring from Josh. He sat down on a chair, moving him onto his lap.

As Josh curled in Parkers lap, Nick begun his explanation. "As everything being but animals, there is human in the blood. As you know, werewolves do have human blood." He voiced, making sure Parker was actually paying attention. "So?"

"So, Parker, Josh did not have 100% human. He has 3 different." Nick hastily said, spotting movement from Parkers lap. "Wass-I-dreaming or did I hear not human and 3?" Josh questioned with merged words. Parker and Nick looked at each other with wide eyes, nobody knowing where to go from there. You shouldn't have brought him with./ I know that now Nick.

Josh swivelled to look at them both, not knowing that he was sitting on Parkers lap. His face shaded pink, his body rising quickly to find a seat of his own. When he sat down, a low sigh rang throughout the little office. "What are you two talking 'bout?" Josh questioned, a serious tone to his voice.

"Well, it's really boring talk..." "Nope. I want to know." Josh intervened Parker mid speech. He groaned while Nick sighed. Looking Josh in his green emeralds, Nick noticed the golden flecks growing brighter. "We were talking about you. You are not human. But you're not a werewolf to say. You don't have the 2 things we do. You have both and an extra one I can't identify." He stated, shock spreading onto Parkers and Josh's faces.

*** *** ***

Josh and Parker have been pacing in his bedroom for half hour. The pair have been trying to figure out where these genes came from as Dr Nick wasn't able to give them a further explanation. Josh flopped onto the bed, disturbing the pups from their slumber. Once they realized who it was, they shifted place and fell back asleep.

"I don't understand! Wouldn't I have already shifted? From the little I've learnt I would have shifted. This is confusing!" Josh yelled, steam blowing out of his ears. Parker looked at his mate, his feelings being no different from his. Parker stalked over to Josh, inspecting his green eyes.

"I just want to understand. I just want to have more confidence." Josh murmured quietly to himself, but Parker heard. Hating to see his mate like this, Parker lent down and gently kissed Josh's forehead. Jumping in surprise, Josh turned an adorable shade of pink, scuttling to the back of the bed. However, Parker sprawled against the mattress, slowly inching closer to the fairy-floss boy.

"Hey, we'll figure this out. You aren't alone in this, and you won't be alone anymore." Parker soothed, hugging his mate. Josh relaxed into the hug, allowing Parker to position him in his lap. Once they were fully comfortable, the pair began to doze off. Parker let his head rest on Josh's, hearing soft snores sound.

Sighing contently, Parker closed his eyes in hope of a peaceful dream, but as soon as he felt sleep tapping him, a loud noise sounded in the hallway. Snapping his eyes open, Parker glared hard at the door, sensing something outside his territory. Shortly after, his bedroom door burst open, revealing two smiling men. "Get your ass up and give your big brothers a hug. We thought you'd be downstairs to greet us like EVERYONE else, but..." The tallest one said, trailing when he realized Josh was there.

Josh was sitting there, eyes wide and searching, heartbeat racing. He stared at the two unfamiliar men with curiosity. "Ah, sorry brother. Obviously didn't know you had company." The second one spoke. "All good. If I had known, I would have been downstairs. Anyways, Troy, Adam, this is my mate Josh. Josh, meet the middle child and the second eldest." Parker introduced the trio, rising to give his brothers a hug.

"H-hi." Josh squeaked, not liking the company of more people. The wolf pups perked up at the waver in Josh's voice, spotting the new comers. They bounded towards the door, knocking the brothers down and slobbering over their faces. "Wow, how long have we been? You guys sure did get big, eh?" Troy voiced, petting the wolves. When he turned to pet Slade, the pup bounced back and went to lay by Josh. "Cute." All three brothers said in unison, resulting in Josh laying face down on the bed.

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