32- We'll Use Three

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With my snout to the floor, I traced the slightest scent of an intruder from the school to the woods before it was covered by the forest. I growled deeply. The kidnapper was surely a master hunter, knowing exactly how to hide their scent. The first thought to mind was that they were a wolf from another pack, but Blood Moon was the only one in the state.

It had to be him and his army of filth. Hunter, a master hunter. Ironic. I shifted back, glancing around the trees. A long, low whistle escaped me, the space in front of me becoming engulfed by total darkness. The tiniest of smiles stretched my lips as Cerberus appeared lying on his back. I began walking back to the school, and with a quick whistle Cerberus was by my side.

Once inside the gym, I let Cerberus loose onto the trail, allowing him to disappear into the woods. In the meantime, I sat back and tried to imagine the situation in my head.

He was obviously near neither door, so the sound would have been off. The man came from outside, so the door to his front-left. He would have looked to his right, expecting Lucy, giving the man time to reach him faster. Stealth was key.

It would have had to of been more then one man. Three possibly. Lucky for Hunter, his scent isn't on the trail, otherwise he would be dead in the next few hours. I waited patiently for Cerberus to inform me of something. In a matter of minutes, a one headed Cerberus came bounding into the gym, barking deeply. It ran in a circle before pointing its head towards the door. I hastily followed the hound to the rest of it, watching them merge back together.

I stood, waiting to see what the he had to show me. Cerberus trotted off and led me down a small hill, circling around faint footprints. I scanned the surroundings, walking towards a large tree at the start of the hill. I extended my nails and slashed deeply into its trunk. Shortly after, I had created some sort of path to follow as Cerberus led me to footprints that seemed to follow their own path.

Bending down I praised the hell-hound, rubbing its belly as it turned into its puppy form. I noted that he would be getting a treat tonight. Once he poofed away, I decided to return to the Moonshed's house, having news to inform them of. This was one step closer to finding my cousin.

******** ******** ******** ********

After a long pitstop, I appeared in the Moonshed's library. As usual, no soul was in the farthest corner from the door, so I strolled out of the shadows. I walked towards the main table where people were sleeping at and a pacing brown wolf whose silver eyes pierced through my being. "The pacing is useless Parker. Drink some coffee and wake the others because I've got a clue." I said, making the wolf's ears prick up.

Parker skittered over to the table and shifted to human form, picking up the closest drink. "Boo!" Eli, Miriam, Alfred, Adam and Tory shot up from their seats. Once they realized it was just Parker, they all shot him deadly glares. The only one who was still sound asleep was that Lucy girl. All the wolves tried shaking her awake, but she wouldn't budge. So, I summoned a small fire ball to hover closely to her face.

She stirred and in moments bolted up and away from the flame. Clicking my fingers, the ball dispersed to smoke, leaving me with a smirk on my face from the daggered glare she sent my way. "Anyway, Cypher here has gathered some information on Josh. Grab a coffee and listen in." Parker said, getting his drink snatched away from Alfred. He went to grab it back but was hit upside the head, retreating and pouting.

After everyone had gotten comfortable, I began to tell them what was found in the woods. In a matter of seconds after my explanation, plans had already started being discussed. However, none of them involved specific tracking groups, so I pitched in. "What if we use Cerberus as a tracking hound. He has an exhilarate sense of smell and can split into three." My offer seemed to have shocked the two older brothers, but everyone else seemed unfazed by my input.

"I thought you were-" Adam started.

"Like a really creepy warlock!" Troy finished. "Not the actual devil." He and Adam became over-dramatic, fanning themselves and falling out of their chairs. Alfred had a stern look in his face and my guess would be he was linking with the two boys. Well, I've never seen anybody get off the floor that fast before. Alfred nodded before turning his direction back to me.

"What an excellent idea! Are you sure it wouldn't be of any trouble?" He said, the harsh look on his face vanishing from existence. I simply shook my head, causing a small to spread across his face. The older brothers and Eli smiled slightly while Parker decided to give me a firm handshake and pat on the back.

"Let's begin the search party tomorrow, shall we? You all seem tired and will need energy for this. And no, coffee is not enough. Get some sleep." Alfred said authoritatively, making Parker groan with annoyance. "Dismissed!"

Everyone left the room in a slow, separated single file way, Lucy being the last one to walk through the doors. She seemed dazed, which worried me. She should be focused on finding her best friend.


I can't believe Josh is gone.

...Wait, Kevin was with me, so maybe he saw something I didn't! I should contact him.

There was an apology here that ended with...

Sorry again- from Raez (author who needs to figure out her damn updating)

And that is still true (by gosh). If you like slow updates check out my new book??

[Self-promoting?? Never]

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