35- Information

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Once everyone had made it back to the pack house, Eli immediately started interrogating Lucy about her friend. He tried to not appear suspicious but was seen straight through. With arms crossed over her chest tightly which was heaving slightly heavier than normal, Lucy quietly seethed in her seat, refusing to answer anymore questions about her friend.

"I cannot believe you right now Eli," She said, her voice calm. "Kevin wouldn't have been in the woods, and if he was he probably came across you guys and freaked out! That's what a normal person would do!"

Eli took a step back, confused as to why she just couldn't trust him with this. Raising his hands in surrender, he shook his head. "I don't see why you don't trust me with this. I can sense things like this, when something is rocketing off the scales. Please, can you ask him some questions? Or just don't see him anymore?"

A gasp escaped Lucy's mouth as she rose of the chair. Her mouth still hung agape as she began to leave the room. "I have one friend, Josh, but he's kidnapped, and I'm bored. I make a new one, he's really nice, you tell me he's a danger." She paused her movement and shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I won't be doing either of those requests." And with that she left the room, making Eli's mind a jumbled mess, his heart low.

Meanwhile, out still venturing about the forest, Cypher had found something. The faintest scent trail still graced the rock the man disappeared at, the smell of flowers finally dispersing from the area. The Devil grinned, motioning for Cerberus to scout the forest just once more as he wandered aimlessly. One of Cerberus's howls was heard, exactly as he expected. He made his way to the hound, the grin never leaving his face.

Lucifer reached the boulder where the mystery man disappeared, crouching down to put his head next to Cerberus. The floor was littered with smaller rocks, leaning against the boulder. The hound kept scratching at one, whining and sniffing. With a closer look, Lucifer saw that the ground around it was softer than that around it, which meant that the rock was frequently moved. So, he tested his theory.

Sure enough, the rock slid away to reveal a small platform connecting to a long shoot. He threw a stick down it, hearing only the faintest tap when it hit the ground. Very long shoot, he thought. A low bark from Cerberus alerted him to someone in the forest, meaning he had to leave. Covering the hole again, he and his hound erupted into black smoke. When it cleared, they where no where in sight. Rather, he was at the edge of the school grounds readying himself to return to the pack house.

Alfred, who was sitting in his office watching his son flip out, smiled slightly when the devil strolled into his office. He motioned for him to sit down, as to have a proper conversation. As Lucifer began his description of his findings, Parker had calmed down. He sat and listened intently, not focusing on anything else. He ignored his mother entering the room, ignored the shouts in his head from his beta. He was only brought out of his trance when Adam and Troy burst into the room, frantic.

They both walked over to Parker and whacked him upside the head. "Alphas listen to the yells in their head!" They shook their heads. "Group of intruders in our borders. We have them contained but they wont talk and we have some injured from bite marks, S.B wounds, and some green liquid."

"Silver Bullets! That means, rouges and hunters are working together..." Everyone was frozen, but the two boys fidgeted uneasily. "Do not relieve guards from the captured, treat the wounded and get Nick to analyse this green liquid in quarantine. Parker, Cypher, follow me. We're doing interrogation." Alfred's voice boomed, making everyone scatter. A synchronized 'Yes Alpha' was heard from his sons as they began to move to their respective jobs.

While everything was going in at the pack house, Josh was trying to use his skill of fake-sleeping to keep the capturers off his back. Whenever they found out he was awake, they'd knock him back into the world of unconsciousness. But he desperately needed to make contact. Footsteps neared him making him even out his breath, relax his face, and sharpen his hearing. He thought there might be useful information to give to the others.

"Vine are you sure they didn't follow you?" A voice suddenly said. The man speaking was nothing but another one of Hunters jockeys. "Vine..." He said again, threateningly. Another man with tin foil wrapped around his fringe walked into the room, sighing loudly.

"Of course, they didn't. It was in the forest, and, I used that terrible flower-smell satchel. The secret entry way isn't easy to find, so we are pretty safe here, Dave." The second man spoke, elongating his companions name with spite.

"Well, if it's so secure, then go check it out. Go back through the tunnel and scope the place out." Dave snickered, watching with amusement as the other mans face turned into upmost hatred.

"You know how hard it is to go backwards through that damn tunnel! It's a steep and long climb through a fucking metal tube!" He paused slightly to look at a text he had received. "Fuck you Dave. You yelled so loud that he thought it would be fun." And with that Vine left the room to wash the dye out of his hair and start the trek up the tunnel.

Dave just snickered before bending down to inspect the state of Josh. He 100% believed Josh was asleep so he left the room to deal with his next job. Listening to all the sounds going off in the surrounding, Josh found it safe to begin to link in with someone. Parker in particular.

Parker? Parker?! He yelled through their link. He waited, but he was feeling very impatient with his body chained to a wall and all. Par-

Give me a sec. So, he did, but he couldn't help the feeling that something was most definitely happening at the pack house. He was now ten times more worried for people's safety. What's up? How'd you get to link me? What's happening? Are you okay? I swear I will rip som-

I'm fine for now Parker. They haven't done anything in a while but let's not count on anything yet.

So how could you finally get in contact??

They normally knock me out, but I've mastered faking sleep. Anyways, I think I know where I am. Sort of. Josh paused, expecting some sort of enraged reply from his mate. And sure, enough it did come, just much calmer than he expected, and that scared him.

I swear to the devil I will do serious damage to everyone there. Parker seethed. Wait, information?

Yes, now I have a feeling I'm in the forest near the school but really deep in. Like a cabin sort thing. And there's this shoot/tunnel which somebody took to escape and they're going back there to make sure the spot isn't compromised, and I miss the pack house. I want to come home. Josh rushed, whining slightly at the end. Hearing Parkers voice gave him comfort but he still felt sad and empty.

We knew about the shoot thanks to Cypher, but we might be able to catch this guy if we go in stealth. Thanks for that. There was a slight pause in his response, nerves being sent through their bond. We'll be there soon, I promise baby. I know you can't do anything about it but please try and stay alright. I have to go.

OK. Stay safe.


And with that their conversation came to an end and Josh was brought back into his current situation fully. He dared a peak around the room seeing the door silently but quickly opening. He shut his eyes but was too late as whoever was entering had seen this small movement. The man advanced towards Josh and yanked his head painfully, a yelp coming from Josh. The man smiled as Josh's eyes slowly opened, the terror of being caught awake clearly showing.

"Well, well, well. What a lucky day. I finally caught you awake again. Ready to have some fun, pet?"

Josh growled.    

Okay, so I know how long Josh has been captured for, but I don't remember how long until the prom so if you remember please let me know (I know I should know this so sorry!) please. Okay, so Josh has been gone for three days now and the prom was in 10 days from the day he was captured which therefore means there's 7 days left to plan and stuff and so yeapp. Realistic? I don't know because I suck at planning (evidence: my life, this story). Will it work? Yes, very much so. So thanks for the read and I hope you keep on reading.

*Awkwardly leaves*


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