3- Troublesome Party

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There were a few parks, but one massive one in the center of the town. The greenery was so green. Next to the big park was a BIG building. It was 3 stories high with wonderful columns. It was the most beautiful thing in the town, and the police cars were headed straight towards it.


As all the people filed out of the police cars, two remained, too engrossed in their thoughts to move. The pair was startled by a knock on a window by the driver/s of the car.


I watched as the pair got startled by Scotch. It was quiet amusing seeing their faces. The blondie gazed into Scotch's eyes before FINALLY getting out of the car. The boy with raven black hair glanced at the door before sliding out the way his friend went. As if he was avoiding us. Sad. We all walked up to the rest of the group who was waiting inside for the 'leader' to come and guide them. Yep. That'd be me. I basically run this gorgeous town. You could call me the...

"Yo Parker! Dude, we gotta lead them around. Pay attention." Scotch broke me from my thoughts, brining me back into reality. I took the front of the group, swerving them throughout my mansion type home. I linked the rest of the pack to meet in the theatre room. Lil' Cutie was staying fairly close to me and I don't even think he noticed. So Cute!

Yeah, nah. Not gay. I'm bisexual. You know. I go both ways. So, this is normal. For the whole pack actually, some don't accept it but they're mainly REALLY old people. They just crazy. Anyways, we got to the theatre and everyone was staring at something. The pack, all the people. The 'herd', the theatre and my pack. "Hello everyone." My father's voice boomed, "Welcome to our home. I hope you enjoy your time here. We have thrown a little get together party and if you're confused or scared, ask someone you trust. That is all...so let the mingling begin!"

Everyone divided into small groups. Certain people were only talking to 2 members, probably asking questions. Scotch and blondie started talking immediately, leaving me and Lil' Cutie standing there in our little group, quietly observing everyone. I have a feeling that he'd be great at his role in the pack. He can observe people really well.

I felt a slight nudge on my arm, and so, like any normal person, I looked down. Lil' Cutie was looking at something across the room and once he thought I was looking, pointed. I followed his gaze and finger to find a girl being tormented by two men. I felt rage bubble inside of me when I realized who the girl was...my baby sister. "Is that allowed here? Actually, I don't care 'cause Imma go sort this shit out." And with that Lil' Cutie stormed off into the direction my sister was. I began following pursuit, but not without linking Scotch first. My sister looked so scared and had tears forming. She was still learning to control her mind-links so she probably couldn't use it under stress. I was about to snap.

"Chris! Tyson! What in the 7 hells do you think you're doing to this innocent girl!" Lil' Cutie yelled, catching the attention of the whole room. He looked like he was about to snap too... wonder why.

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