34- Immensely Annoying

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Alfred's group had just taken off to the left. Parker's straight ahead, while Eli's group prepared to scout right. Just as they were about to take off, the intoxicating smell of Lucy filled Eli's nose. But it was mingled with the smell of someone else. One who only smelt of trees and sweet pea bushes. He frowned slightly, ordering the others to hide from site. The last wolf made it to the bushes right before the incoming pair appeared.

Once Lucy came into sight, Eli hugged her tightly. Stepping back, he inspected the man that stood next to her. His frown deepened, something seeming off about the male. Why is he here? The search just started so I don't have time to waste.

Lucy smiled innocently. "Eli, this is Kevin."She said, placing a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Kevin, this is Eli." Her hand left his shoulder quickly when Eli let out a quiet growl. She smiled again, putting slightly more space between her and Kevin.

I thought he might be able to help. Her eyes moved to the woods. She knew wolves were hiding, waiting for their group leader. She really thought Kevin could help, so they could wait.

How could he- Eli was cut short when Kevin finally addressed him.

"You're the friend of that kid who punched Bradley! Ha, I applaud your friend for that." Kevin spoke, patting Eli on the back. The contact made him stiff. The ringing of a phone made him completely freeze. "Speak of the annoying brat." Kevin brought out his phone before retreating to the entry of the gym.

Eli gave Lucy a sceptical look before sighing, glancing towards the woods. Fine. Please just stay in the gym. I need to go, now. With emphasise on the 'need', Eli disappeared into the woods and finally took his team speeding off to the right of the woods. While that happened, Kevin was having a lovely phone call.

"No, Bradley. I'm not with him... Even if I was, I wouldn't actually tell you! Just-" He sighed aggressively. "Fine. Tell mom and dad that they raised you wrong, and that I won't be home for dinner. Goodbye Bradley." He ended the call, rubbing his face with his free hand. He loved his parents, but they seriously raised his younger brother wrong. Why did they have to make him into an asshole of a jock?

He turned to notice Lucy standing by herself, gazing at him expectantly. He stalked over, not in the mood to be the friendly, energetic, and playful person he acted like he was. He was tired and highly irritated. God, I have such an annoying brother. "Sorry Lu. Family matters are a bitch that loves to agitate me." She nodded her head, before what he said finally sank in.

"Wait! You and Brad are brothers?!" She was highly confused as she shouted her question. Kevin nodded, sighing. He gave her a hug before taking his leave.

"Maybe I can help out another day. I'm sure there's something for you to do at home." And with that he finally left the scene, heading towards a dangerous place.

In the meantime, Lucy made her way back to the pack house, looking forward to the time she could spend with the packs pups and mothers.

******** ******** ******** ********

Capture him!  Parker yelled to his pack mates. The left group spotted a male checking on traps, casually proceeding to the middle. His group spotted the man with ease. As the group chased him, Parker tried to engrave the mans image into his mind.

The dark brown hair that had a green fringe. The blue eyes that seemed to lazily glaze around the forest as the man moved effortlessly. The black hospital mask with twin guns printed on it that surely hid a smirk. He was even taking in the way the man moved, hoping it would be a give-away in a crowd. The last thing that was seen of the man was him jumping over a boulder, winking at the pack mischievously.

The wolves surrounded the boulder, but the man was no where in sight. Even when part of the hell hound showed up, there was not a single trace of the man. Only the slightest scent of a sickening sweet flower, that no one in the group could name.

Dammit!  Parker growled. They were considerably off course, tempting Parker to blow-up. He was immensely pissed that they had found nothing that afternoon. He hoped to the Devil, seeing as he seemed like a nice guy, that the others found something.

He led his group to the rally point, seeing his dad's group already there waiting. As they conversed, Eli's team appeared, all of them agitated. The Alphas took that as a sign that none of the groups came back with something successful. The only information they had was that green fringed man that never came to be near their grasps.

"Eli," Parker said, hoping that his team did not come across the man. "Brown hair, green fringe, blue eyes, black mask with twin guns. Sound familiar?"

Eli froze, not liking the familiarity from a certain man he met earlier today. "Sadly. I met a person who fits the description, but I can't remember if his fringe was green or not." He replied, sounding defeated. He worried, for if the man was who he thought it was, then this thing had just gotten a whole lot more complicated.

He really hoped that wasn't the case. But a small, quiet part of him was trying to yell, to tell him that this might bejust what they needed.

No one ever listens to that tiny voice. 

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