4-Trobelsome Party Pt.2

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"Chris! Tyson! What in the 7 hells do you think you're doing to this innocent girl!" I yelled, catching the attention of the whole room. Whoops, oh well. This needs to be sorted. The twins just looked at me with amusement in their eyes, probably thinking I can't take them if needed. Psshh. They don't know me.

"We were just having some fun until you ruined it." Chris replied with a smirk. "Looks like we'll have to just have some different fun with you." Tyson said menacingly. I looked to the girl who had tears brimming her eyes, but, she stopped looking sad the moment she saw me. I smiled at her before turning my attention back to the idiotic twins. "Look, you won't be having fun with me nor this girl." I said sternly. The pair scoffed. "Like we couldn't take you, seltsam." Ok. I'm on a shorter fuse now.

(Seltsam;- weird)

Nobody was expecting what happened next because of all the gasps. I charged straight forward, right fist aiming for Chris' face. Tyson seeing what was happening lunged towards me. I dodged perfectly, tripping Tyson in the process, making him fall onto Chris' lap. As the two of them fell and stumbled to get back up, I approached the girl cautiously. She smiled ear to ear, then unexpectedly hugged me. I stumbled back a bit but caught myself. She let go then stood by my side, pointing to what was behind me. I turned and saw a pretty hilarious sight.


Chris and Tyson were sitting on the floor, whining like the children they are, with rope around their hands. The man that welcomed had a hateful look in his eyes, and I'll tell you; If looks could kill, the twins would be melting at Earths' core. Everyone was looking at them disapprovingly, while some were staring at Josh in disbelief.


Daaaamn! Lil' Cutie got some skills! He had the perfect plan. Haha, now father will handle the twins. Anyone who messes with the family of the Alpha will pay a price. I walked over to Lil' Cutie and gave him a pat on the back. He seemed surprised. My sister turned to me and gave me a long hug.

"Hey Mimi. Sorry I didn't get to you earlier. Now aren't we lucky my friend here saw. Eh?" My baby sister looked up at me with sad eyes. "They were scaring me big brother. Kept touching my arms..." she looked at Lil' Cutie, "but he saved me in time and I now declare him my best friend!" Mimi announced with a huge ass grin. She let go of me and skipped over to our father, who engulfed her in a hug. She was going to help decide their punishment...fun.

I looked over to Lil' Cutie and realized that we didn't know each other's names. "Hey. Thanks for saving my sister from those stupid idiots. My names Parker Moonshed." We did a short hand shake. "Josh Kinkston, and it was no problem. But am I really her new best friend?" Lil' Cutie replied. I didn't need to answer him as Mimi popped out of nowhere, and started dragging him away, chatting excitedly.

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