14- Seeing Things

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After putting Josh to bed, I laid awake for hours on end. At 2 in the morning, I walked into my ensuite to refresh and relieve. Splashing my face with water, I stared at my reflection. A shadow moved behind me, flashing from corner to corner of the bathroom. I spun around to try and catch the culprit, but as I came face to face with the shadow, it disappeared. Cautiously, I walked out of my ensuite, eyes wide and scanning. Once I got back to my bed and saw that nothing was out of place, I convinced myself that it was from lack of sleep. I settled on the floor near the bed. Once again I saw the shadow. It was hovering over Josh, observing me, before it vanished into thin air. After it left, I fell into a stress-filled dream land.

*** *** ***

I awoke to my body being shook. "Parker. Parker. Park..." "Yep, I'm up." I say, cutting off Josh. He rises from the floor and walks towards the hallway. "Not to rush you or anything, but, I got to go to the infirmary before I can eat. And I'm starving." He voices, stomach rumbling at the end. I followed his actions and met him at the door. He went to go walk, but I stopped him. "It's not every day I give someone a piggy back ride." I say merrily, crouching down so Josh can climb up.

He climbed on and we started off to the infirmary. Somewhere along the way, we bumped in to a curly-haired teenager. "Mimi! Feels like I haven't seen you in ages." Josh exclaimed, climbing off my back to hug her. She hugged back immediately, pulling away to inspect his condition. "Hey Josh. A) I agree with you. B) Do I have a person to kill. C) Give me another hug." She said, going in for another hug.

Josh was the one to pull away this time, apologizing for his growling stomach. "Why don't we chat after breakfast? Sound like a plan M's?" I suggest to my baby sister and Josh. They both nod before we headed for our destinations. We went down some corridors until we were faced with the white door of the infirmary. I opened the door, waiting for Josh to walk in. He didn't budge. "I don't want to." He said. I shrugged and walked into the room with multiple doors.

I sat down in one of the chairs, soon hearing light shuffling of a person. A thump was heard to my right, followed by a loud sigh. "Screw it. Screw them. Screw the doctors." He said as soon as Dr. Nick walked out. "Fuck, fuck, and nope." Josh muttered under his breathe. "Glad you could make it. Just need to take a quick over-view and blood sample." Nick sounded quickly. "Why the hell do I have to have blood taken? Stuff that." "They're always better patients when they first come in. No offense. You just have a lot of attitude." Him saying that made Josh beam with pride. "Of course I do. Now let's get this over with so I can go eat." Josh enthusiastically responded.

*** *** ***


Parker made me breakfast. And guess what? It tasted fucking fantastic! I ate with pure hunger and enjoyment. I finished my last piece of bacon with maple syrup and a tiny bit of pancake. "I had the weirdest dream last night." Parker voiced. "Do tell." I say, swishing down my juice. "I saw a shadow, moving. It disappeared then came back. It was hovering over you, before it disappeared for the night." He said. I could feel face my transform into a frown. "Why would you have a dream like the?" I wondered out loud. Just then, I saw a figure of light rush across the room in attempt to hide.

My mouth dropped and Parker looked in its direction. He looked just as confused and concerned as I was. After seconds of staring at it, a shadowy figure appeared next to it. The things seemed as if they turned their bodies towards us, before they blended and vanished. "What the actual hell." Parker said. "How in the 7 hells is that possible." I added. We looked at each other before retreating to the garden. Fresh air and open space should surely make us feel better, right? As we practically sprinted for the outside world, a body went flying into Parkers side. "What the hell M's!" He yelled. "It's talk time." Was all she said as she went outside. At least it's outside.

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