46- Birthday Boy

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Late one afternoon, a week after all the seniors were finally free of the terrible thing called high school, Lucy was busy wrapping. She awkwardly stuck tape to the sharp corner of the gift, which ripped both the tape and paper. Sighing, she discarded the already used material and decided on an easier approach.

Sitting the gift on a fresh piece of wrapping paper, she scrunched it up to cover the object before running the tape along everything. Instead of having a nicely wrapped present with lovely paper, it was a nicely taped present which the paper was barely visible. Nodding, Lucy got up with determination before going on a scavenger hunt for her friend.

She ran into every Moonshed before rushing towards Parker who was without his mate. Lucy blocked his way of exit. "Where. Is. Josh?" She said between pants, considering her fitness wasn't what it was a few years ago.

Having the major need to pee, Parker just quickly pointed to the room he just came out of before pushing past Lucy. She was slightly offended, but that wasn't she felt was important.

Josh was sat on the floor with Remus, playing childish hand games and laughing. He felt a connection with the boy, a need to protect him, but not as a fatherly figure. Both the playing boys slowly looked towards the door when a hyper Lucy burst through the doors holding the terrifying present. Remus eyed her carefully while Josh sighed, knowing what was to come, so he stood up.

Lucy strode further into the room, swaying and quietly singing the happy birthday song, proceeding to shove the gift into her friends' arms. She clapped eagerly when he began to open it.

Once Josh was able to tear the paper off, he saw a large leather-bound book. Tucked away in its first page was a hand made card that had a visa gift card in it. Returning his attention back to the book, Josh saw it was a photo album. He turned each page carefully, seeing pictures from the early years of high school, when he and Lucy first met, to the week before at their graduation. He remembered taking majority of them, but some he had no clue were taken. There was one where they were all out in the backyard with a sleeping Cerberus on him while he was sleeping near the fire. Everyone else was smiling at the camera.

Setting the book down carefully, Josh rushed to give Lucy a hug. He loved it. "Thanks Lucy."

"No problem. And I figured if I get a REALLY big one, you won't have to get another one." Lucy replied cheerfully. She was partially stunned as this was the first ever present to get such reaction. She had gotten excited reactions, but never one of near speechlessness. Once over that fact, she felt accomplished.

After the little exchange, Lucy, Josh, and Remus returned to playing hand games, having fun being childish together.

A little while later, Parker strolled into the room holding requested snacks and drinks. He dropped them on the floor carelessly, heading over to the new book. Intrigued by the leather's artwork, he began flipping all the pictures. "What's this for?" He asked.

"My birthday." Josh said nonchalantly. "I've never really celebrated, but Lucy always gives me a present."

Parker's mouth fell open with pure shock. He had never met anyone who had just bypassed their birthday as another normal day; apart from some of the elderly folk who didn't care how many more days they had left. He carefully put the book down before returning to the matter at hand. "So, you're not doing anything then?"

Josh shook his head before pausing, looking back to Parker to serve a serious look. "Please, no parties." After receiving a short nod from his mate, Josh focused his attention back on little Remus.

Excusing himself, Parker began to throw ideas together. Something he could buy, something they could do, if he included other people and who and how many. His mind was racing before he came to a stop, bumping into a moving wall. Shaking his head softly, he looked up and saw none other then his best friend. He smiled instantly. "Eli! Great timing. I need your help with something." And with that he wandered off deeper into the house with his Eli by his side, planning something that wold hopefully melt hearts, not blow minds.

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