21- Lil' Cute Wolf

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As the afternoon rolled around on Tuesday, the four friends began their designated tasks for prom. Eli and Lucy were still debating which color would go better with silver glitter, while Parker and Josh were ordering cake samples. Having ordered 15 different cake samples at once they decided that that was enough for the day.

They soon began discussing what flavoured punch should be served which brought about controversy. The kitchen was filled with 'Pine Lime' and 'Citrus Crush' being yelled back and forth between the pair. 5 minutes went by until a voice interrupted the squabbling.

"Why don't you guys just do something with pineapple, lime, oranges, grapefruit and guava?" Mimi said, announcing her presence in the house. That made the boys quiet while the young girl grabbed food and left. Josh hummed while Parker looked at him.

"That is a good idea. But what's up with the guava?" Parker said, confusion lacing his voice as he questioned the fruit. His companion looked at him, head cocked to the side, and responded with a 'Gives it extra.' Neither knew what was next on their food list, so they sat in comfortable silence.

An idea popped into Parker's head. They needed food to munch on if people got hungry, so he decided to whip up some easy appetizers. As he gathered the ingredients a shuffled noise was made behind him. He turned to find Josh sitting on the island counter, legs swaying softly.

The pair smiled at each other before Parker started cooking the mini meals. After a few minutes Josh asked, "Whatcha making?" Parker prepared his cutting board on the counter and smiled, "Some of this and that." That response got a cute pout to appear on Josh's face as Parker began cutting.

After frying some vegetables, Parker turned to get pastry out and ready, hearing quick munching and scattering. While kneading the pastry he felt a wet snout on his leg which was connected to a very persistent wolf pup. Trying to ignore it, he cut and shaped little circles of puff pastry, spinning around towards the island.

"Now the quantities are off." Parker said with a light chuckle, watching Josh drop vegetables with haste. With an embarrassed face from being caught red-handed, Josh lowered his head as the wolf pup turned to him. As Parker made his way towards the counter, the pup tripped him, resulting in him run-falling in between Josh's legs.

Both boys blushed, the closeness seeming to let their breath mingle. Mint and carrots filled the pairs' senses, eyes lost exploring the others features. Being shy, Josh looked away and grabbed some carrots to eat. The wolf pup sat and curled around Parkers legs, immobilizing him. As he stared at his mate munching away, he felt the sudden urge for more contact.

Waiting for his Lil' Cutie to pick another carrot, Parker sat down his cutting board. Once Josh looked at him, Parker seized his lips in his own. It was a short and sweet kiss, but enough to make both blush more. Until Josh realized Parker stole his carrot stick from his mouth, resulting in him becoming a cherry.

Josh looked away quickly, hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Um, could I, um...have another, um... He stumbled in the mind-link, daring to look Parker in the eyes. Those swirling grey eyes that crept closer accompanied by a small grin.

Kiss or carrot? Parker teased, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it.

Josh stared at him then his lips, The first one.

Parker grinned wider, inching his face forwards slowly. To the pairs surprise, Josh pushed his lips onto Parkers, initiating the second kiss. It was tender and longer, arms wrapping around necks. As they leaned away, a weight was taken off Parkers legs, but neither moved a muscle. A smile was spread on each face. Eyes never taken off the other.

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