17- Late to School

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After dropping off Josh and Lucy, I went back home to prepare with Scotch. We were getting some things ready to help them start the prom committee, and for us. Josh and Lucy were so excited this morning. They can't wait for tomorrow. I'm fairly happy about it too. Scotch is dreading going back to school, but it'll be worth it. Tomorrow, we'll rock up in my Chevy, head straight for the office, and try to avoid the popular kids. Nobody in my household likes the popular kids, their bleh.


Josh, Parker, Lucy and Scotch were sitting in Parkers' Chevy, debating over ice-cream flavor. They hadn't realized they had been sitting there for 20 mins, not hearing the school bell ring. Once Scotch noticed that all the people were gone, someone finally decided to check the time. "Crap. We're late on the first day." Parker exclaimed before climbing out of his car. The rest followed his lead, sighing loudly.

"At least we don't have time to debate that mint is the best ice-cream." Lucy said, a slight bounce in her step. "Who said we would stop?" Scotch replied. The pair went off into their own little world, following behind Parker and Josh who were trying to avoid the gazes of kids in classes.

Shortly, the four arrived at the office, only to be met with slightly hate-filled eyes of old hags. "Mr. Kinkston and Ms. Henders, why so late?" An old lady with a head full of gray and lopsided lipstick questioned. "Our friends are here to enroll. Could you help them Ms. Swine?" Lucy asked back, not wanting to be there.

"I'll pass them onto Darlington. Do you pair have any updates in the committee? Or do I have to report this back to Ms. Tranvix?" She said evilly. Josh looked at the desk in front of him, going through something in his head. "We are putting roll posters, but we already have 2 new members." He informed Ms. Swine.

She nodded thoughtfully before waving her hand in dismissal, getting back to work. Lucy directed Scotch and Parker in the direction of Ms. Darlington's office before saying goodbye and heading to class. Josh lingered for a second, feeling as if he left Parkers side he would collapse, but he smiled and walked away, joining his friend.

I wonder how he truly is, Parker thought while he watched his mate walk away. He didn't have time to ponder as him and Scotch were called into the lady's office.

*** *** ***

Josh was sat at the back corner of his English class, lost in his thoughts. It's kinda sad how easily I fell back into my routine. After the fight, all my energy seemed to leave. Josh thought, ignoring what his teacher was saying entirely. He didn't want to bother Parker as he would surely also be in class. So, he just sat there, gazing out the window even when his name was called. He didn't budge, until the bell for lunch rang.

Josh sprung out of his seat, moving carefully and quickly to the exit. At that same moment, Lucy had raced out of her classroom, nearly knocking Josh over. They caught their balance and walked to the cafeteria together. On the way, the chatted about how boring their classes were. The pair soon made it to the cafeteria, finding that their table was still clear of any jocks.

Once they had gotten their food, they clearly showed their shock on their face as Scotch walked into the cafeteria, girls practically sticking to him. He saw the pair with their mouths agape and sped over to them. "Thank goodness. The girls here are bloody crazy!" Scotch said when he was next to them. "Sure, sure. Get some food and meet us at our table." Lucy replied quickly. Scotch did what was said, later joining Josh and Lucy at the table.

15 minutes into 1st lunch, Parker appeared at the table, tired and sighing. He had the worst first lesson ever. He was forced to sit in between a slutty girl and jock. They were annoying him all the way, asking question after question.

"Are you okay dude?" Scotch asked his friend. "What do you think?" Parker snapped back. "Sorry. I'll get over these peoples' annoyingness soon." He said kindly. Parker placed his head onto the table, spotting the food on Scotch's tray. He snagged all of his chips, eating them hungrily. "Dude! Did you just steal my chips?" Scotch raged when he finally noticed. "NO." Parker muffled out, mouth still full of food. Scotch sighed and slid his tray in the middle of them both.

The quartet started chatting away happily, ignoring the loud sounds of footsteps. Once the footsteps had stopped, an unfamiliar hand reached down and took Josh's chips. Lucy stopped mid-sentence and stared at the accuser. Everyone but Josh turned and looked at the thief, for he already knew it would be a jock.

"Oh, don't mind me. Just came to get some chips since they ran out." Brad, the head jock, voiced. His nose still slightly colored as he was the jock who Josh did damage too. Josh looked down at his tray, eyes closed, breathing concentrated. Brad pushed his shoulder forcefully, knocking him off the bench. Josh allowed himself to fall to the ground, all his friends standing on guard towards the bully.

"Not going to do anything this time? Thought that much from a der Schwule." Brad spat venomously. He turned to walk away, but was cornered by Parker, Scotch and Lucy. They all took a step forward, brains ticking away, thinking of hurtful insults to throw. But a punch was thrown instead. It was aimed at Parkers head, successfully landing a blow to his right cheek.

Parkers head flung to the side, his eyes growing dark. Scotch held his breath, knowing that this could turn into something dangerous. Lucy stood there, mouth agape with shock. Josh, however, was glaring harshly at Brad, wishing he could do something.

Parker turned his head back to stare at Brad, eyes swirling and dim. He cracked his neck and raised his fist, readying to punch. Before he could hit Brad, a jock came and tackled him to the ground. Three more appeared, launching themselves at Scotch and Lucy. Brad soon joined his friend on the floor, kicking and punching Parker.

Josh was overwhelmed. He was at a loss of what to do, but as he saw his friends in trouble, something dangerous snapped. Darkness seeped through all the cracks of the room, making the teenagers scatter like ants. The fighting group paused, light bouncing off everything. The darkness and light, blended and shifted.

Josh was sitting there, eyes closed, breathing focused. He knew that he was somehow doing this, but didn't care that much. He envisioned darkness protecting him and his friends, the light blinding their 'enemies'. The elements obeyed his commands, bringing an unknown force to the table. Everyone was staring at him, concerned and amazed.

Hellooo. I hope I'm not boring you. Sorry if you're confused about why people are speaking German. I will find a place to explain that, Otherwise...Thank you for reading so far! 

BYe bYe for now  :)

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