33- Start Searching

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As the sun rose on the day after the meeting, restless wolves shot out of bed. Parker rushed down to the kitchen, Eli not far off his trail. Cypher was sitting there, fresh coffee poured for the boys. They thanked him and sat at the table. Soon, the entire house began to move and were filling the kitchen ready to devour their breakfast.

Alfred addressed the pack during the meal. He asked for volunteers, receiving many. "I thank you all for wishing to help a new, but not officiated, pack member." His voiced boomed across the room. He returned to his seat, sighing lightly as everyone continued eating. "I should work on that." He mumbled while shovelling pancakes into his mouth.

The tiniest of smiles spread across Parkers face because of his pack. The happiness was short lived, as a weak voice sounded in his head. Please... Come find me. I want to come home.

Parker stiffened. The voice sounded like it was crying and in very much pain. He could feel the terror and agony his mate was feeling. He tried reaching out, tried getting a response, but it seemed his window had shut. His opportunity had passed, infuriating him. He let a low growl slip past his lips as he tried to contain himself. This silenced the table.

"We shall begin as soon as possible," Alfred said, rising from the table. Everyone followed suit, retreating to their rooms to prep for the mission. On his way out, Alfred clapped his son on the back, giving him support.

Parker just sat still, plotting on how to rip the person who took his mate away to shreds. Just you wait. We're coming. I'm coming to get you.

He trudged upstairs, waiting for the group to be ready.

During this whole ordeal, Cypher sat back and watched. He was certain they were on the right track. With his and Parkers anger, even he prayed for the poor, idiotic soul who took Josh away.

Because they were sure as hell that they were brining Josh back.


"Kevin!" I yelled. He stopped walking, giving me a chance to run up to him. I hugged him tightly, smiling largely. "Hey," I breathed, out of breath.

He smiled back at me, laughing quietly at my unfitness. "What's up Blondie?" I pouted at his nickname for me. It was not my fault I inherited my dad's blonde hair. I mean, I loved my hair, but I didn't like being defined by it. His smiled widened as his hand shot out to ruffle my hair. I jerked my body away, nearly falling over. "Good going there, Lu."

I huffed, beginning to walk away from him. I made it all the way to some monkey bars before he was by my side again. I climbed to the top and sat on them like one of those troubled and rebellious movie teenagers. I laughed at my own thoughts, Kevin poking my cheek to get my attention back. I jabbed him in the thigh, maybe just a little bit too hard. He flinched and started to fall backwards off the bars. Somehow, he managed to twist his body and fling himself back up.

I stared in shock. "Close ya mouth unless you want to be a fly trap." Kevin jokingly said. I instantly closed my mouth and swatted him away with my hands. We both laughed, swinging our legs in the gaps. "Any reason you wanted to meet up?"

I sighed, looking him directly in the eyes. "Well, as you know my friend is missing and you were in the gym with me. I was wandering if you saw anything I didn't." I shifted, laying down to gaze at the clouds. "It would be good if we could go back there, yeah? I'm really hoping to get something to help out the search party." He was silent for a bit before piping up.

"Sure, I'll help. But are you seriously asking me to break into the school, even when we have three days away from it?" He questioned. I gave him a double-thumbs up. "Fine."

I sat back up, reaching over to hug him. "Thank you!" Sadly, he avoided my hug, leaving me to hang awkwardly from the monkey bars. "Asshole. This is painful." I told him. He just shrugged, hopping off the bars and walking away.

"If ya want me to help, you'll have to catch up," he said, walking further away, backwards. As I struggled to get down a smirk graced his face. As soon as I was standing normally, he bolted, leaving me in the dust. He circled back, kicking up dirt. I inhaled some, coughing harshly. I glared at him.

"Don't start something with me," I warned. He walked towards me, hands behind his back. I was suspicious. Next thing I knew he had rubbed dirt and bark into my hair and started running off again. "You little fucker! Get your ass back here!" I yelled, begging to sprint after him. However, an old lady with a child stopped me.

"Watch your language young lady." She lectured. I nodded my head, mumbling out a quick sorry. In the distance I could hear my friend laugh. Once I was after him, I made sure he knew he was in trouble.

"I warned you Kevin!"

And the chase was on.

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