5- Bumble Bee Friends

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As I was getting dragged away by a small girl (I'm guessing her name is Mimi), she was chatting away happily. That was 2 hours ago. I have been sitting in her yellow walled room, listening to her telling me basically everything about her, for the past 2 hours. I can handle kids for an hour, tops. Well, Mimi isn't that bad but still, her room is yellow. I hate the color yellow.

"Josh Kinky. As I've said like 100 times before. What, do, you, think!!" She spun around in a REALLY sparkly black dress. "Beautiful" I replied with a warm smile. "Are you sure. 'Cause everyone I've shown thinks that even though it's sparkly, it's too dark & gloomy for a 15 year old, so are..." My face had turned into a frown, so, I cut her off. "Listen Mimi. You like what you like. If you like the color black, others have to accept that. If you like the color y-y-yellow, people have to accept that. You may be 15 but you know what you like & don't. You are you. That may be too in depth for this topic of color, or weird because you've known me for like 2 hours, but you have to accept yourself and others will to." She just looked at me with tears in her eyes, and before I could react, she was squeezing the life out of me with a bear hug.

I heard soft cries but they ended quickly. Mimi then walked over to her mirror, twirled and looked back at me with a smile. "I'll remember that. Thanks. I LOVE the colors black and yellow. Like a bumble bee!" She cheered. She then twirled and walked over to her speakers, and played the song... Black and Yellow! Mimi just started dancing. I started quietly singing along, until I was interrupted by a sudden voice.


Lil' Cutie, sorry, Josh. Josh was sitting on my sisters' bed smiling and lowly singing along to wait... is that Black and Yellow! Sweet. Anyways, I quietly walked behind Josh and sat on my sisters' bed. He stopped singing and froze. Aw, I was actually enjoying his singing. "Bear! I thought you'd never come. We have some things to talk about." That was all Mimi said before she started dancing again. There was a comfortable silence between Josh & me, but I wanted to make some conversation.

"Not to sound like I'm an eavesdropper, but you sound nice when you sing." I said in hopes he would sing again. Nope. He just started laughing, hard. "Please. I sound like a dying walrus with a seagull stuck in its throat." Mimi turned around, and in a flash, was standing in front of Josh. "That contradicts what you said to me earlier. If someone compliments you, accept it." My little sister said with a slight huff. "Mmk then." Josh then turned his attention and body towards me. "Thanks for complimenting my singing." "Can you keep singing?" He looked shocked.

"I finally found you... Oh my god! You've been sitting in a yellow room for almost 2.5 hours?!" The blondie and Scotch walked into Mimis' room.


Lucy & some guy walked into Mimis' room, while Lucy yelled at me. She was obviously waiting for my answer but for some reason I was pissed at her. "Yes, I have. And if you can excuse me, but we were having a conversation." She looked stunned. Lucy then turned and walked out the door she came in through. Oops, oh well. "You don't have to stay Scotch." Parker said. Scotch, cool name, followed after Lucy. I got up and closed the door. "Now. Didn't you ask me a question?" Parker grinned, seeming happy that I turned the friends away. "Yeah. Could you sing again?" Parker said. Mimi squealed & changed the song, which I happened to know.

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