45- Recovery Days

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The graduating class was expected back at school on the Monday for a graduation rehearsal. However, after all the raging parties, it seemed that no-one had gotten enough recovery days, so nobody showed up. The teachers were outraged but sighed and left it be. They thought that if the kids didn't mind no practice, then neither did they.

At the Cooplen's household, Brad was moving people into different rooms so that they weren't having a coma-like experience on his floors. He had about seven seniors that still hadn't awoken in the two days. He didn't dare call take them to a hospital in fear of being done with underaged drinking, but he was the favourite child and he knew his parents would get him out of it.

The other child roamed around with a disgusted expression painted on his face. He had majority of his belongings in multiple bags, dragging them to the front door. Just as he twisted the knob, his little brother popped out of nowhere like the gremlin he was.

"Now where in the world do you think you are going, Kevin?" Brad asked, following his brother outside.

"None of your business Bradley." Kevin spat back, checking his watch, waiting.

"As far as everyone is concerned, you are not allowed to stay at other places overnight, let alone move out. Wait 'till mother and father come back! You'll be in more than trouble. The police will have to get involved. Hah! Bye-bye big brother." Brad spoke, just furthering his brother's annoyance.

"When did you say they would be back?"

"5 minutes. Wait, why? Kevin." Brad's voice held a warning when he spoke the older boys' name. Kevin just shrugged and glanced down the street to see multiple approaching cars. Kevin smiled as he took the remaining steps needed to be at the edge of their drive. Only when the first three cars pulled up did Brad catch on. "Fucking hell Kevin!" He screamed before running inside to make things seems more... presentable.

A police officer passed by Kevin with a nod while two paramedics rushed into the house. A panic-ridden parent approached Kevin with tears in her eyes. She collapsed right before him, pleas leaving her mouth asking him where her baby was and if she was okay. When the woman's girl was carried out on a stretcher, she thanked Kevin for letting the authorities know before she verbally abused Brad who was now sitting in handcuffs.

Just as Kevin's things were becoming a hassle to hold, a young-looking cop came over to him. "Assuming you are Kevin Cooplen?" He asked, Kevin nodded. "Follow me and put your things in the boot. You can ride in the front." The man walked off before Kevin had time to move a muscle.

He hurried over and piled his things into the car and began moving towards the front seat before a firm hand stopped him and pushed him towards the back. The younger cop was pouting in the drivers' seat at his partner that was now occupying the passenger seat. "But-"

"No, only police in the front." Kevin couldn't see what was happening, but the rougher man got out of the car sighing and shaking his head. When he took his seat, the young one was smiling, hurrying everyone to do their seatbelts up.

"So, I hear the people you're staying with now will be giving you work. Legal work?" The smiling man asked, glancing over at Kevin who nodded. "Guess you won't be going back to the horrid school. You are a legend at the precinct. Just stay out of trouble. Don't won't to have to put you in handcuffs, I like you."

The man in the back grumbled out something about rules and morals and what-not. He wouldn't hesitate to lock the boy up, but he still needed to teach the younger one some lessons.

While Kevin was off to meet with someone who had become that of a friend, the pack house was in a calm state. Some adults were teaching the children things about their wolves, people were sparing, and others were just lounging around the territory. Lucy was spending the week with her family and Eli was pouncing at every little thing he could possibly do. The boy was bored, and his Alpha was in no need of assistance.

Parker and Josh had taken a stroll through the woods, a bag full of food and the other full of fluffy things. They set up camp in a small clearing and sat obnoxiously close to each other, laughing as young-wolf mishaps were shared. Then it occurred to Parker that he would not be graduating. "So, your school wanted to know more about me and why I was so old. Know what happened?" He received a motion to continue.

So, Parker explained how his old school had taken forever to get back to them, and by that time, it was very late Friday night. They found out he and Eli had already graduated as honour roll students while the old school was having a good laugh because 'those boys up to mischief again'. The school forbade the two from graduating as there was no need for them to and they were not allowed back into classes.

After reassuring Josh that he was still able to attend the graduation ceremony did they dig into the homemade food. At the bottom was a special treat.

Once they had finished their meal, Parker pulled out two mini apple pies. The sweets smelled scrumptious, and when the pastry melted in Josh's mouth and cinnamon covered his lips, he deemed them beyond delicious. "This is amazing!" Josh exclaimed.

Parker chuckled, "It's my secret recipe to mine and everyone's favourite dish. This is the best apple pie you will ever have." He took a peek at Josh's lips and discovered they were still covered in cinnamon. "You have a little something here." He said, tapping Josh's bottom lip with his finger.

Josh went to lick his lips, but Parker dove in for a kiss and stole the flavour of yummy goodness. When they pulled away, Josh turned his head to avoid Parkers gaze, but this just tempted Parker to trace kisses up and down his exposed neck. His lips brushed over a now sensitive spot near Josh's collar bone, resulting in the boy sucking in a deep, quick breath.

Parkers lips danced around the area, only ever faintly touching the spot, teasing. He worked his way up, reaching Josh's jawline. The boy refused to make a noise and turn burning cheeks back to face his attacker. When the light kisses stopped, Josh slowly turned his head to finally meet his mates' eyes. Parkers eyes flicked down to his sweet spot for a second before they were staring at each other once again.

May I? Parker asked, his eyes lowering once more. They never left Josh's after that.

It took Josh a moment to realise what exactly Parker was wanting. "Do you really want to?" He had doubts, even though they were mates, he still doubted that he was truly wanted.

Only if you want it.

Scared of what his voice would betray him, Josh shyly nodded.

Parker lent in for a long kiss, slowly making his way down his neck, trying to be as gentle as possible. When he reached it, Parker kissed the spot before sinking his fang-like teeth into the skin.

An (un)explainable urge took over Josh's body as his wolf pushed him. Next thing either boys knew, Josh had his own fang-like teeth sunk into Parker's neck, sending through magical energy, making it known that he was his. Josh's energy made its way back to him, forming a circle through the mates as it coursed throughout their bodies. The sensation was overwhelmingly delightful.

When it dispersed, the boys pulled away, short of breath as if they were completely frozen.



After a short make-out session where shirts mysteriously went missing, they noticed something on the others right shoulder blade. Josh dug around for his phone and took a picture of Parkers shoulder blade. What they found was gradient white, gray and black alpha symbol had imprinted itself onto his skin. With a snap of a phone, Josh saw that his was identical.

The pair was confused, but the fact that they had marked each other and received something special that would show others that they were each other's, they were a smiley bunch for the rest of the day.

Skin flushing pink when certain people were asked about a certain event also happened for the rest of the day.    

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