8- Realness

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I didn't respond to the sweet voice as I laid there. I was hoping the person thought I was sleeping and moved along. Luckily, I felt the warmth disappear from hovering over my body. After there was no sign of movement or life, I got up and retreated into Parkers bedroom. The wolves kept following me around, which I was thankful for.

I reached Parkers room and laid on the floor. "Ya know, you could sit on the bed. I, nor the pups would mind." I was shocked to hear Parkers voice as I shot up and glanced around the room. He was sitting at a desk in one of the corners, almost completely invisible. "The floor is comfortable when I want it to be, so it's perfectly fine." I replied. However, the wolf pups had another idea and abandoned me and sat on the bed. I looked at them with a pout. Once it turned my head back to look at Parker, his eyes were only inches from mine.

His face started to come closer to mine. I wasn't freaking out, I was too lost in his swirling eyes to care about it. Soon enough though, his lips were on mine. It felt like sparks ran through my entire body. Our lips didn't part. The kiss was beginning to deepen. I was sinking into it, enjoying the sparks that ran. I was sure Parker could feel it too. We broke apart after...umm...I don't know how long, panting heavily, even though we didn't make out. Parker backed away and stared into my eyes. I stared back into his silvery gray eyes that were dancing with green swirls and a golden circle around his pupil.

"That was...wow." He said, with a smile painting his lips. I felt my face heated up with embarrassment, making me turn to the wolves, hoping it would disappear. "Sorry about that. I umm, well. If you need anything, but don't feel like being social, send Razor down." Parker said, sounding a little flustered, before leaving me to my embarrassment. I sighed into Slades fur, hoping that I didn't blush that badly.


I walked to Scotch with a semi-blushed face. "What did you do?" He asked almost immediately. "Nothing serious. Just a small kiss. Agh. I hope I didn't scare him off." I said with worry overtaking. "Dude, if he knows about us, and is comfortable around the pups, how could one little kiss scare him?" Scotch said. He always knew how to stop me from stressing out. "Thanks Scotch." "No problem, Moonlight." He said smiling a little. He never missed a chance to use that nickname. I don't really mind though, it's different.

I asked Scotch what the situation was with his mate. "I don't even know where she went. The last place her scent was at the pool." He said sadly. I walked outside calmly, and inspected the cater carefully. I spotted something in the shadowed corner. Yo Scotch! Found her. He came rushing through the doors and called out to her. She resurfaced. "Is it true? Are werewolves real? Are me and you mates? A-are Josh and Parker mates?" Lucy asked, seeming at war with herself. "Yes Lucy. Why would we lie to complete strangers? Well... sorta strangers." She shrugged in response. She looked like she still had something on her mind. I'm a curious wolf, but I don't go snooping unless it's a dire situation.


Eli and Lucy walked back inside the house. Parker stood in his place like a statue. He was lost in thought, which kept travelling back to the kiss he and Josh shared. Josh was thinking about it too. The pair were lost in a world of thoughts. The passionate but simple kiss the two had was intense but gentle. Having held it for a minute or so, Josh will never forget his first kiss. Nor the strange sparks that were shooting from his lips. Parker wouldn't forget it either, as he knew from that point on, Josh was even more better then he thought. Leaving him smiling widely at himself, and Josh blushing into Slades coat.

Hello! I hope you readers liked this little cute scene =)

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