15- Yay... School

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Josh, Parker and Mimi are all sat around an unlit fire pit, taking in the beautiful flora during their conversation. They were talking about werewolves and some of the jobs Alphas and Lunar are required to do. Somewhere along the line, Mimi remembered she had to go to school on Monday, which was a day away. This reminded Josh of his school, the annoying teachers and students, and prom. He was not going to enjoy going back, away from people who cared.


"Nope. I don't want to go." I said, hoping that was enough to convince Parker to not take me. "Why? I need more of an explanation then that." He replied with. Mimi sat there, listening to our conversation, enjoying it somehow. "Umm, I don't want... The pups!" I yelled, receiving a shake of the head. I groaned. And groaned, and groaned. After I finished my groaning session laughter erupted through the silence. "You know what. I'm going to leave and see if Mom will take me shopping." Mimi laughed, walking away with a slight bounce in her step.

Parker adjusted how he was sitting to look at me properly. "I would very much like to know the real reason." He said softly. I turned away to the rose bushes. Trying to piece together a lie, I sighed and looked back at Parker, failing at my plan. As I stared into his eyes, the world became blurry. It felt like I was being hypnotized. The silvery gray was like a brewing storm, the golden circle around his pupil bright and burning, green swirls dancing as ribbons. They were truly mesmerizing.

Sighing again, I took up the courage to tell him, though it may not be much. "I don't want to leave the people that care to go see people that don't. I'll defiently miss the pups during the day..." I trailed, moving my eyes from his gaze. "You'll see them before and after though. Everyone will still be here at some point." Parker responded. "So... are you willing to go back to the depths of stupidity?" He questioned. "Sure. Why not." I replied.

He smirked, obviously having a plan run through his head. "Does shopping sound like fun?" He asked. My face dropped, slightly confused. "We could tag along with M's and my mom?" He suggested. I got up and walked into the house, going straight to the kitchen. Talking sure does make you thirsty. So, do you want to go shopping? Parker prompted. Why not? I need a few things anyway. I replied, feeling defeated.

*** *** ***

"No, no. Thank you Margo but really, I don't want to be a burden." I said to Parkers mother, attempting to pass her offer off. "I insist you come out tonight and have dinner. We all are very happy you met Parker. You made friends with Mimi instantly! You must." She exaggerated. I looked over to the mentioned children to see them smiling, staring off into space, acting like they weren't eavesdropping. "Fine. I will join you guys for dinner." I replied, sighing in defeat. Margo smiled widely. "Alrighty then. It's time to go children." She said, beginning to walk to the car.

Me, Parker, and Mimi followed behind, carrying the bags of shopping. Mimi wound up skipping next to her mother, Parker shuffling next to me. Neither of us said anything until we were on our way back to town. We went out of town to go into certain stores Blood Moon Pack doesn't have. Enjoy the little shop? He questioned. As much as I could being cramped in tiny dressing rooms and surrounded by annoying strangers. I replied quiet sassily, receiving a small snicker. Okay. Dully noted to not ask you about your shopping experiences. Parker said, amusement overtaking his smile.

*** *** ***

Me and Lucy got dropped off at school 30 mins ago, along with some others. When other people arrived, whispers started and thus the rumors began. Walking around seemed so awkward. First lesson was Science, filled with all the people we insulted and flicked off... Yay. We sat at the back like normal, becoming completely ignored. Thank god. I thought, until the teacher walked in. "Welcome back kidnapped students. And thank you for your warm goodbyes that day." Ms. Walters said, staring right at me and Hinders. "Yeah, no worries. Let's do some Science!" Hinders said, diverting the class's attention to what groups they'd be in.

The rest of the day went on like it would have before we were abducted. During lunch, our normal table had already been taken over. "Well then. Those people are in for a surprise." I said, receiving a nod from Lucy. We walked over to the table, food in hands. When we got there, the people looked up. "What do you want?" A jock asked. "For our table back." I replied. "Sorry. You snooze you lose. Or is it, We don't really care so move the fuck along?" Those idiots just punched my nerves in the nose. "I thought it was move before I do something to you." I sassily said. The jocks narrowed their eyes, raising their trays from the table.

"This is not over. You can have it for now, but next break and after it's our." They said before strutting away to who-knows-where. Hinders sat down, me following suit. We ate in complete silence, letting me get lost in my thoughts. My mind drifted to the Moonshed household. The small-ish shopping spree I went on the other day. Parker. I felt a longing in my heart, a longing to be near him. Thinking it was nothing serious, I arose from my seat as the bell rang. I tiredly walked to my next class (without Hinders) and sat at the very back, attempting to blend with the background.

I couldn't focus properly. My mind was empty. My emotions were on overload. I was starting to think it had something to do with the bond thing, but I couldn't be bothered asking. Thankfully this period led to 2nd lunch, giving me time to regroup for my hardest subject.

*** *** ***

During lunch, the jocks came up to the table which I was already sitting at. "Move scum." The 'leader' voiced. "Make me." I hissed. Two guys then wound theirs arms back and released something from their hands. Shortly after, I was covered in milk and pasta. I looked down to see my brand new out fit destroyed. This was my favorite outfit from the shop. Something snapped inside me as I thought of the money spent on this.

"All of you are bloody idiots. Stupid mindless jocks." I evilly murmured, picking my tray up and throwing it at the clowns. Only one dodged my attack. They all sprinted towards me, missing me entirely as I can actually dodge. One guy saw through my plan and was able to punch me in the jaw. "What the actual fuck just happened?! You fuckers are going down!" Hinders voice filled the cafeteria. She rushed over and kicked a guy in the balls. I laughed only to get another fist to my face.

The dude kept swinging, I kept dodging. Soon the roles switched, but I landed quite a few successful blows to the guys now bleeding nose. Too soon, the heads came in to stop the fight. They put me and Hinders on one side, block-heads on the other. "Anyone care to explain?" The principal asked. I just started to laugh, and laugh. Hinders soon joined in making us seem like the crazy pair we are. "Fine. All of you, my office, now!" She boomed, walking away with quick steps.

I stopped laughing and looked Hinders straight in the eyes. "Aren't we crazy bitches." I voiced, amusement lacing my words. "Hell yeah!" She yelled in reply, strutting out of the cafeteria, me following behind. We both started cackling like witches.

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