23- The Fallen

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Scribbled lines mark paper spread along a café table. Colored pens and pencils lay chipped and dry, scattered everywhere. A computer running on low battery sits in the middle of the chaotic table. Empty plates and cups are neatly stacked near the edge yet threatening to fall. Crumbs cover the pair who are working hard to complete their task. A moon in the corner of the screen, a wolf running on water, mountain ranges and trees with a clear sky completes the picture.


Josh was seated at the messiest table in site. He had been working on the prom poster with Parker for the past hour or so. They knew the theme but couldn't seem to decide on pictures and colors. They decided to go with the colors Lucy and Eli chose for the theme and added acouple 3D objects.

Every now and again Josh would readjust the bandage on his nose, causing a pain to shoot through his body. The fight early that day had taken a toll on everyone's body but now they were relaxing. As well as they could while getting publicity done for the prom.

Parker sighed heavily, happy they completed the task. "This. Looks. Amazing." He said, putting an arm around Josh's shoulder. Smiling at their work, Josh nodded his head in agreement, cheeks heating upfrom the simple action. It was cute to Parker as he ruffled his mates' hair. 

Being in a cheeky mood, he lightly kissed Josh on the cheek, color intensifying. An ever-so-faint outline of ears became on Josh's head. Feeling Parkers stare, Josh sighed. Right as he was going to spark a conversation, Parker's phone rang. Seeing Dr. Nick's name made him answer with haste.

"Parker! Is Josh there?" Nick yelled through the phone. With Parker replying with a simple yes, Nick continued his speed-talking. "I found it! The missing puzzle piece! Josh is human, werewolf, and god! Cyp-" An uproar in the shop brought Parker to drop the phone. A tall, well-built man, waltzed in. Hair as bright as the sun, a smile as creepy as the night, amethyst eyes looking left to right. 

The man was yelling. Yelling about a relative, a young boy named Josh. The people in the café had gotten up to defend Josh, some knowing of his brother. But once the man's eyes landed on the famous pair, he disappeared out of sight. In a blink of the eye, the yellow-haired man was seated at their table.

"I finally found you! Josh Midstar, my fallen brethren. I am Cypher, the God of Chaos and Harmony. Though I am forced to cause chaos. Family issues are terrible." The man rambled, making Josh sink into the seat. He was confused and scared, wishing he could merge with the chair entirely. Sensing his fear, Parker stood, towering at his full height. 

"What business do you have doing in this packs territory? Let alone speaking to my mate?" Parker said, curious and anxious.

"Do trust me when I say I mean no harm. I am here to discuss a few things with my cousin... who seems to have found a mate at this young age." Cypher replied, a devilish smile appearing on his face. Then it dawned on Parker. This man was Cypher. The Cypher. He truly was a god. And if he was related to Josh then Nick had to of been right. As Parker sat back down, Josh's ears and tail materialized. 

"Come with us." Parker said, as much authority in his voice as he could muster. He turned to his cowering mate, and sweetly said, "We're going to see Nick. I have a feeling I know what he was about to say."

Inside the pack house, 4 figures were sitting in the cramped office of Dr Nick. He and Parker were in deep conversation, eyes wandering to Josh every now and again. Cypher had situated himself in a corner, watching the scene play out. He was concerned that Josh was not told of his past and present matters. The focus of most sentences was curled into a ball. 

Josh felt overwhelmed. Confused as to why he had so much going on. He thought back to the last couple months, before he was taken in by the Moonshed family. He hated his life and wished to escape. He was happy when that opportunity was given to him. It was all safe and happy after he was rescued from his brother. Until that day at the shops, everything went downhill in his mind.

And there he was, sitting in the room with the Devil, his mate, and a werewolf doctor. His own life was shocking him more then it should. Replaying all the events in his head, Josh's breathing increased rapidly. His hyperventilating caught the attention of everyone in the room. Parker rushed to his side, Nick gathering medical supplies. Lucifer remained seated, flicking his hand in their direction. 

Time itself slowed, leaving only two moving freely. Cypher rose out of his chair, advancing towards the shaking Josh. "You must calm down. We can't get anything sorted if you keep going. Please." He said, his smile putting a harmonious feel to the environment. Josh slowed his breathing as best as he could but still reached out to Parker to steady himself. Once he touched Parkers arm, Parker roared to life, full speed now active.

"What the actual hell?" He yelled, cuddling his mate close. The softness of fur against his skin didn't faze him as he knew something happened.

Cypher replied with, "I'll be ready when you are ready to talk. I don't want to rush you cousin, I thought you knew." And with that he disappeared from sight, only to return when the time was right. Parker relaxed, playing with Josh's ears. Time returned to normal as the doctor stood spaced out, confusion etched on his face. He sat down, hands clasped tightly together.

Nick blocked out the world, lost in his thoughts of medicine and science. Parker and Josh left him be, retreating to their shared room. Once they entered the threshold, the pair was surrounded by wolf pups. All six of them lazed on the bed, laying over each other with comfort. Before their world was surrounded by pleasant darkness, a dark tail started swaying lightly.

The number of wolves on the bed increased.    

Helloo! What do you guys think will happen next? Was Lucifer one of the lurking shadows? If so, which one? Who are the extra wolves on the bed?

Anyways, below is the prom poster because yeah.

I hope you guys are enjoying and thanks for reading this far lovely readers!!

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I hope you guys are enjoying and thanks for reading this far lovely readers!!

Bye bye

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