41- Back and Out

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After three-ish days of rest, Josh decided to go back to school for the last three days of school. Considering he had done all his tests early and Lucy would be busy with the prom, he himself wandered why he was going. The only company he would have would be Parker, but as far as he was concerned, his mate was still not allowed to be back at school until the next day. Nobody had the need to tell him otherwise. That and the fact that Parker told them to not tell him.

Josh happily yet begrudgingly got ready for the day. When he went to leave, he was confused to hear that Parker already left as he had some business to take care of so Eli would be dropping him. His mood instantly dropped as he wouldn't be able to see his mate before entering the hell hole known as school. He didn't stray from his own path and avoided the people around him as much as possible. Until lunch.

Josh didn't want to go to the cafeteria, but he had forgotten his lunch and he was extremely hungry. So, he ventured into the jungle and was instantly approached by piranhas. The popular girls flooded around him and bombarded him with questions that they did not need the answers to. Thankfully, someone came to his rescue.

"Now, now, boys and girls, there's nothing here. No information that you must know. He must've just been sick, that's all. Move along now, skedaddle." Kevin ushered all the people away, his presence alone enough to make them disperse.

Josh looked at him sceptically, not really knowing who he was. "Do you know who I am?" Josh shook his head. "Well then. I'm on a probation type period with the pack since I was on the bad side but then switched so I'm a good guy now, but I know how sketchy that seems. The names Kevin and I promise I won't do anything. Parker would know anyways."

Josh nodded, still unsure of this very extroverted person. He looked him in the eye and was about to start speaking but the bloody jocks wandered over. Josh froze, but he now knew he could take them. If his wolf decided to wake up from the nap it started in history.

Brad strode at the front of them all per usual, his face contorted in confusion. What an ugly human being this boy is, Josh's wolf suddenly said, making Josh laugh quietly behind his hand. When he stopped, he wouldn't quite smiling, annoying Brad. Josh really couldn't help it as his wolf kept on making comments about Brad, that were mean, but hilarious to him.

"What are you laughing at, shitface?" Brad spatout, his ingenious insult making Josh smirk. "Why don't I just come and wipe that smile off your face then?" He took a dangerous step closer, hands already balling into fists. The head jock hated the fact that the easiest target in the school was the fact that his arm was in a cast, and that the boy now had the confidence to stand up to him. He went to raise his fist but was stopped short.

"Bradley! What are you doing? I thought you knew better than to mess with my friends... Tsk, tsk, what an irresponsible brother you are." Kevin stepped in, his hand on Brad's chest to halt his movement while his face was put in a scowl. Brad shook his head, not believing him.

"You're barely here. If I remember correctly, this is the first time you two have met, so he isn't your friend, just a punching bag. I'm surprised you haven't been reported to your-" Brad spoke, signally for his group to lowkey surround him, but he was cut off before he could finish his last words.

"We know why. So, let's just keep it in the family then yeah?" Kevin said, ushering Josh to just leave the cafeteria. "Unless... You would like a matching cast on your good arm?" He waited until Josh had left to carry on with his business.

Meanwhile, Josh was strolling over to the gym, hungry and bored. He became extremely irritated when he saw that the gym was "Out Of Function Due To Repairs". In all his time at the school, not once had they even touched the gym, but when he wants to be alone, it was out of order. He was about to see exactly what was happening in there, aka opening the door, but someone beat him to it.

The next thing he knew he was engulfed in a hug from Parker. His wolf yipped in excitement, while he internally squealed, something that was new to him. They sat outside of the gyms entrance for the rest of the break. All was good until one of the teachers walked pass and hurried over to the pair. The teacher rambled on about how Josh shouldn't keep going missing, that he needed to report to the office, and that his parents were in. Then the teacher left.

Josh's mood instantly dropped, so being the caring person he was, Parker offered to walk him to the office. Luckily, the bell hadn't rung yet so they were able to walk through the halls a laughing mess, hands swinging in time with their steps. The pair stopped just before the office doors, Josh wishing to not go in and face his parents.

Parker moved so that he was hugging Josh's waist from behind, putting his face in the crook of his neck. He whispered words of encouragement and slightly swayed the both of them. He slowly turned Josh around so that he could give him one of the best smiles he had ever given. With a quick peck on the lips, he released his mate and began to head back to the gym.

"It'll be fine." He shouted over his shoulder, winking at waving which got butterflies to rise in Josh's stomach. If not, then we will be able to fix that.

Once again Josh was cut off, but this time by his mother opening the door of the office. She scanned the hallways and gripped onto Josh's wrists as soon as she spotted him. She forcefully dragged him into the principal's room and sat, more like threw, him in a seat. She stood there, staring at him while tapping her fingers rapidly on her arms. Her husband sat in the chair next to Josh and completely ignored his presence. As far as he was concerned, he had only one son who was out in the woods hunting.

"Now, Josh, your parents-"

"Your parents want to know where you have been staying!? We are not idiots to knowing that are son has run away!" His mother screeched, cutting off the principal who was having none of it.

"Excuse me Ms. Kinkston." Ms. Tranvix said, glaring down his mother. "As I was saying, your parents were wandering why you aren't going home, and, when they found out you had been missing so many days, that if you were okay."

"I got sick." Was Josh's only reply.

"Why didn't you tell them?" Tranvix pushed, not seeing his reply as a good answer.

"I'm independent. I moved out. If only they would remember that conversation, then they would know I found a nice shared house a town or so over." He stated, his face stoic and voice void of all emotion except for annoyance.

"We never had that conversation. I swear on my life." The father finally spoke, letting it known that he was not impressed with what the boy was trying to pull.

"Of course, how could I forget an important detail. You were both plastered and high."

"That is illegal! Not you moving out, but YOU TWO are despicable." Ms. Tranvix said, completely and utterly appalled but he two adults in front of her. "You can go Josh, I hope you feel better. Let the others know to report to me about the prom." She motioned for Josh to leave, and he did so in a hurried manner to escape the room. And also to get to his English class. The principal focused her entire attention back onto the boy's parents. "You two, however, must stay here until further notice. There will be people coming by here soon so just stay put and calm. Nothing is going to happen."

And with that she strolled out of her own office and locked the door. The windows in her room were fake and she did not want the two people in there to escape at any chance. She sped to the front desk and ordered the sweet old lady working there to call the police, immediately.

Kevin was sulking in a corner somewhere smoking an unknown substance, Brad was sitting on the bench on the football field, Eli and Lucy were no where to be seen, Josh's parents were shortly escorted out of the school by the police, and Josh made it in time for English just before the second bell to find his favorite seat being saved by none other than Parker (who snuck into class).    

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