29- Cerberus

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The way back to the Pack grounds was full of silence, minds lost in thought. This did not stop as the group reached the house. They all parted ways, the adults moving to the Alpha's study while the children moved into the garden. In the separate spaces, they all managed to sigh at the same time.

As the children took seats on the floor, Eli and Lucy sat knees touching, Mimi near her brother. Josh laid his head on Parker's lap, closing his eyes in thought. In all honesty, he believed that once he saw the dark side of Cypher he would freak out. But all he did was try to stop the god from ripping them all apart. He thought he'd freeze when faced with beasts from hell. But he could handle the hound.    

Josh zoned out of the world as he felt fingers run through his hair. The feeling soothed him. The fingers froze when he felt fur rub against his exposed hands. Soon, he felt weight on his chest and warmness of another body seep through his jumper. With that in mind, he shot up, grasping whatever was on his chest without looking.

"Should we make a fire?" Josh asked, looking around at the group. They paused their conversation to think.    

"Yeah, it is getting a bit cold."

"Aw. Isn't my warmth enough for you Lucy?" Eli said, acting hurt. Lucy rolled her eyes and got up from her seat.

"No." She said before walking towards the little dip the Pack had set for fires. Eli rushed after her, teasing and lightly kissing. Mimi smiled at the couple before looking over at Josh and Parker, hesitantly getting up. She pointed to what Josh had in his arms before walking away, saying nothing.

Josh looked down to inspect the animal in his arms. Shocked at the sight, he nearly dropped the three-headed wolf pup with strange markings and a collar. He never knew an animal could be so cuddly. Except for Parker's wolf.

The baby wolf opened its eyes and stared into Josh's. "Is that you Cerberus?" He asked, slightly confused at the hounds' size. Cerberus yipped happily, wagging its tail ferociously. Josh chuckled quietly at his newfound friend. Parker, who was observing the two, sighed before getting up and kissing Josh on the forehead. He looked over at his friends and laughed at their struggles to start the fire. He jogged over to help, just in time to stop one of them from sparking themselves.    

Josh felt his presence leave but never took his eyes off the little hell hound in his hands. He set it down, letting it prance around his body. Once it stopped, his hand could not help but reach out and play with an ear on every head. Cerberus was so fluffy as a wolf pup. The two just stared for a bit, raging laughter bringing them out of the trance.

Parker and Eli laid on the floor, dirt and grass stains their clothes. They had been wrestling about who would get food from the kitchen while Lucy laughed her ass off. The boys joined in after they finished their match. As the boys laid there, the were saying things like 'Never knew our laziness or love for food would come to this'. Josh got up and headed towards the house. He decided to get the treats for the group.

Getting stuff for smores. Anything else? He mind-linked Parker, being careful of the dog around his feet.

Nah, we're good. Parker replied. Sighing, Josh went and grabbed the chocolate before the pitter patter of paws sounded. He spun around to find Slade, Duke, Razor and Light sniffing around. The four wolf pups- that the more he thought were not actual pups- began growling at the little Cerberus. The hell hound growled back, making Josh tsk at them.    

"Seriously. No." He said, bopping each one on the nose. Slade laid down, tongue hanging out of his mouth. He smiled at the wolf. Then he had an idea. There was the perfect number of wolves for the smores ingredients. His smile widened. He handed Razor the crackers, saying, "Take it out to Parker." He repeated this with Duke and Light, having them take the marshmallows and chocolate to the others. Looking back at Slade and Cerberus, Cypher popped into mind.

Josh ventured throughout the house to find the devil as he had a few questions. After many turns and stairs, he found the he was searching for. He knocked on the door, waiting patiently until Cerberus shoved it open and strolled in. Josh awkwardly walked into the room, eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. "Umm, I just...had some questions." He stuttered when Cypher appeared.    

Cyphers eyes were that vibrant violet but dimmed when met with Josh's. The darkness receded as he emerged from the corner he hid in. He smiled at his cousin, beckoning him in further. "Questions may just lead to more questions. But ask away." Cypher said, sitting on a couch.

Josh sat on the one opposite, only then realizing they were in the library. "Why are you in the library?" He asked, pausing before turning slightly red. "Whoops... I mean... How did you get Cerberus here?" He said, pulling the hound onto his lap while Slade jumped up next to him. He rubbed both their heads waiting for Lucifer to reply.

"Well, we're connected by hell and darkness. He is technically my dog. My powers have strange ways and I do not know the full capacity of them yet. Yes, your powers are like mine. No, not exact. Yes, I'm pretty sure you could summon Cerberus with practice." Cypher said, rambling like he knew what all of Josh's questions would be. This left said boy shocked but had answers that he understood. Then his mind wandered to the last sentence.

"Wait. You're saying I can summon Cerberus here? Like, is he my dog too?" He said, looking amazed at the pup in his lap that was sleeping.

"Yes, but for now I feel like your friends are looking for you," Cypher said, gazing onto the door before footsteps were heard. "And do try to get some sleep. You don't have to be a detective right now." He finished before disappearing deeper into the shelves. Josh was left even more stunned. So stunned he didn't know someone was sneaking up on him.

Slade and Cerberus perked up, looking behind the couch they were positioned on. The person there was too fast as they tackle hugged Josh from behind before the pups could do anything. The person laughed when Josh squeaked, his ears and tail popping out. Shortly after the room filled with Mimi, Eli, Lucy and Parker all laughing while Josh glared at the young girl who scared him.

"It's not funny," Josh said pouting.

"C'mon. You have to admit it's a little bit funny." Parker replied, hugging the now standing Josh from behind. "How could you not have learned her scent yet?" He said chuckling lightly. Josh's pout struggled to stay on his lips.

Parker gazed at his cute mate with love. Kissing him on the head lightly before dragging him off into their room for some well-deserved sleep.    

I hope you guys are enjoying the story! 


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