9- No Unsettling Water

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After having a short nap in Slades fur, I decided it was time for food. As I got up, I realized that Razor, Light and Duke were asleep. Only Slade was awake, with his tail wagging. I started to make my way down to the kitchen until I heard a growl. It was Slade growling at Lucy. I speed-walked over to him and petted his head in hopes to calm him down. Thankfully, he did. "Hey Josh. I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to upset you. I... I believe now." Lucy said, hope in her voice. "Sorry for snapping at you." I replied. "Are you going to dinner?" She questioned. I nodded in response. "Let's walk together!" She smiled and started dragging me by the elbow. After we made it down the stairs she let go and began chatting happily. Slade brushed my left leg as I sighed.

We made it to the kitchen to find everyone seated and eating. I went to sneak around, which was going great, until Lucy yelled 'Where's the food at!' All heads turned in our direction, making me dive behind the island. Slade came trotting after me, Parker trailing behind. "You gonna come sit at the table, or is the floor too comfortable?" He asked, amusement lacing his voice. "I'll eat here if that fine with you guys. I don't like crowds." "Well then. Mind if me, Scotch and Lucy join ya?" I looked into Slades eyes before replying with a small 'sure'. Soon enough, Parker, Scotch, Lucy, Slade and I were sat in a circle, food in hands. Lucy smiled across from me. She did try to sit on my right but Slade stole the spot and growled. He was cute though. Scotch was sitting next to Slade, with Parker on my left, knees just touching. Whenever either of us would shift, our knees would lightly brush, sending shocks though me and putting a smile on his face. A very cute smile might I add.

We were chatting away happily as a familiar sweet voice chimed. "You group look so much like little ones. It's sweet." The voice said. "Nana." Parker said happily, standing up to hug her. "Josh, Lucy. This is my Nana, Rosella." He said with a warm smile on his face. "Nice to meet you two. I know one of you can call me Nana, but only if you wish." She paused slightly. "Hello Eli. Let's see...right! Your parents were looking for you, but they went home. I suggest you go see what that was about, yes?" Rosella said kindly. "Will do. Thanks Rosella." Scotch said, giving the sweet old lady a soft kiss on the cheek before leaving. "Lucy my beautiful girl, do you like it here?" She questioned politely. "Yes, I do. Everyone is so nice." Lucy replied as Parker sat back next to me. Rosella beckoned Lucy to her side, continuing the conversation as they walked away.

"Rosella seems like a very nice person. Plus, her name is beautiful." I said. "Yeah. Me and her are really close, and she treats Scotch like family." Parker replied, smiling. His smile was so cute I would take a picture if I had a camera. "Well. If you keep being you, you won't need to take a picture. You'll get to see it every day." I blushed, hoping that I actually didn't say that out loud. But how else would he know my thoughts. "Look. Last night I left out some details that I'll tell you over time. First one is that werewolves have a mind link." He said. Giving him a nod of understanding, he continued. "We have a mind link with our family, pack members, close friends and mates. All are separate unless wanted to be." Parker looked into my eyes to make sure I was following before going on. "I have one wither almost everybody in this town. And one with you. I just haven't used it yet so I wouldn't freak you out." I nodded. "So, do you mind if we use it? You can turn off, but you'll have to learn." He said, sounding like he was afraid I'd no. "Sure. Better than having to talk in front of people." I replied. His gorgeous smile growing on his face again, making its way onto mine. "OK. Close your eyes and focus on my voice."

I did as instructed but he stopped talking. Can you hear me? His voice rang through my head. Y...Yes.\You can open your eyes now. I did and saw him smiling widely, eyes dancing with excitement. "We can now mind link. It defiently helps if you don't feel like talking in front of people." Hearing Parker relaxed me in some way. Simultaneously, me and Slade yawned, causing Parker to say, 'bed time'. The three of us walked to his room in a comfortable silence. He started gathering pillows and a blanket, then threw them on the floor. He shifted into his dark gray wolf and laid down in the mess. "But, don't you want to sleep in your own bed?" I questioned the wolf. Nah. It's all good. Besides, I'm pretty sure Slade never leaves your side and he chooses the bed. Parker replied in my head. What he said made me turn my head to observe Slade. He defiently already chose the bed.

As I made my way towards it, Razor, Light and Duke got off and laid on the floor surrounding the bed. These wolf pups are so nice. I cautiously climbed into the bed, and got comfy. Slade curled against my body, making me drift into sleep almost immediately. Night Josh.\ Night Parker. Those were the last words heard before I drifted into the land of dreams.


I'm usually a deep sleeper, and I usually go to sleep quickly, but after mind linking with Josh, my mind kept flowing. I was buzzing with excitement, so I climbed into my bed and laid across his stomach. His hand immediately moved on top of me. I could barely hear him murmur something in his sleep. All I could catch was 'parents', and 'pissed off'. After that he started shaking a little. That made me move my head next to his, seeming to calm him. Josh flipped onto his side and cuddled into me. 'All fine if stay' he murmured against my coat. I fell into a deep slumber afterwards.

*** *** *** ***

I awoke to the pups howling dangerously at something in my room. I raised my head to find Lucy standing there, trembling with fear. I felt Josh stir besides me. "Shit!" He voiced, unwrapping his arms from me and running over to the pups. I got up and followed. Josh stood in front of Lucy, trying to stop the wolves from attacking. I stood next to him. As I was about to shift, Josh spoke up. "Lucy, could you wait at the door. Every time." He asked, sternly. Lucy nodded. "Razor, Light, Duke, Slade. Please refrain from ripping my friends throat out." He said, even sterner. Slade laid down, tail wagging, tongue out. Razor, Light and Duke let out low howls of disappointment and understanding.

I finally shifted back into a human, only to hear a gasp from a certain female. "Jeez. That was too weird." Lucy voiced. I ignored her and turned to the whining wolf pups. "Enough whining now. It's too early for you guys to continue. Why don't you go for a run?" I said, hoping they'd leave. All but Slade left, typical. "Be careful." Was all I said to Lucy before returning to the comfort of my bed. "Sorry. Umm. Why did all but one leave?" She questioned. "He seems to follow me everywhere, so why would he leave to go for a run? By the way, his name is Slade." Josh replied, sitting down to pet Slade, who thumped his tail on the carpet. "Oh. Well. Eli is going to take me home for a bit. Just wanted to let you know." Lucy said to Josh. "Have fun." He replied.

Hey Josh. Would you like to live stay here? I questioned. If it's ok... I'd love to! He replied eagerly. Cool. Do you wanna go get somethings from your house? \ S-sure. He stuttered. I rose from my position and walked to the doorway. "Coming?" Josh and Slade rose. Us three made our way downstairs with Slade trailing behind. "Morning Son. Josh." "Morning Dad. We were just going to get some of Josh's tings. Can I borrow your car?" He nodded and threw me the keys. "Don't scratch it." Dad said warningly. Hey Parker. Do you, umm, nevermind. \Nah. What is it? \Do you have a hoodie I can borrow? \Yep. Stay right here. I hurried upstairs and grabbed a gray hoodie. I got back downstairs and threw it at his chest. Thanks. He said goodbye to my father, as did I, before following out to the car.

We got into the car, Josh gaping. "Wow. I thought you had money but a Chevy! These are my favorite!" He squealed. "Yeah. I have one, but it's a different model." I said, chuckling. He gave me the death glare. Once we entered the forest, he sunk into the seat and hoodie. It may have been a big but it suited him. Lil' Cutie. I smiled. I wonder how his parents will react. This'll be a journey. Hopefully a good one.

I hope this wasnt too long for you guys. Or if I dragged it on and on. Anyways, dont forget to vote or comment. Love to know what you think!

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