12- Disobeying the Doctor

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I've been thinking about what Josh told me during the car ride. I don't understand why his family would be so cruel. It outrages me that nobody has been able to do anything about it yet. The police haven't been involved as Josh tried once, but only received worse beatings for it. He only told Lucy half of it. I really wish I could do something about it, but it's not like I can go on a rampage. Plus, that would be bad.

Josh has been with the pack doctor for awhile now. It worries me. His injuries looked bad, plus he had a lot of blood on his boxers. Thinking about his situation makes me fidget as I can do nothing to release my anger. I get up and pace my room, wall to wall, corner to corner. After about 5 minutes pacing, a friendly scent is faint in my room. I looked up to see Scotch standing there, warm smile on his face. "Your grandma said that the doctor should be done soon. Josh will be fine." He says, knowing how much I'm stressing. "I know, I know." I replied. Then it hit me. 'The doctor should be done soon.' I stopped dead in my tracks and raced to where Scotch was standing. "Wanna come with to make sure I don't wander off?" I ask, knowing his answer already. He grinned and started coming down the stairs.


"Please, could you try not to flinch. It makes this very difficult." The doctor said, struggling with my jumpy and sore body. "Sorry." I replied quietly. Once again, I feel a liquid spread onto my wounds, burning for a time like eternity. As the doctor wraps a bandage around the last wound, the door opens slowly. "Hey Doc. Can we come in yet?" I hear Eli's voice sound. The doctor didn't reply until he fastened the bandage. "Come in, come in. No touching the injured." He finished sternly. The door flicked open and two males walked in, one head down.

"Thanks Nick." Eli says, walking up to the chair next to my bed. "No problem. I was going to say, you better stop calling me Doc. It's weird to be called like that by Scotch's friends." Nick, the doctor, replied. Now that I think about it, he does look about 20. "Aren't you quiet over there Parker?" Nick says, humour lacing his voice. He walks out the room, waving to Eli when he walks past. "We're glad you're okay Josh. You Want to tell us how it happened? Or why?" He questions. "Well...Umm..." I trail, not really wanting to answer. You don't have to respond. Only say what you're comfortable with. Parker linked, meeting my eyes and smiling softly. "Do you mind if I don't say for a while? It's fairly personal." I say. "No problem." He responds, a smile plastering his face.

Are you going to speak and converse or shall we just sit in silence? I ask Parker. I'll speak. Once I get a hug. He says. I can hear his grin, which I can't see as I'm looking at Scotch. Shuffling of feet can be heard and soon there is a dip in my bed. I look to my right to see a smiling Parker, who pulls me into a loose yet firm hug. He readjusts himself so that I'm partially on his lap. Scotch smiles at the scene. Okay, you got your hug. Let go and talk. I say as my cheeks pinken a tiny bit. "Nope." He replies out loud. "Ah, so you guys can mind link already? That's cool." Eli voices. "Yeah." Parker says, placing his face on my shoulder. "We have that feel-each-others-feeling thing. Very useful at some points." He mumbles against my shoulder, taking a large breath in.

"Does that mean I don't get to explain things? Bummer, I was really looking forward to that." Scotch says, disappointment loud in his voice. "Why don't you get Lucy? You can explain everything and I'll just stay quiet. Sound like a plan?" I ask, making my idea known. "Brilliant Josh!" He replies, getting up. "But why didn't I think of that?" He questions himself quietly. He closes the door on his way out, giving a semi-private feel to the room. Parker takes another large breath against my shoulder before once again readjusting. I am now leaning on his chest, slightly curled into a burl, between his legs. "Let me know if I'm doing something that makes you uncomfortable." Parker sounds, leaning his head against the wall. Even though this position was slightly...different, I really needed a hug, and being in his arms seemed to calm me a little. "Will do."

After my response, the door opens to show a crying blonde. She comes running over and hugs me tightly. Too tightly. Too...tight. "Lucy, would you mind? The doctor said no touching and he seems in pain." Parker said to my friend. She backed away and looked at me. "Uh-huh. No touching. Says the person who has him laying on him." Lucy said, inspecting our seating position. "Exceptions." She looked at Scotch like he was mad to say she was not an exception. "We, mainly me, still have a couple of things to explain." Eli says, his smile still painting his face. "Explain away." Parker says, lightly putting his arms around my torso, making me sink into him.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story and  I'm not taking to slow. Just letting you know me and my friend, who is helping by editing, can get very busy. Anyways, ENJOY, VOTE, SHARE :)

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