16- Prom Committee!?

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Me and Lucy have been sitting here for 10 minutes, listening to the principal rant. 'Fighting isn't allowed... You all should...' Blah blah blah. At least she stopped talking and just stared at us. "Footballers, you get bleacher-gum duty." Ms. Tranvix said, 5 groans following in response. "You two, prom committee. You will start it and run it, all." Ms. instructed. Hinders eyes widened, her mouth slightly open.

My face turned into a scowl, giving the death look to Ms. Tranvix. She narrowed her eyes right back at me. "If you don't do this, you'll be suspended for 2 months, starting today." She voiced evilly. "Well crap." I murmured, groaning. I got up to leave, but was tripped. I started to fall, attempting to catch myself yet failing. I landed awkwardly on my right side, arm hurting like hell. "Shit shit shit." Hinders exclaimed. "You idiots don't know anything. Crap, a wound re-opened." She said, bending over a squirming me to see the full damage.

I had healed quicker than normal, leaving only one bandage on my arms. The white bandage was now splotchy with red. I sat up with the help of Hinders. I looked at the jocks then the principal. "I'm going home now. We'll do the prom committee." I sounded before walking out holding my arm. Just as me and Lucy were getting close to the exit, the bell rang to sound last period. People swarmed the hallways, pushing and shoving. Some people who saw the fight stopped to let us pass, others stopping because of my bloody bandage.

Hey Parker. Can you come pick us up? I questioned while more people kept staring. It must be strange for them to see someone like me have a fight and walk around bleeding. Sure thing. If there's an explanation I would very much like to hear it. Parker replied. Hearing his voice made my heart do a little jump, the longing returning after the rush of adrenaline. I sighed as we neared the entrance of the school.

Me and Hinders sat down on the steps, a comfortable silence settling over us. She put in her headphones, leading me to do the same. Can I tell you now? I questioned Parker, not really expecting a response. Sure. Go ahead. I took a couple seconds to form how I was to explain.

So, school was going like normal. Jocks had taken over our lunch table. At 2nd lunch they covered me in milk and pasta. That pissed me off. We got into a fist fight. The principal gave me and Lucy prom duty as punishment. On my way out, a jock tripped me, re-opening the wound on my right arm. I said quiet fast. He didn't respond for 2 songs. That's like 10 mins. What damage did you do to the other guy? Parkers voice boomed. His nose is colored, eyes slightly dark./ Nice job. What'd Lucy do?/ Mainly went for the balls. She knows how to knee and kick. I replied, chuckling slightly.

We sat there for another 30 minutes before the bell rang. Everybody rushed out to get home, somehow avoiding us on the stairs. At 3:10, the school was basically deserted. Soon, a black and sleek car appeared. Its rims were green and it had some green markings. The car then came around and parked near the stairs. It was a Chevrolet. I was about to bubble over with excitement.

Parker got out of the car and waved to me and Hinders. I got up and ran to admire the magnificent car. "This is a different one from this morning." Hinders pointed out. "Yeah. This one is mine. It was in the shop until today." He replied. I looked at him, awe struck. "Well, let's go." Parker said. We all got into the Chevy, excitement overtaking my senses. Once we got to an abandoned type road I yelled, "Let's see how fast this baby can go!" So he started to rev the car and raced along, reaching high ass speeds.

*** *** ***

It's been 2 weeks since the fight at school. Me and Hinders have come up with nothing for prom. Me and Parker have only seen the shadow and light things once more. Me and Mimi have grown closer. I've made friends with Scotch. Every day at school my longing to be near Parker increases. I am in love with his car. I still haven't asked Parker about the longing thing yet. I am about to try though.

"Hey Parker." I voiced, catching his attention. "Yo. Can I talk to you about something?" He questioned. "Sure." We walked outside to the fire pit. "You enjoying it here?" "Yeah. Um, I have a question of my own." I replied, feeling uncertain now. "Fire away." "So, I was wandering about this bond thing. Does it, um, make you want to be near that person?" I asked quickly. He nodded. "That was what I wanted to talk to you about actually. I was thinking, if you felt that feeling too, if you'd be ok with me..." Parker drifted.

"Do tell." I pressured lightly. He coughed, trying to earn the courage of saying what he was thinking. "Me and Scotch thought it'd be a good idea for us to go to school again. Except it'd be your school." He sounded uneasy. "That'd be fun. We would have more people to talk to, plus, people can see my baby." I responded, smiling. "Baby?" "Yep. That Chevy of yours is my baby. I wouldn't let anyone touch it." I said. Parker chuckled, zoning out for a quick second.

Scotch and Hinders walked out to join us. We started chatting quickly before falling into a silence. Everything is set. Me and Scotch will be starting school on Wednesday./ Cool. Would you guys help us on prom committee? I asked. "Hey Scotch. Wanna be on prom duty?" "Hell Yes! What's the theme?" Scotch enthusiastically replied. "Wouldn't that be a nice thing to know." I said. Parker and Scotch looked at each other, eyes wide. "When is it?" They yelled simultaneously. "Two and a bit months." Hinders answered.

"We are defiently helping." Parker said. "Why don't we make the theme 'Full Moon'?" Scotch suggested. We all looked at each other, nodding our heads in approval. "The 'Full Moon' dance!" Hinders yelled. This should be... entertaining, I thought, joining in with the laughter of my friends.

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