30- Nightmare

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The air was thick and smelt of blood. The clouds were heavy, and the stars held no light. The moon was dark as a brisk breeze swept over the land. I stood in the middle of it all, a thousand dead bodies spread before me. Some were human, the others were wolves. I stared in shock at the graveyard before me. Then I heard the laughter. It sounded so menacing and evil that it sent a chill up my spine.

My body started moving towards the sound without my consent. My legs stepped over the dead bodies and past puddles of blood. I dared to look at all their faces, my breath hitching when I saw them. I saw my friends and the Moonshed family. Eli and Lucy curled around each other in death, the Alpha and Luna with hands outstretched, Mimi laying still with a wound in her neck. Everyone I had met was lifeless on the ground before me.

As my feet carried me to the laughter I felt tears run down my face. Or at least I thought I did. I was merely a passenger in my own body. Forced to view what the world had seemingly become.

I neared the laughter to find Parker at his knees, blood pouring all over his body. He was severely wounded, fists clenched in pain as the man I never wanted to see again dug a dagger through his shoulder. The blade was covered in a green liquid which seemed to burn away Parkers' skin. He finally let out a piercing howl, his body slumping slightly. I went to take a step forward when my feet broke a twig.

Their heads turned towards me as my body paused. "Ah, just the boy I wanted." Hunter smiled wickedly, licking his teeth.

"Please. Run. Get fa-" Parker said, struggling when Hunter pushed the knife in deeper. I cried out for him to stop. I pleaded him to stop hurting my mate. But Hunter had other ideas. He moved the knife near Parkers' neck slowly, making every movement count. As he continued Parker gazed at me sadly, a single tear running down his face. "I love you." He said before the knife sliced his neck.

I dropped to the floor, tears gushing, heart shattered. The evil laugh began again, and Hunter kicked away Parker and stalked over to me. His hand gripped my hair, forcing me to look at his disgusting face. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he pulled me off the ground. My body grew limp as I felt struggling was futile. I was alone...Alone with him, again.

And I didn't want to see what he would do this time. 

** ** ** **

Josh awoke startled. He had tears running down his face, majority of his clothes were missing, and he was practically swimming in sweat. He sat up abruptly, a small cool wet rag falling into his lap. He closed his eyes and let the tears come as he had no control over them anymore. He wrapped his arms around himself, seeking comfort from the horror show he witnessed.

A door in the room opened, but he didn't dare look at the person. Soon his senses were filled with the intoxicating scent of his mate making the tears flow harder. Parker, seeing the distress in him, quickly wrapped his arms around Josh. He let Josh cry onto his chest while rubbing circles on his back in hopes to calm the boy. When Josh tried to talk but sounded like a blubbering mess, he shushed him gently, promising to listen to him later.

They sat like that for a while, only shifting when the sun began to peak through the window. Josh had stopped crying, relishing in the comfort of Parkers' presence. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before pushing slightly away from Parker. He stared into his mates' mesmerizing eyes, thinking of how to start his tale.

"It...It was so...so lifelike... It scared me." Josh said, his hands shaking slightly. Parker held them, nudging for him to continue. "He was there...Hunter. Everyone I ever met was dead. Then he had a knife... a knife against you." Tears started to well in his eyes again, Parker rubbing circles on his back once more.

"It's okay baby." Parker soothed, getting Josh to smile at the nickname. "Do you want to say what happened next?" Josh nodded.

"You told me to run, but he...the knife...It was coated with a green substance that hurt you more than the knife would have. He kept moving it...slowly...as if he enjoyed it. Right before you...you were killed, you said you loved me." Josh said, trembling at what had happened next. "He grabbed me, saying we were going to have fun."

His face was fear-ridden, entire body shaking from recalling the all too real dream. Parkers expression was that of shock which quickly turned to rage. Even in sleep, Hunter still found a way to torment his mate. Rage took over his form, eyes darkening combined with ragged breaths. Small arms being thrown around his neck brought his full attention back toJosh.

"I don't want him to! Please...don't...don't leave yet." Josh spoke, tears gushing down his face. Parker nodded his head, humming lowly.

"I don't plan on ever leaving you baby." 

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