19- Unexpected Shopper

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After being introduced to Parker's brothers, Josh joined the entire pack at a feast. The pack was celebrating many things that had happened. The return of the two brothers, their next alpha finding his mate, and a lot of the teens finding their one. It was a joyous night filled with laughter and smiles. Near midnight, it died down, everyone leaving the banquet hall to get some fresh air.

As everyone was in the court yard, the alpha howled. The Blood Moon pack followed suit, the humans joining in aswell as it felt right. It was a welcoming howl, yet other packs who heard it would know to be weary of the growing group.

The next day Josh got up early and planned a special day with Lucy. They cooked some breakfast for their mates and set it all up nicely. When Eli and Parker awoke they ran downstairs in search of the pair. "Wow, they made us breakfast. What do you think they want?" Parker asked his friend when he saw the set up.

"I don't know but obviously something." Scotch said with a laugh. Lucy and Josh looked at each other and walked over to the table proudly. 'Your meal is served', they said as seriously as they could. Giggling like the children they were, they pulled out the seats and ushered Parker and Eli to sit.

Hurrying away, Josh and Lucy hid, watching with anticipation. Parker nodded at his friend, sticking his fork into the omelette on his fancy china. Scotch mimicked his actions, each eating at the same time. As they chewed, the pairs face distorted. The so-called omelette was spicy and chunky. The egg hadn't been whisked properly, the cheese still frozen and lumpy.

Knowing that their mates were watching, the pair smiled and swallowed. Scotch dared to eat half of his, Parker leaving only a quarter. Parker called for Josh and Lucy. "It was fantabulous. Now, did you want something out of this meal?" Scotch asked, smiling lightly as the pair shuffled from foot to foot.

"If you don't mind, we would like to go out of town to the shops. Catch a movie, walk around, get some lunch. That kinda stuff." Lucy said hastily, her lips nearly flying off her face. Parker looked at the pair slightly shocked, but none the less wanted them to have an enjoyable day.

"Of course, you can go to the shops. It will be a fun day today!" Parker mused. The four of them cleaned and got ready before leaving a note to the family. As they all piled into the black and green Chevrolet, a bark sounded in the distance. Slade came running up to the car, tail wagging at full speed.

"Slade no. You can't come with us today." Josh said petting the pups head. It sat down and looked sadly at the car as it drove away towards civilization.


"That movie was crap." Lucy stated, hatred pure in her voice.

"You just didn't like it because the only girl died. You can't deny the truth Hinders." Josh said, poking his friend in the cheek with a devilish smile plastered on his face. The pair squabbled on for quite some time before Eli had to intervene.

"Why don't we get some lunch, eh? Tell us what you want so me and Lucy can get it. Deal?" Eli asked, holding onto the shoulders of said girl. Parker and Josh agreed, sitting on a bench near the food court. The pair begun chatting quickly, discussing the movie again.

"Yo, I gotta go to the bathroom. Will you be alright?" Parker asked with a concerned look on his face. Josh nodded, letting his mate wander off to relieve his bladder. He sat there thinking about where he would like to go shopping, happy for the day already. But that was shortly stopped as a hand firmly grasped his right shoulder, a body sitting beside him.

Scared out of his mind, Josh turned ever so slightly to see some brown locks cover the culprits face. "I've missed you baby bro. You'll have to come home at some point. If not, I'll force you through the front door." The person said with much force to his voice. Hunter Kinkston raised his head to reveal a sinister look in his eyes. His grin was that of a hunter before killing a victim. His grasp was tight and firm, but as he looked in the distance he spotted familiar blonde locks.

Hunters hand retreated immediately, rising off the seat and bolted out of sight, leaving Josh alone and scared as his friends approached. "Was that who I think it was?" Lucy asked, a protective yet furious voice booming out. Josh nodded his head weakly, still shocked from the encounter. Eli began questioning Lucy on the stranger, receiving all she was willing to give.

"I got back as soon as I could. Everything alright?" Parker rushed, eyeing everyone carefully. Lucy and Eli shook their heads, signalling Josh to tell him. Parker sat down and lifted Josh's chin, staring into his frightened eyes. He pulled him into a hug before asking 'what happened' again.

"Hunter. He came up to me and threatened to take me home..." Josh said, voice trembling with fear, eyes teary thinking of the encounter that took place not too long ago. Parker soothed Josh, being successful in which they started talking about the movie again.

As they went from shop to shop, Parker had hushed discussions with Eli. They weren't going to let anyone take away any of the packs mates, especially theirs. Once they got into the car, Josh curled into a ball as he looked out the window. I figure stood next to a lamp pole staring directly at the car. The figure pointed at Josh then the spot next to him.

Parker looked at Josh's scared expression and said, "We won't let him hurt you or anybody in our pack. Never in a million centuries." Josh hugged him thankfully before they began driving back to the pack house in silence. Everyone on look out while deep in their thoughts.

Why did he have to ruin this fun day out? Parker thought, wishing there was a way to stop Hunter from finding out about them and their home.

Soo, this chapter came out earlier than I thought it would. I really hope you guys like it and are enjoying the story so far.

What do you think about Hunter?

Bye and thanks from Rae ^-*

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