44- After Parties

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The four left the prom, bored of the party that had entranced so many other students. Everyone could smell the stench of alcohol in the punch, but the teachers thought not to get rid of it as it helped them with the teens.

Instead of waiting for Alfred to pick them up, somebody had the great idea to walk along through the town till the border where they would meet Alfred. Lucy immediately complained as she 'should not be put through the pain of walking in these glorious shoes and ruining them'. Effectively, Eli gave her a ride the entire way, safe for one moment where he wanted to test the boundaries. So, while Eli was being threatened with the sharp end of the heel, Parker and Josh strolled behind casually.

They were ignorant to two in front of them, not realising that so much time had passed as they approached Alfred's car. In what felt like only a few minutes to teens did they arrive at the pack house. After a quick change of outfits, all four went down and joined the younglings with their Disney marathon. As more mated human teenagers flooded the room from the prom, everyone was getting really into the movies, singing every song so loud they made one poor child cry.

Parker and Eli began to slowly drift away, but no one paid much attention. They had a status and that status had a reputation. The friends went out to the garden to see that the pack had already started without them. Fairy lights were put nearly everywhere as table where scattered out along the grass. There were little aspects that they used from Josh's sketch for the prom. The feast was being brought out on platters to the great dining hall just as Hakuna Matata came on.

Even with the movie room being on the opposite end of the house, everyone could hear it being blasted from the speakers with each and every child and teenager screaming the lyrics. The adults laughed at their children and some mates just shook their heads, smiling. Even Remus who had been pouting through all the other movies was a giggly mess as he sang along.

The children were called out for dinner and, in their desire to devour food, practically toppled over the teenagers who just as energetic.

Moments before Josh had time to enter the dining hall, Parker pulled him off to the side and hugged him tightly. He was sure Josh wouldn't deny. "You don't mind, do you? The whole second Alpha thing?" Parker all but mumbled against Josh's shoulder, who was close to laughing though it was not the time.

Josh pulled away from the hug. "Am I supposed to have a sudden realization that I can't handle the role of Alpha and run away crying? Where am I going to go?" He paused, patting Parkers cheek. "Nowhere but here. So, no worries about being Alpha. Now, to the FOOD!" And with that he dragged Parker to their seats.

It took a full hour for the pack to be finished dining and wining. By that time pups were stuffed and were lazing somehow against or on their parents. And then it was time. Alfred led the way out to the backyard, and sensing the sweets, the pups immediately pepped up. Once again people were chatting happily amongst themselves. A few had no clue what this little meeting was about but were just enjoying the festivities of the night. All their attention was called to a small makeshift stage, where Alfred stood, accompanied by his ever-growing-weaker mother, Rosella.

"I know we have already done this, but we would all like to welcome the new additions to the pack!" Alfred boomed, receiving a round of applause. "We congratulate all of you who are going to be graduating next week."

"A warning, however. The entire pack will be going to the graduation ceremony unless of important matters, so be prepared to be cheered for, each and everyone of you are family now." Rosella spoke sweetly, a little smile gracing her lips while she stood there. People smiled back at her, knowing that even this might be causing their poor Rosella struggle. "Not to switch topics so quickly, but tonight is also about our future leader."

Rosella was led off stage to where she could sit comfortably, allowing for her son to continue with the announcements. Alfred gazed at her worryingly before continuing with a motion of Rosella's hand.

"There will be proper celebration on the day of graduation as long as you can make it. Also, we will be finalizing any initiations for you to be in the pack. Now, I want to call my son and his mate onto stage please!" Alfred said.

It was now Parkers turn to drag Josh along behind him. A few words were said about being an alpha, mates, friends and the pack. And then they got to the exciting bit. "As you all know, it is only a matter of years -maximum of ten- before I hand my title over to my son," Laughter filled the air as Alfred joked a little in his speech, not really having an absolute-serious voice. "He has been lucky enough to have found his mate before the time comes, and so, we are all able to know and form bonds. I now present to you, your future alphas!"

Josh froze as shifter and human rose and began to applaud him and Parker while Alfred gestured to them. He relaxed when he saw Remus running to the front of the crowd to give him a high five. Instead, Josh opted for pulling him on stage with him. Remus beamed. Having the little boy up there with him calmed his nerves, but Parkers arm around his shoulder throughout the rest of the night is what did it for him. The three of them wandered around until the gathering began to die down.

Just as they sent Remus to bed, Kevin bumped into them with a now red fringe. He smiled brightly, saying 'hello' before trying to escape. It wasn't that easy to escape a curios Josh. "Kevin! What are you up to?" Josh asked. Kevin stopped and realised he had nothing to hide.

"On a type of probation." He said, his demeanour relaxing.

"What does the school thing have to do with now?"

"Well, that's community service but we don't need to talk about that. Alfred let me prove myself by monitoring my movements. If I fail, I get thrown in a cell." Kevin replied cheerfully as if a cell in werewolf territory wasn't a bad thing to live in.

"You make it sound like one of our cells is better than your home." Parker commented with a confused expression on his face.

Kevin's face contorted into that of anger, but it was not towards the boys. He sighed heavily. "I moved out, did some shit, got some jail time and a whole lot of community service, had to move back in. My parents were assholes before but now they seem like the anus of Satan himself." He ranted.

Josh had to refrain himself from giggling as Cypher appeared behind Kevin with a deadly look on his face. Seeing Parker's worried face, Kevin slowly turned around. Could've sworn he had shat his pants.

"I would prefer that none of me is involved with a phrase with those ignorant mortals. I have to deal with them in hell soon enough, I do not wish to be involved now." Cypher all but breathed down Kevin's neck who in return gulped and rapidly nodded. As Cypher popped away to the other side of the yard, Kevin was petrified.

"Got it. No references to him," Once again Kevin froze, but a thought crossed his mind. He began to run after the mighty god. "Wait! My parents are going to hell?!"

Parker and Josh stood there amused and slightly worried about Kevin. Not in the is-going-to-try-murder-me, but in the is-he-going-to-be-alright kinda way.

All while the pack was celebrating the young ones, over at the Cooplen's house the parents were out, everything white was now green, and people were losing their virginity. It was a wild after party. Some people wouldn't be able to get up the next day. Or the day after.

They weren't dead though.    

Reaching the end of the book ;-;

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