10- Juuust Great

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We had just left the forest road and rejoined civilization. With the task at hand on my mind, I decided to lightly, not rudely, snoop, if you'd call it that. "Sooo... Since we are going to your home, I was just wondering what the family is like. Any siblings and stuff like that." I said, hoping he'd reply, not being offended. He sighed before turning his head to look at me. "I have both my parents. Thomas and Beatrice Kinkston. 52 and 50, married for 30yrs. I have an older brother called Hunter, he's 21, goes to college, but lives at home." He explained. I nodded my head with thought. It was good that there weren't many people to tell. "Never ever met any of my grandparents. Uncle and Aunties are distant. Oh, and yeah, can't forget. My family is filled with insensitive, rude, cruel bastards." He finished, calmer than other people would be. "OK then. Good to know." I said, not really liking the sound of this idea anymore.


Just a couple more minutes. You good? Parker sounded in my head. I nodded my head, not really wanting to try and explain any-goddam-thing to my family. He pulled over and, sadly, we were in front of my house. He started to get out before I stopped him. "Umm, could I go in alone. As I said, they are bastards and don't understand. I just don't think it's a good idea to bring a stranger into the firing lines." I said, trying to convince him. "No. If we tell them together and it back fires there is two of us to handle them. If only you go, I won't be able to sit still in the car if I feel that somethings off." He said, not backing down. "Uh-huh. Is this sense thing one of the details I haven't been informed with yet?" I questioned, really just wanting to stall. "Yes."

"So, basically, after we mind link, we're more connected and can feel things. If one is in danger, the other can kind of sense it. Same with all other emotions, but mainly fear, sadness and high amounts of anger. It will affect the persons other half aswell." He explained thoroughly. I sighed and nodded. "Okay. You can come in but lay off the whole mate and wolf bits, please?" I asked. He nodded but looked confused. We walked up to the front door. More like me being dragged by the overly attractive dude I happened to know. Said person rang then bloody doorbell.

*** *** ***

"So Josh. You're saying that you got abducted for 2 days, in which we thought you were dead. Keep that in mind. And now, you are wishing to stay with the kidnapers for longer? That is absurd!" My mother screeched. Her and my father looked at Parker with looks of disgust and hatred. "With all due respect Mr. & Mrs. Kinkston, we did not abduct anyone. They simply came with, nothing required." Parker replied. I don't think you should have said that... I voiced to him. "Simply came with? Simply came with?! Nobody goes with a complete stranger without some kind of influence! I believe you did some misleading persuasion young boy!" My father barked back. Don't say anything to make this argument worse. Please. "All me and my companions did, sir, was walk into the classrooms, no weapons or tools. They simply came with, seeing an adventurous opportunity and took it. We had and have no intention of hurting anyone of them." Parker replied. Well, shit.

The face of my father said it all. He was about to blow his system going off at Parker. There was only one thing I could do that would hopefully stop this, and I didn't want to. "Okay. That's enough. I'll stay here. Simple. My companion will go back home while I stay here and continue on with school and family. Sound like a plan?" I suggested. My mother nodded her head in approval, Parker copying but with a sad look in his eyes. "Yes. That will work out quiet fine. IF you stay away from this boy. Don't need you catching feelings for him. Don't want to hear you whine about losing him." My father said, mocking me with his voice. "Wha..N." "Sure. I'll avoid him." I cut Parker off. My parents nodded, gesturing for me to show him to the door. "I'll show you out." I announced before walking towards the front door. "Bye Parker." I voiced. "Bye, Josh." He replied sadly. He started to retreat to his car, so I closed the front door. I'll let you know anything that happens after, ok? \ Thank goodness, yes.

I made my way back to the sofa, mentally preparing myself for what my parents would throw at me. "You're already attached to him, aren't ya? You stupid fool. You are a fucking curse to this family. A terrible hindrance. Why didn't we get an abortion?" My father ranted. The things he said should have affected me, but I've heard so many of them that I have learnt to not pay that much mind. I still have to listen, because if I stop and my parents realize, I'm fucked. Utterly and entirely screwed. While in the silence of my parents, there was a click at the door. As it opened it revealed the one person I really didn't want to see. "I'm home! Oh, so fuck-boy didn't get killed. Looks like you're getting yelled at. Can I finish it off?" His voice sounded. My nemesis, Hunter. Now I'm defiently fucked, twisted, and bruised.

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