27- Day Off

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After the events earlier that day, Josh and friends sat in silence. The shelves surrounding them gained the interest of Cyphfer. He scuttled off into a corner to read about the history of the pack. Lucy and Scotch sat on a love seat, a half-filled box of pizza sitting on the table before them. Parker laid stretched out, tail wagging slowly. Josh sat on a grand bay window, curled into a hoodie watching the rain pour down.

With his hand on his nape, he drifted off into the land of sleep. Parker's thoughts were worry filled. He hoped to the goddess that he didn't scare away his mate from the bite, though he feels Josh wanted it to happen. His hormones were through the roof, the scent filling his nose not helping. The mixture of rain, trees and smoke made him stay close yet far from Josh. He really didn't want to jump him there and then.

As the four teenagers tested the waters of love, Cypher felt a shift in the balance. Everyone in the room was unbeknownst to the danger to come their way.    


As the love seat was vacated and the corner grew brighter, the wolf pups came yipping in, replacing the humans before them. They carried on with the noise, receiving a warning growl form Parker. He did not wish to wake his sleeping mate as he felt the tiredness drip off him. As the pups settled down Parker released a low sigh. He gazed passed his love to the sky above.

The near full moon graced them with glowing brightness, illuminating itself on Josh. Allowing his eyes to trace every feature upon the sleeping beauty, Parker fell into a trance. His eyes were having a feast, the jawline and lips teasing him. The nose was so beautifully crafted, and the eyes were sleepy yet wide awake. Parker jumped making Josh chuckle lightly.    

With a hand still positioned on his neck, Josh motioned over his companion. As Parker wiggled closer, the pair admired the moon. With their eyes set on the sky, sleep slowly took them with a lullaby of restarting rain.

** ** ** **

The next day the group convinced the Alpha family to stay home. The day turned into a family outing. The Moonsheds, Josh, Eli and Lucy had been out for hours browsing shops and picking up little trinkets. Miriam had been dragging Parker all over the place, Josh conversing with the sweet elderly people. Troy and Adam were running around playing with everything in sight despite their age. Lucy and Eli had little sessions when no one was looking while Alfred and Margo Moonshed smiled warmly at the children.    

After lunch, the group of eleven advanced to a fair in a city close by the pack territory. It was a scene from movies. There were bunches of rides that reached the sky, colorful balloons attached to every little kid's wrists. Cotton candy and churros stands littered nearly every turn. Carnival games were scattered amongst the food stalls and few sitting areas.

But where it was held was the most magnificent thing of all. It covered a large parkland that backed onto a pier. From the high points you could see the water or take a walk on the wood that stretched beyond. If you wanted to escape the chaos you could hide behind the rides and tents, diving into a land of dimly lit lights and a beautiful view. Not many people travelled onto the pier.

Riding the Ferris wheel as night took over, Parker and Josh finally had a moment alone. They joked and swayed the carriage, settling down as they stopped at the top. The two males gazed at the nature before them mixing with the brightness of the fair.

A cold breeze swept over their spot, making Josh cuddle close to his mate. As the ride descended Parker had a thought. Once they were released from their carriage he dragged Josh to the side, smiling happily. "Want to take a walk along the pier?" He asked with enthusiasm. Josh nodded in reply, returning the smile when their hands linked, feeling as if they were made for each other.

While they took their stroll, Adam and Troy were winning billions of game tickets. They were acing every game they came across, sometimes too much. Troy had broken the High Striker and in return had to face a small angry mob. As his 6-foot figure ran away, his brother shook his head. Adam waltzed into a 'Dance House' tent, quickly lining up.

The tent held a retro dance game that had songs from the 90's only. He stood undefeated, gaining a crowd. But one man in the bundle of people spiked his interest as he had an off vibe. The man wore lumberjack clothes and had something sticking out the back of his pants hidden by his shirt. Adam left the game in search of the man only to find him leaving the tent. As he neared the smell that hit his nostrils made him pause. Blood. 

Alfred and Margo with their wise eyes and vast knowledge had seen men similar walking around the fair for quite a while. They did not wish to put an end to the children's fun but felt that a danger was lurking around the corner. Once they saw Adam rushing towards them they knew that their time was up. "Lumberjack looking. Smelt of blood." Adam said to his parents before looking around frantically for his younger brothers.

"We will link them. Go and find Parker. The others are nearby. Quickly now, hurry." Margo said with her soft voice, a layer of panic hidden beneath a calm façade.    

With the feeling of uneasiness, Eli had already made his way back with Lucy. Shortly after Troy appeared with Rosella and her mate William. The group huddled together in hopes of staying out of sight, but as they may the level of danger kept rising. As a scent wafted by Eli's nose, he knew why. "He's here. Josh's brother." Lucy froze, her worry for Josh rising past its breaking point.

Seconds later Miriam appeared with wide eyes and fuzzed hair. She scanned the group but did not let her breath escape her. "Hunters. And that bastard is here too! They tried to grab me." She whispered, squinting her eyes into the distance. "And where the hell are the others!?"    

On the pier Parker had received the message and was racing back to the fair with Josh on his back. Neither one wanted to stop until they had found the group safe and sound. They neared the meeting point with Adam but came across a familiar face. The face of a twisted blonde with perfect teeth and a thirst for violence. He let them pass with a smile etched on his face. He whispered the words, "I told you I wanted my toy back, mutt."

Josh hid his face into Parkers neck to sooth his nerves, the pairs grasps tightening. Soon they had reached Adam and the rest. More and more hunters showed up, making senses heighten for all. But what broke or made the people in the group was the single gunshot that sounded close by.    

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