20- Café of Town

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After the fear ridden moment the day before, Josh lazed in bed not wanting to face the world. He truly despised feeling like this but not much could take his mind away from it. The surprising strong grip, the dangerous voice. The sinister eyes and the forceful words.

It was near noon when Parker barged through the door, Eli and Lucy standing in the threshold. Each of them had a determined look on their faces and Josh didn't like it one bit.

"Up and at 'em." Parker exclaimed forcing the blankets off Josh. He pulled and twisted him by the legs until he was sitting at the edge. Josh sighed loudly as he looked on towards the three people. Eli smirked at him, Lucy bouncing enthusiastically, Parker smiling softly.

"Alright. Why, where and when do I have to go." Josh said, a smile paving his lips as he gazed on his friends. High fives were thrown, and small cheers were made. Everyone looked excited to go on this adventure, but Josh was still confused on where he was going.

"Just a sweet little place in the forest." Two voices said synchronized. Lucy and Eli ran down stairs while Parker rushed Josh to get changed. Once that challenge had passed, the small party advanced towards the town that had yet to be explored.

They went looking at every window that held any trinket, any pane that reflected light. They jumped the cracks, and ran towards the field. After dancing and prancing in a circle, everyone settled down in a little café nearby. As they sat down, the discussion of the town and why the hadn't explored it before was left to words.

The four teenagers sat at the café for an hour about, laughing and smiling as jokes flew around the table. Each one was teasing another, until some certain words sounded from across the room. 'We can't stay up late, school's tomorrow.' As that ran through everyone's head, the atmosphere became quieter.

"Well. We go to school as normal. Buuutt, we don't leave town otherwise it's an emergency. So yeah, do you guys like this place?" Parker inquired, receiving a series of nods from his friends. "Well then. I declare this our spot. Welcome to our table at Café Mech!" He said, declaring the statement with arms waving wildly. The table laughed loudly, rising from their seats and heading back to the pack house.

Once Eli and Lucy went their own ways, Parker dragged his mate up to their room. He wanted to make sure that Josh was truly okay and would willingly go to school the next day. It didn't take much from him to comfort Josh.

Shortly after, night rolled around, and the Blood Moon Pack settled for the night. Children dreaming, teenagers raiding, and adults snoozing. The night turned silent as the Pack got their needed rest for the first day of the week.


Josh sat in class, staring at the teachers' movements and writing. He was bored out of his mind and had nothing to think about. Suddenly a voice appeared in his head making him jump ever so slightly.

Is your class boring as well? Please tell me it is so we can talk. Parker rushed, his eagerness for a reply seeping into Josh.

More boring then history. Like, how is that even possible. Josh said, running a hand through his hair and sighing when teacher began asking the class questions.

Well. How about we play a game. We say random words and the other needs to make a link and so on? Parker suggested, a smile appearing in Josh's' mind as he agreed.

Okay I'll start. Full moon. I know that's two words but two's the limit. Parker said, making something in Josh's brain tick away. As he thought his body fell still and his mind focused. He was sure there was something about a full moon that was important. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

Well, until it came to him. His eyes focused back on reality as he screamed 'Prom' in his head to Parker. The pair sat in silence, no communication happening in mind nor body.

A hand slammed down on Josh's' desk shocking him out of his state, making him look into the face of his hateful teacher. He asked Josh a question, scowling as he waited. "Shit. I forgot about prom." Josh said out loud, everyone wearing an astonished face including himself. The teacher eyed him before walking away, ignoring Josh's choice of words.

Whispers spread around the room. Majority saying things like 'Why is he in charge of prom?' and so on. As soon as the bell rang, Josh bolted out of class and waited at a table for his friends. After a couple minutes, each one was sitting around the table.

"Guys, we have a problem. Prom is in two weeks and nothing has been done! Like hell we can pull it off." Josh said swiftly, a squeal emitting from Lucy. Eli, Parker and Lucy began discussing details immediately, Josh sitting there listening. "Okay, involve me. What can I do?" He asked, getting a smirk from Parker.

"We are doing food and drinks. Once we finish that we can help these two." He said, pointing at Eli and Lucy arguing at which color would go better with sparkles. Josh laughed and nodded, indulging in a conversation about what they should make for the celebration. A celebration of the year.

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