28- Close-ish

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As the bullet sped forward I burst out of my hiding place. Using a weapon like that on an unsuspecting young lady was not the way to start a fight, I thought while running in front of Miriam. As I appeared the bullet pierced my shoulder, both scared the poor little lady.

Everyone stood in shock as I stood completely unfazed by the metal in my shoulder. The first one to figure it out was Parker, who obviously linked in everyone else. However, the one holding a gun with one less bullet seemed outraged after his confusion past.    

The man let out a low whistle before stepping back a few paces. He had the nerve to grin, fueling my anger. Anybody who dared to hurt the Blood Moon Pack would surely feel my wrath. The pack meant too much to my cousin and his mate to let anything happen to it.

Shortly, filth after filth appeared, their bodies seemingly at an endless supply. The man in front raised his gun again but aimed it at Parker. Once the crackling sound was heard I took a stand to protect him. Again, the bullet sank into my skin but held no damage.    

"What type of wolf are you?!" The man cried in irritation. I scoffed at the feeble human. It was clear he dove into the facts about werewolves, yet not the gods. My rage was practically floating off me in waves. The man's minions had made no move while the leader looked past me.

Warily glancing over my shoulder, soft looking ears and a tail were popping out of Josh. "Back. Off. Hunter." Parker warned, lowering his mate to the floor. I paused, wondering why- other than the fact that these men were hunters- that the name sounded familiar. Then the stupid man opened his mouth and it hit me like a pole.    

"New play things I see." Hunter. That foul filth of human that had tormented my cousin for years. I snapped. I could sense the darkness accumulating around my body as bones cracked, things popped, and hair grew. As the darkness wisped away, I snarled. My barks and growl sounded as if they were amplified while drool leaked out of my mouth.

"Cypher?" The quiet voice of Josh spoke up. I shook my head and looked into the puddle of slobber I made. My eyes were a vibrant violet- as they should be with my rage. In the quick seconds I glanced at the family behind me, Hunter merged with the men behind him.    

I growled lowly.

Raising my nose to sniff out my prey, I was disappointed when all the men's scent combined. Turning around, I stood cautiously around Josh. I let my wet snout nuzzle his back making him squirm. Huffing, I turned back to the mass of werewolf hunters before us. Some of the men smirked. Bad move on their part, because I was about to unleash hell, but I didn't want to get my coat dirty today.    

Huffing again, I allowed the darkness to mingle with the air around before letting it settle around everything near. As it formed the shape of a beast, some men held their breath in fear, the family in interest. Soon, the shadows manifested into my trusty hound of hell. I welcomed Cerberus with a nod of my head and a snarl of commandment.

I 'vanished' before everyone's eyes, appearing in the middle of the huntsmen. This startled the filth, making them disperse into fighting groups. I looked over at the family before lunging at the closest man. He shrieked, making me excited and disgusted. My plan was to not harm any of them -yet- just merely scare them. I think me and Cerberus did more than scare the hell out of them.

Especially when the hound enlarged his form and dove into the sea of men.

** ** ** **

A few hours later, everyone returned to the pack house shaken. The one who worried me the most was Josh. He zoned in and out of reality, his wolf parts not once disappearing. The fact that that horrible man slipped out of my reach aggravated me. A dangerous time was coming for us, but we would only lose when hell freezes over.    

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