40- Adorable

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By the time everyone had made it back to the pack house and had been reunited with their families and friends, dawn had taken over. Some people were still slowly cleaning up the place out of a nervous habit. The bodies of the slaughtered long gone and waiting for their rightfulness to rest in peace. As soon as Parker was informed about his grandmothers state he and Josh rushed to her room, worried for the sweet lady's wellbeing.

Along the way, Josh spotted a weeping child that couldn't be calmed by the adults around him. He ushered Parker to go on and that he'd catch up, so he slowly approached the group in the hallway. Not wishing to disturb the child more, Josh thought it would be smart to ask one of the adults why the poor boy was crying.

"Uh, excuse me," Josh tapped a person on their shoulder and whispered to them. "Why is the child so sad?"

The person just looked on in complete sadness. "His parents were sadly killed during the battle in the woods. His younger sister, who was only five, was slaughtered along side William. That is all his family gone. It's taking its toll on the poor boy. He's only young too." The man said gloomily, glancing back at the child who started sobbing louder.

Carefully, Josh advanced towards the child, a calm and soft smile on his lips. He knelt in front of the boy, handing him a tissue and a warm hand. "What's your name?" He asked softly, wishing to comfort the boy although nobody had succeeded.

The boy grabbed the tissue and looked upnervously. "Alpha Josh?" This made said Alpha smile more as it was the first time someone had done that. He nodded in response to the boy. "My... my name is Remus." His whaling quietened down as he spoke.

"Well then Remus, I think you have a cool name. May I know how old you are?" Josh was now sitting cross-legged in front of Remus, elbows resting on his knees.

"Eight." Remus whispered. Seeing that Josh was younger then everybody else crowding him, he felt slightly more at ease. With the way Josh was handling the situation made him feel calm, as the others were treating him like he was a five-year-old. Sadly, thinking that made Remus start balling his eyes out again just thinking about his baby sister.

"Here." Josh said, handing him some more tissues that he seemed to pull out of thin air. "Now, this will probably sound like a very dumb question, but what are you feeling?"

Remus looked back up at him with a confused look, tears never stopping. "Sad. Extremely sad." He cried out, hugging his knees and stuffing his face into them.

"Anything else?"

"No." There was a pause as Josh had a feeling that sadness wasn't the only emotion the young boy felt, and he was determined to help him. "...They told me to protect her. They trusted me! But I let them down. And now they're all gone." Remus added. His parents entrusted him with the task of keeping his little sister safe, but now that he failed, and they were all gone, he felt immensely guilty.

"Hmm, I see. Well then, Remus, would you like to go help me find someone who can make the best cookies? We might even be able to help him out." Josh said cheerfully. He then leaned in closer, "I'm sure we can sneak a few fresh ones without him noticing." He whispered to the boy who then looked up. His tears had stopped as he looked at the older boy.


"Really." Josh said standing up, nodding and holding out his hand. Remus shot up, tears now gone and only stains left on his cheeks and gripped onto Josh's hand for dear life. He glanced up shyly but was soon wearing a toothy grin.

So, off the pair went Rosella's room, where Rosella laid weakly on her bed with Parker clutching her hand tightly. Parker instantly perked up with the scent of his mate but refused to budge from his position. Josh walked over to him and hugged him from behind, speaking to Rosella with worry. She answered him without any struggle in her voice, but you could sense that she was weak.

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