22- Beat Down

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Sitting on the bonnet of his baby, Josh waited patiently for his friends. It had been a stressful day. Nobody knew if the wolf parts would come back at all, so everyone was on high alert. In the distance, a familiar figure caught his eyes. Or more correctly, a herd of familiar figures. Brad and his jockey gang were approaching the lonesome Josh.

"Aye Nerdy-boy. How's the prom coming along? You better not mess this up for us." Brad said, a harsh and threatening tone to his voice. His groupies snickered and glared. Josh knew that Brad never just talked to people, violence was always involved. Josh just glanced behind the group,hoping one of his friends would appear.    

A slam next to him brought Josh's eyes back to the bullies. "I asked you a question. I didn't get a answer." Brad said, hand still resting on the car. Once again Josh didn't respond, just stared at the hand that slammed onto the car. Hopping down from the bonnet Josh glared at each one of them.

"Prom is coming along fine, Brad. Now remove your yourself from the car now." He spat, a newfound confidence seeping through. The 7 jocks just shook their heads and laughed. Everybody knew what was coming. A beat down.    

"Make me, twerp. Or, wait, can you do anything without your guard dogs?" Brad laughed, venom coating every word. Brads friends grabbed onto Josh and threw him to the ground. They circled him and kicked him in the gut. All the while Brad was dancing around the Chevrolet, throwing little rocks, scraping against the paint.

Meanwhile, inside, Lucy was being cornered by some cheerleaders. A similar but less violent act was happening in the hallwaysthey stood. Eli and Parker where being held back by a teacher for being smartasses. They both felt their mates in need of help, but would get five extra minutes for every time they tried to leave.    

As the boys discussed their plan of action through the link, Josh and Lucy were attempting to take things into their own hands. Lucy talked back to the stuck-up cheerleaders, a not so verbal fight commencing. Hair pulling was favored but she was having none of that.

Josh rose off the ground a bit and caught a foot that was heading towards his head. Surprised, the group lifted him up and began throwing deadly punches. He dodged as many as he could but still got some nice ones to the nose. Only when he felt his mate getting closer was Josh finally able to land some good punches.    

It was as if feeling his presence made Josh stronger, bolder, more confident. Brad called-off his car scraping to deal with the situation but stopped short as he glanced into the distance. Parker was sprinting, eyes blaring anger. Teeth grinding, fists clenching. Parker had gone into berserker mode. He charged directly for Brad, knocking him over. Their fight was rage-filled.

Josh got distracted by his mate and got knocked to the floor again. "Looks like your mutt can't help you anytime soon." One of the jocks said, laughter erupting from the group.    

Josh stood, anger bubbling over the edge. With venom and hatred, he responded, "Says the group of lost puppies. Ever going to get your own thoughts? No? Then fuck off you mindless assholes!"

His dark ear appeared, making the jocks soil themselves. They scurried away, feeling danger seep out of Josh. As they hid, Josh turned towards the brawl on the floor. He raced to the pair and tried pulling Parker off Brad. Once they were all standing, Josh kicked Brad in the balls, hard. Brad fell, clutching his privates. A still furious Parker kneed him in the gut, making him double over.    

"Are you okay? I want to punch them all." Parker said, smoke coming out of his ears. Josh hugged him tightly, a reassuring smile plastering his lips.

"Yes, and don't. I would want in on the fun. Pretty sure we would kill them in this state." He said, smirking slightly at his comment. The pair laughed, knowing that Parker could do it. Josh looked tothe car, the scratches and marks that were now present. Josh apologized for the damage, but was shut down.    

"It wasn't your fault. It looks better than the last time I damaged it for sure." Parker expressed, making Josh wander what exactly he did. As he pondered on that, Josh sat back on the bonnet of the Chevy. Soon Parker joined him, staring at his head. Josh sighed, knowing that his ears were probably out again.

He pulled up his hoodie to hide his face from the world. "We really should get the wolf part thing checked out." Parker said, a confused expression dominant. Josh felt his head to find that the ears had materialized but stayed under the hoodie. He responded with a 'defiently'.    

Not long after, Eli and Lucy appeared with scratches everywhere. The cheerleaders used their nails and hair pulling techniques but still lost. Brittany, the head cheerleader, wouldn't be performing anytime soon as she received a colorful eye.

"I see the same thing happened here... Not the car!" Lucy yelled, running to the passenger door. "Either way let me in so we can leave." The boys nodded, the car unlocking and seats moving. As the engine revved and the friends laughed, a presence lurked in the woods not too far.

One shady figure meaning to do harm, One new figure meaning to tell some past.

Hey guys! I hope this chapter was good. It's my first fight scene EVER and I would really like feedback if you're willing to give it.

Who or what are the shady figures? Are they already known or are they new? What past must be told?    

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