47- Months Later

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Josh was half way through his first year at college, doing a degree of interior designing. He was absolutely loving it and his creative juices were forever flowing. Alongside that, he was taking basic Alpha courses from Parker on the side to help him have a clear sense of the things they would be needing to do. It wasn't a struggle.

Josh and Remus had grown close. They acted like they had known each other their entire lives. The feeling Josh had had the year before was spot on. He had an extremely strong urge to protect the younger boy and teach him things, but not as a parent, but what they both needed. For Josh to be like the loveable older brother who was easy to joke around with but one with whom you could also talk about serious matters.

Josh and the track team twins, Elijah and Issac, went to the same college, making it a goal of theirs to hang out, bringing them inevitably closer. The twins got invited into the pack and gratefully accepted the offer seeing as they thought their past would prohibit them from ever belonging to a pack again. They were on a scholarship, scoring a spot on the track team nearly instantly. Everything was running smoothly for them, but another set of twins turned up and messed with the balance. It wasn't intended, but now there is no escape from their destinies.

Parker was slowly taking over the pack. He met up with people more within pack borders in honour of his father. Bit by bit he was taking on more work, enjoying the new things that kept him busy when his mate and friends were out and about.

Cypher was having issues with his mate's family. It was more than just squabbles and acceptance issues, it was on another level, but the god did not wish to involve the pack in his business. He had been trying to get things under wraps for the last four months, and was so close to ending it, but things were getting heated. Depsite knowing he needed to let the pack in on the thins at hand, Cypher prolonged it as long as he could. Things started to get out of hand, but with the twins' situation, he hoped that his conflict would be solved first. For everyone's sake, it had needed to be.

All the drama looked like it was heading towards either more drama, or two unlikely alliances that would also lead to more.

Either way, in the six months since Josh's 18th birthday, nobody expected things to change like they had. People were going to college, finding and helping their mates, rebellions were being started, and runaways were being given a safe and warm home.

The senior's graduation and the issue with the hunter being solved was in no way the end of their stories.

Okay! I am so sad to say that this is the end of Hoodie Lover. Thank you all for reading! It really means a lot. I am sorry this is such a short ending, but I guess I didn't want to do too much after the last chapter, kinda leave it with an un-ended ending. Sorta. Hah, anyways...

Since this is the first book I've written, I will eventually do some major editing but until then....

MORE BOOKS!! (Please check out my other stories if you have time (don't have to but it would be highly appreciated))

Thanks again and love for you for reading this shitty book and making it to the end.

Rae ^-^    

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