maya and her boys

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we were walking down the hallway, going over to our lockers, mentally preparing ourselves for the algebra quiz we were about to take in period one.

mr. johnson never had mercy on our already miserable lives and made sure we hated school just as much as he did by always giving us 'let's see what you know' quizzes before beginning a new lesson.

the two of us arrived to our destination and i opened the squeaky door of my locker, grabbing my books and glancing over to my small mirror. i looked at myself and smiled.

my blonde natural locks were perfectly wavy, something that never happened. they were cascading down my defined cheekbones and pale skin. my long lashes were curled and my eyes were extra blue today. my cheeks were rosy because of the cold and my brows were sharp yet natural at the same time, not one hair out of place.

i put some chap stick on, finishing off my 'i woke up like this' look.

'i hate this class', said farkle walking back to my locker. i rolled my eyes and quickly nodded my head, agreeing to his statement.

farkle minkus. my bestest friend in the whole wide world. he was also known as the handsome smart kid who all the girls drooled over. his ocean blue eyes and freckles made the ladies swoon but his personality is what got them. his sweet, charming ways made you want him to be yours. he was the kind to hold the door for you and serenade you from your window with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a box of chocolates when you were sad.

i would know.

he walked over to me and leaned against the locker next to mine. he smiled at me and grabbed a piece of my hair and started twirling it with his fingers. ' you look pretty, sunshine. you always look pretty.'

i grinned at him and shut my locker, taking my phone out and checking the time. we still had 15 minutes left till the first bell rang so we began walking through the crowded halls of our highschool.

as we were conversing about what time we would be joining eachother for dinner, we heard a loud 'BOOYA' come from the farthest part of the hallway. we looked at eachother and smiled, knowing exactly who it was.

lucas friar. best friend to farkle and i and captain of the football team. not much of a shocker there though, seeing him you'd think he was the whole football team. he was muscular but not in a 'my veins pop out of my legs and arms' muscular. a cute, attractive muscular. (a/n lolol i can't describe things). the girls drooled over this green eyed, dirty blonde, shiny hair, sharp jawlined, handsome kid too but he was already in love with someone. or something. football was his life and he only ever had flings here and there, breaking tons of girls hearts. but he was still one of the sweetest kids i knew and i would do anything for him and i know he'd do the same for me.

'hart! minkus!' he yelled at us as he told the guys he was walking with that he'd catch up with them later.

farkle and i semi-jogged over to where he was walking.

'lukey!' i said as i jumped into his arms. he caught me and kissed the top of my head and put me back down.

'pancakes', he said lovingly, 'i saw you last night, no need to act as if we haven't seen eachother in months'. he spoke as he chuckled.

'you know may,' farkle said as we all began to walk together, 'she's always excited to see everyone. you should've seen her jump on me when i picked her up from school this morning'.

lucas and farkle laughed at my 'over the top love' gestures as i playfully hit them both, getting in between them and linking our arms together.

as the three of us continued to walk, someone grabbed me by the waist and twirled me around making farkle and lucas quickly turn around.

'ZAY!' i yelled as we hugged eachother tight.

isaiah 'zay' babineaux (a/n i probably spelt it wrong but i'm to lazy to look it up) best friend to lucas, farkle and i. captain of the varsity basketball team and the one who always kept our small little group sane and together. he was always the one to fix our issues and made sure we never spent a day fighting. he was our rock and without him our group would be a little less funny. he made our group whole.

my boys. my 3 little babies, we had all grown up in the same neighborhood since middle school since lucas and zay moved from texas 6 years ago. farkle and i had known eachother since pre-school and since then, we had made a pact to never leave each others side, making the two others boy make that same promise when we first met them.

all four of us were inseparable and now we were seniors and nothing had changed.

'baby, it's so nice to see you. how long has it been? about 15 hours since we last saw eachother?' he said to me as the four of us continued walking.

i quickly let go of him and smacked his arm as i pouted like a little baby.

'aww, the poor baby is mad we keep on making fun of her,' lucas said as the boys all group hugged me, making us form a small little circle.

as i was in the middle, i quickly pulled my phone out of my back pocket, taking advantage of the fact that the three were calm, opening my camera and taking a quick group selfie.

'smile guys!' i said.

i did the 'maya face' as farkle kissed my cheek and lucas showed off his muscles while zay smiled exaggeratedly, putting his chin on my head.


'aww we look so cute!' i said posting it to snapchat and quickly adding a cute little caption: 'my boys 💖'.

zay grabbed my phone and looked at the picture, clearly checking himself out. 'no baby, i think you meant, i look cute. i mean, look at me. how do i not have a girlfriend yet?' he asked, furrowing his eyebrows and sadly giving me back my phone.

'i'm gonna die alone, aren't i?' he asked as the first warning bell rang, advising us that we had 10 minutes to get to class. we all walked together and i put my arm around his shoulder.

'no of course not love, you're gonna find someone... you're a great guy zay and anyone would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend.' i said as i gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

'ay yo farkle, your girlfriend is kissing me, you ok with that?' he said grabbing me by the waist.

i moved away from him and hit him on the chest, rolling my eyes at him once again.

farkle turned around and laughed. 'ay yo zay, she's not my girlfriend', he turned back around and continued walking, 'not yet'.

hi ok so i've already tried writing before but i can't seem to get it right ever. so here's my take 2 on this thing. yeah ok bye :)

i'm in disbelief that people still somehow choose to read this whole story when ITS SO CONFUSING AND IN ONE CHAPTER MAYA JUST STARTS CRYING AND ITS JUST EVERYWHERE. so you have been warned. be prepared to be confused OUT OF YOUR MIND. don't say i didn't warn ya.

all the love,
-s. xx

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