"i don't wanna date, break up and never talk again"

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lucas and i were sitting on my carpet in the living room, leaned against the brown coffee table, blankets and pillows scattered around us. we were throwing popcorn at eachother as zay, riley, farkle and 'isabella' were sitting on the couch across from us, having their own conversations.

the four were so entertained with eachother that they didn't even care to eat the popcorn lucas and i had made them. the bowl just sat in between them, untouched. riley and zay were talking about who knows what and every once in a while riley would giggle and put her hand on his shoulder.

zay looked happy and my heart couldn't help but be even more happy for him. my baby deserved all the love in the world and more. i hoped with all my heart he would get as much love as he gave and it seemed as if riley could give him just that.

'yes! i caught it!' i said as i chewed the popcorn he threw in my mouth. lucas highfived me and grabbed a handful, stuffing it in his mouth. 'when is the pizza getting here?' he asked, popcorn coming out of his mouth, scattering all over the ground.

'pig'. i said as lucas' phone rings.

'hello?' he replies, sticking popcorn in my mouth. 'oh yeah sure. i'll be right out.'

i chew the food and swallow it, grabbing my water and cleaning my mouth off with a napkin.

he gets up and shakes all the popcorn off of his pants and i roll my eyes. 'you're cleaning that up huckleberry'.

'yeah yeah', he says, 'that was the pizza, they're here already so i'm gonna go pick it up at the front entrance, anyone wanna come?' the four at the couch all looked at lucas and shook their heads.

'i'll go', i say standing up and brushing my jeans off. i walk over to zay and stick my buttery hand out, 'it's your turn to pay love,' i say as he sticks his hand in his back pocket and pulls out 40. 'thanks love!' i say as i kiss the top of his head and walk towards the front door.

he opens the door as i put my converse on and a gust of cold air comes inside, making me shiver. 'it's freezing! i'm gonna go and get a sweater from upstairs.' i yell walking over to the stairs.

as i was about to go up the first step, i hear farkle call out to me. i turn back around and look over to him.

he was standing in the entrance of the living room, his hoodie in his hands. 'here sunshine, take mine, i know how much you love to wear my clothes.'

i walked over to him and grabbed it, quickly putting it on and giving him a tight hug. 'what would i do with you lovebug?' i ask as he lets me go.

'you'd probably die.' i smack his arm and he walks back to smackle, a fake smile plastered across her face.

'ready?' lucas asks as we go through the front door.

he opens his car and we hop in, i buckle up and quickly turn on the heater, taking off my shoes and hugging onto my legs, laying my head on my knees as lucas drived.

'i'm real sorry babe', he says as he grabs my hand. 'he's a loser for not seeing how much you care for him'. he rubs small circles around my hand with his thumb and then kisses my hand, keeping his eyes on the road.

'i'm not gonna waste my time trying to get him to notice me. if it's meant to be, it'll be, ya know?' i say as i let go of my legs and scoot closer to him, resting my head on his arm. 'i love you lukey.'

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