"how does it feel to finally be in love?"

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'the food was amazing! thank you'. i said as i grabbed the napkin from my thighs and placed it back on the table.

we were sitting across from each other at the restaurant, empty plates in front of us.

the pasta and salads we had just devoured were slowly digesting in our stomachs and i was extremely full.

we spent the two and a half hours there laughing and talking, i falling deeper in love with him. i was so grateful to have him there with me, my thoughts finally at rest about farkle. he was charming, so loving towards me, there was no one more perfect for me than him.

my stomach no longer had butterflies but a whole zoo of excited animals.

'i'm glad you enjoyed love. you wanna go on a walk?' he asked as he scooted the chair he was sitting in back and slowly stood up, extending his arm out so that i would hold it.

i nodded my head and followed him as he left enough money on the table to pay for our night.

we walked outside the restaurant and ran across the street again to find that it was pouring rain outside.

i giggled as he opened the car door for me, his hair still managing to look perfect even though it was soaked.

he got in the drivers seat and turned the car on, driving off into the darkness of the street.

'so where are we off to now?' i asked as he grabbed my hand.

i slouched down on the chair and relaxed my head on the seat, closing my eyes and listening to the sound of the rain hitting the top of the roof of the car.

'well,' he started, 'i did have this romantic walk planned but this rain totally ruined it.'

i pouted my lips and frowned. 'stupid rain', i muttered.

he looked over at me and chuckled, a smile across his face. he stared for awhile until he opened his mouth again to talk. 'how about we go another day, yeah?.' he said as he stopped at a red light.

i scooted over closer to him and kissed his cheek, 'tomorrow?' i asked as he nodded his head.

we drove around the city all night, watching the rain fall on the glass windshield.

each of us would pick a small drop of water and when they would start falling, we would pretend they were racing. our night was definitely filled with joy and laughter.

once it got late, we drove back to my place, as happy as could be.

'thank you ricky, i had an amazing time', i said as we got out of the car. he walked me to the front door and sighed.

'i'm the luckiest guy in the world princess. thank you for coming along.' i stood on my toes and kissed his cheek, smiling.

'i love you,' i whispered as my lips locked with his.

'i love you too,' he answered back as we parted.

'goodnight,' i said as i unlocked the front door and closed it gently, locking it and running upstairs.

i burst open the door of my room and quickly locked it, turning the light on.

'riley! smackle! wake up, i'm back!' i said.

she was hugging a pillow, mouth open, hair in her face with smackle using her leg as a pillow. she texted me a couple of hours again letting me know that they would both sleep over so i could give them the details about that night.

i unbuckled my shoes and threw them in my closet, jumping on the bed and scaring them.

'I'M UP MOM!' smackle yelled as she quickly sat up, rubbing her eyes.

'maya! you're back! how'd it go?' riley asked groggily as she sat up, eyes still closed

'HE TOLD ME HE LOVED ME!' i yelled.

her eyes suddenly burst open and she stood on her knees, a smile on her face. 'he told you he loved you??????' she asked again.

smackle stood from the bed and grabbed her glasses, looking me up and down.

'WELL OF COURSE HE LOVES YOU! LOOK AT YOU!' she said as we both giggled.

riley laughed and stretched her arms, a yawn escaping her lips.

'welcome the the club!' she announced as we all jumped back on the bed.

'how does it feel to finally be in love?' smackle asked as she tucked her legs under her butt.

i grabbed a pillow and put it on my legs sighing, if only she knew i had already been in love before.

i felt like spilling the beans then and there, clearing my chest and mind with all the thoughts running through my mind. i could never though, i would never.

if i couldn't stop loving farkle, i had to atleast forget about it and talking about the subject would definitely bring the feelings back.

the girls were staring at me as i sat there in silence, trying to get my thoughts togehter until i finally opened my mouth.

'it feels amazing,' i finally said, a large grin across my face, 'now let me change so i can tell you guys all about it.'

maya is so damn confused about who she truly wants. but don't let her feelings for ricky trick you into thinking she's gone end up with him... or maybe she is gonna end up with him.. or maybe lucas? or how about a certain someone's younger brother? hmmmm


thanks for reading my little babies💜 ! i love you guys xx

till next time

-s. xx

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