"not like i love you"

624 29 30

11:46 pm

baaby: hey love, how'd you're pancake and huckleberry day go?

princess:  hi baby, it went well. he bought me chicken nuggets and we spent the whole day watching movies. it was so much fun

baaby: aw i'm glad you had fun.

princess: i've been meaning to tell you something. thank you for letting me hang out with my guy friends. i really really really appreciate it <3

baaby: if they make you happy then of course i'm gonna be ok with it. you're happiness is important to me love.

princess: why are you so perfect???

princess: how did your day go with the guys?

baaby: it went extremely well. i love those guys, they're so funny and genuine. i can see why you always wanna be around them.

baaby: farkle and zay like to have deep conversations and what we talked about really got me thinking about a lot of things...

princess: yeah they have a tendency to do that ... what did you guys talk about?

baaby: we still up for saturday?

princess: ofc. && you dodging the question doesn't mean that i'm not gonna spam farkle and zay until they tell me what it is that got you thinking.

princess: got it mister?

baaby: you're so cute love. it's getting late, get some rest okay?

princess: ugghh fine. goodnight, love.

baaby: sweet dreams beautiful.

princess: <3

i woke up to my phone alarm beeping, 'we can work it out' blasting though the speakers, making me groan and sit up.

i grabbed my phone from the bed side table and pushed stop, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms.

i stood up and walked straight to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror and laughing at my poofy, messy hair.

i striped my pajamas off and got into the shower, letting the hot water run down my body.

once i had finished conditioning and shampooing my hair, i washed my body and got out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my wet body. i checked the time on my phone and realized that i was probably gonna be late.

that's what i get for having a concert in my shower.

i decide to text farkle and let him know that i would be driving myself to school and grab a brush from one of the drawers.

i brush my long hair and then blow dry it, adding some oil to it to make it soft and shiny. i brush my tooth and add a bit of foundation and mascara on, filling in my brows and applying some glossy lipstick to my lips.

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