the one with the og core four friday

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this ones gonna be a loooong one.

'let's just get the pizza right now!' i complain.

the four of us were in farkles car, on our way to my house and i didn't feel like getting home and then driving back out to get the pizza.

lucas sighed and laid his head on my shoulder, covering his face with my hair.

'baby?' he asks.

'vaz happenin.' i respond back.

'you know i love you but what the hell are you wearing?' he asks as the two boy in the front start laughing.

i push him off of me and pinch his nose, making his eyes watery. 'i'm comfortable, okay? your opinion is irrelevant though because my boyfriend said i looked beautiful today.' i say as i raise my head and smile.

lucas scooted back over to me and kissed my cheek. 'i'm sorry love but he lied to you.'

the two boys laugh again as i roll my eyes and push lucas.

'we'll get the pizza right now, love.' zay says as farkle goes into the parking lot of luigi's pizza factory. farkle parks right in front and turns the car off, unbuckling himself and taking his hand out.

'you're turn to pay, sunshine.' i take my purse and wallet out, grabbing two twenties and putting them in his hand.

'thank you maya papaya!' they all yell. i giggle and wait for the three boys to come back in the car.

as i wait, i take my phone out and text ricky.

princess: i can't wait till tomorrow ;)

baaby: me either love.

i smile at his message and close my eyes. i decided then and there that tomorrow would be the day i would tell him i loved him.

i open my eyes again and see the boys coming over to the car, 2 pizza boxes in farkles hands. he gets in his car and they all follow, jumping in and turning the car on.

'luigi said hi,' lucas says as he gets in and buckles up. 'aww i love luigi.' i say as i also buckle up.

we drive off to my house singing along to paramore's after laughter, rolling the windows down and singing to the car driving past us.

we pass by the gates and we drive, still singing, all the way to my driveway. he parks outside and i jump out of the car, running towards the door and grabbing the spare key from under a fake rock.

lucas and zay both run towards the door, trying to beat me and leaving farkle behind them. they run  into the kitchen where i was already sitting on the counter.

'i win!' i yell as both boys groan.

before there was a riley and a smackle and a ricky, we would race to the front door to grab the spare and run towards the kitchen, whoever was the first to the counter got to pick a movie or activity.

normally it was always lucas winning since he was the fastest but this time his backpack got stuck on the door and had to go back and grab it.

farkle walked in with both boxes and slammed the front door shut.

'no problem guys!' he yelled as he walked into the kitchen, 'i got it.'

i take my phone out and check the time.


'pajama time!' i yell.

'get me some, yeah?' farkle asks taking out plates from the pantry. the rest of the boys agree and i run up the stairs changing into one of rickys hoodies and throwing some shorts and fuzzy socks on.

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