"we're just gonna have to get use to it"

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we were all sitting in the living room in a small circle after the , 'farkle declared his feelings for me but doesn't wanna date because then we'll breakup' whole thing.

we had walked down the stairs together, acting as if nothing had happened, the boys changed into their pajamas and we all just sat there. in silence.

until smackle finally broke the ice.

'so maya,' she says as she crosses her legs and twiddles with her hair, 'where are your parents?'

i lean against the coffee table again, hands in the warm hoodie, trying hard not think about what had just happened 20 minutes ago.

'they're on vacation right now,' i was so distracted by my thoughts that i had no idea what i was saying, 'their 10 year anniversary just passed and uh my dad decided to take my mom to spain.'

i couldn't process the fact that farkle could ever think that him and i would just.. break up. without giving it a fight, we would just breakup? is that what he thought him and i would be? a couple that would break up easily and never talk again?

isadora interrupted my thoughts with her voice. 'oh wow. that sounds nice, they must have really nice jobs to be able to afford such a nice house.'

i nodded my head and scooted closer to lucas, putting my head on his shoulder as he put his arm around me, causing farkle to stare.

my heart hurt too much to even notice the slight jealousy in his eyes.

the rest of the night we stayed in the circle, the 5 talking about school and family and parties. i stayed quite for the most part, my head resting on lucas' chest as i listened to his heartbeat. every once in a while he would look down at me and rub my shoulder, kissing my head.

the conversation went on and we found out that farkle and isadora had met at a football game 3 weeks ago, she was cheering for the opposing team. he said she had randomly walked over to him and she just gave him her number.

the rest is apparently 'history'.

her and riley were best friends since the fifth grade and absolutely inseparable, 'the greatest duo there ever was' they said.

'so how did all 4 of you meet?' riley asked as she interlocked her hands with zays.

i grabbed my phone from the pockets of the sweater and checked the time. 11:37 pm.

'how much time do you have?' i asked her making the boys laugh. she smiled at me and i began speaking, still leaning on lucas.

'you see,' i sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before continuing, 'farkle and i, we uh, we were in the same preschool class. the teacher made me sit next to him after i kept on talking to the girl next to me and the first thing that came out of his mouth when i sat down was, 'can you be my best friend?' i mean, he was just so cute i couldn't say no...'

i smiled at the memory of farkle and i's first encounter. he was this skinny, short, big eyed kid. the kid that always knew the answer to all the questions. i never told him this but, i always thought he was the coolest of the class for knowing more than all of us.

'then in the sixth grade, these two kids from texas moved to one of the classes farkle and i had. we asked them to eat lunch with us and we all clicked.'

'it's like we had already met eachother before. we clicked so well i never wanted to leave that lunch table'. zay said looking over at me then zay and farkle.

'this instant connection-'

'like family', farkle said, interrupting lucas.

'that day we promised eachother that we would be best friends till the end of time.' i said, a smile on my face. i wrapped my arms around lucas and felt a large lump in my throat.

i looked around the room and the saw the loving eyes looking at me, zay, farkle and lucas. not many people were lucky enough to have the type of friendship we had. i was truly the luckiest girl in the world.

'forever and always'. farkle said.

i slowly let go of lucas and stood on my knees, a large smile on my face, making the three boys walk over, surrounding me with a large group hug.

'i love you guys'. i said as i hugged all 3 tightly, never wanting to let go.

'i love you too, baby'. zay said as he held onto me tight.

'i second that', farkle and lucas said at the same time, making me giggle.

i felt so safe, so loved, so comfortable in their arms and in that moment, i realized that farkle was right. if we dated and ... for some reason broke up.. this.. this wouldn't make me feel as happy as it did now. it would feel awkward and uncomfortable. i didn't want that to happen.

it wouldn't happen.

because right then and there i promised myself that, somehow, i would get over the person who made my heart skip a beat every time they called me sunshine.


our little moment was cut off by a cough. riley and isadora were sitting there, uncomfortably staring at us as we professed our fraternal love for eachother.

'oh uh.. sorry guys..' i said, quickly getting up from the middle of circle and sitting back to where i was. i bit my lip and smiled, today marked a new beginning for me. a brand new beginning.

'no it's ok maya,' isadora said, standing up and sitting on the couch. 'riley and i are just gonna have to get used to it'.

'yeah you are', farkle said chuckling, looking over and flashing his pearly whites at me.

i rolled my eyes and grabbed my red cup, taking a sip of my water, the coldness bringing satisfaction to my dry mouth.

thanks for reading! have a great day/night my lovely stacks of pancakes. <3

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