"i like you ricky.. but i like farkle more"

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'dinner was delicious, mrs. hunter. thank you.'

it was eight thirty and the four of us had just finished eating my mothers not so famous chicken and mashed potatoes. we were eating in the breakfast table, all of us in our pajamas, just talking.

'call me katy hun and thank you. shawn helped me season the chicken so i can't take all the credit'. she leaned over towards my father who was smiling down at her, kissing her cheek. 

i took a sip of my cold water and smiled at both my parents. i wanted to be as in love as they are.

'i like you ricky,' my dad said to him, 'but i like farkle more.'

as i heard the words come out of my fathers mouth, i choked on the water and leaned over the table, coughing, spitting the water back in the cup and cleaning my mouth with my sweater sleeve.

i looked over at ricky who was awkwardly looking at my mother glare at my father.

'seriously dad? what is wrong with you? farkle and i are just friends. you know that.' i said to him, raisng my voice at him.

'i'm sorry about that. he goes to a psychiatrist because he's crazy and needs mental help,' i said to him as i frowned at my father.

'you wish i did maya but you didn't let me finish. i like you ricky but i like farkle more, but if maya likes you as much as she says she does then i guess i'm okay with the two of you.. dating. you have my blessing.'

i raised a brow at him and laughed. 'he didn't come here to ask for your blessing dad, he just came to meet you guys.'

my mother placed her hand on my dads chest and smiled at both of us. 'of course maya but your fathers just saying, just in case you two were wondering,' she paused and looked over at ricky and i, 'i really like you too ricky, i hope you stick around.'

he smiled at her and kissed my hand. 'i'm not going anywhere,' he said to me.

'i was kidding about farkle by the way,' my dad said, interrupting our moment, 'i like you too but you hurt my daughter and i hurt you, got it kid?'

ricky chuckled and nodded his head. 'of course sir, but.. i would never hurt maya. i could never hurt maya, i love her.'

'i love you too ricky,' i said to him as i leaned in and kissed his cheek.

'just because i said i like you doesn't mean you two can do this in from of me, got it?' he stood up from the table and grabbed his plate, placing it in the sink.

'there's a twilight zone marathon on your mom and i don't want to miss so we'll leave you two here... alone.'

my mom stood up and did the same, walking over to my dad and linking her arm with his.

'it was so nice meeting you hun, i hope to see you around more often.' she shook his hand and then pulled him into a hug.

'yes it was nice meeting you rick, now if you'll excuse us,' he shook rickys hand then took my mother's, leading her into the livingroom and then up the stairs, my mom giggling like a school girl.

'i like them,' he said, grabbing both of our plates and washing them.

'leave them, i'll wash them later,' i told him as i stood up and walked over to him, 'they like you too, i can tell and don't listen to my dad he's just upset that i won't be marrying the guy he wants me to marry.' i say, chuckling.

there was long pause coming from his side, his eyes focused on the white sink, as if he was thinking of what to say next. and then he opened his mouth.

'i know you guys have a thing going on', he said suddenly. 'i can tell by the way you two look at each other,'  he shifted his body towards me, grabbing a rag and drying his wet hands, leaning against the counter.

my eyes widened and my mouth had suddenly felt dry. i swallowed hard and looked down at my pajama pants and then back at him.

'hey it's okay.' he said, as he walked over to me. he wrapped his around me and i buried my head into his chest.

i couldn't hold it in any longer. i had been holding in these feelings for to long and i had finally broke. for the past two months i had been lying to myself , telling myself i was in love with him. that i wanted to be with him knowing damn well i was still in love with farkle.

'i'm sorry ricky', i said to him as tears began strolling down my face. once they started falling, they couldn't seem to stop and now i was sobbing uncontrollably in the arms of the boy that loved me.

'hey, hey. maya,' he lifted my head up from his chest and wiped a tear off my face with his thumb, 'don't cry baby, it's ok. i'm ok. i'll be ok, i promise.'

i kissed his cheek and hugged him again, not knowing what to say.

'so this is it?' i asked him as i wiped my eyes with my sleeves.

'neither of us would be happy loving the wrong person. this what's best for both of us, we rushed into things way to fast and maybe it wasn't really love... i mean i love you ... but now i know how' he said to me as he stuck his hands in my sweater pocket and pulled my phone out.

'call him.'

'i thought i was in love with you. i kept telling myself that you were the one, trying to convince myself that you were the one even though deep down, i knew that i was still in love with him.. i'm sorry ricky, i really am..' i said to him as he gave me a sweet smile.

'don't apologize, you can't help how you feel. please maya, you and farkle deserve to be together, call him.' he said to me.

i grabbed the phone from his hand and looked at it and then back at him. 'why are you so okay with this?' i asked him as i sniffled, brushing my cold fingers through my hair.

he looked down to the ground and crossed his arms. 'zay told me about you two the day we had yogurt right after we dropped off farkle', we both chuckled and i rolled my eyes, a small smile across my face, 'look maya, i don't want to get in the way of you and farkle loving each other for eternity. like i said before, we rushed into things. i don't think it truly was love.' he said to me.

'yeah... i don't think it was love either but ricky, even if i wanted to be with farkle, i couldn't because one, he has girlfriend and two he doesn't want to ruin our friendship by dating..'

my heart was racing and i didn't know what to do. i was being broken up with and it didn't seem to faze me, what hurt me was that now i was going to have to face farkle, again.


ask me questions and i'll answer that as the character!

q: favorite show rn?
a: stranger things & the secret life of the american teenager <3333



all the love,

-s. xx

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