to maya's house!

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'i can't believe she actually gave you her number,' i said as we all walked over to lucas' car.

we had just finished drinking our beverages and were on our way to my house. it was tradition that every single friday night, after we had our drinks at topangas, we would go to either one of our houses, order some pepperoni and extra cheese pizza and have a sleepover.

it had been going on since the eighth grade and we had never missed a 'core four friday', as lucas called it.

we were all in a bit of an annoyed mood tonight though. after asking for our check and going over to the register to pay, the girl, who then revealed to us that her name was riley, actually ended up giving zay her number.

i'm not sure if it was the excitement in zay that he actually got it or he wanted to seem cool or whatever but he invited her over to my house and gave her my address. she would be over there in about half an hour after her shift at the cafe and would be bringing along a friend.

'i don't like her'. lucas said unlocking the doors and getting in the drivers seat. i sat in the back with farkle and buckled up.

'we just met her guys, give her a chance'. zay said as he sat shotgun, buckling up.

'yeah me either', said farkle, agreeing with lucas. i was shocked to hear farkle say that, he was never the kind to be against any relationship, especially if the girl seemed to make zay's heart got cluckity-cluck.

lucas started up the car and began driving to my place.

'why do you say that sparkly?' i asked as lucas stopped at a stop light. farkle was about to answer me when he was interrupted by an annoyed zay.

'baby, it doesn't matter what any of them think, i'm gonna talk to her and ask her on a date after tonight and', he paused and turned to look at me, 'what's after you ask her on a date? i don't think i've ever gotten that far'.

i laughed and looked out the window, the darkness taking over the town, stars beginning to emerge from the horizon, 'i don't know zay, neither have i.'

lucas interrupted my thoughts and began speaking. 'ok so maybe it doesn't matter what we, your BEST FRIENDS, think. but did you really have to invite her to pancakes house? friday's are always our nights.' he pouted, turning to the left, passing our favorite ice cream place.

i leaned over and put my hands on lucas' shoulders and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'i have to agree with huckleberry over here on this one, sorry love...'

'i second that'. farkle said while on his phone.

i let go of lucas and discretely looked over to him. he was texting someone, more specifically, a girl. a girl he seemed to call 'izz🌸'. he had been spending a lot of his time on his phone lately and now i could see why. there were heart emojis plastered all over the messages.

i looked out the window again, feeling a little sad. i knew that all the jokes he made about him wanting to date me were fake.. but i had always thought that him and i would end up being together. we were so alike yet so different, like salt and pepper, from first glance they looked different, but everyone knew that they were meant to be together. (WHY OK BYE)

but god forbid him ever find out, i would never tell him how i felt in fear that he might not care, although i knew farkle could never hurt me. (ok selena, ok).

'core four friday is our thing and i don't want her to get in the way of our fun,' he turned into another street and sighed, 'she already ruined my chocolate muffin with her sassiness'.

zay laughed as lucas drove to the gate of the entrance of the neighborhood and put in the code. '23785', he said as he stretched his arm through his window. 'i can't believe i trust you guys enough to give you the code to my neighborhood.'

farkle locked his phone and rolled his eyes, scooting over to me and placing his head on my shoulder. 'we all have eachothers codes, sunshine. it's a-'

'best friend thing'. we said, all at the same time.
the large gates opened, showing dark rows of streets and houses, the only light coming from the lampposts scattered around the sidewalks.

he turned to the left, knowing exactly where to go. we knew eachothers address' by memory, even our phone numbers. zay even had my moms number memorized.

as we arrived to my house, he parked in the driveway and we all unbuckled ourselves. i jumped out of the car and ran to my front door, taking my pink key out from my purse, a key given to me by zay on my 16th birthday. it had a cute little gem on it and the letter 'm' painted on it, and i opened the door.

i turned the light on revealing a grand staircase and a chandelier hanging from the top of it, large windows around the walls. i smiled at how beautiful my home was and took my shoes off next to a pile where lucas and zay had taken off theirs.

'ahhhh', lucas sighed, as he walked over to my kitchen, 'home is where the wifi and Nutella sandwiches are'.

farkle closed the door behind him and followed me to the kitchen where zay was on the phone.

'hey riles... haha yeah i'm gonna call you that, if that's ok with you.. anyways , i just wanted to let you know to text me when you get here, there's a gate and you need a code to get in.. oh wow that was fast... yeah that's fine, i'm sure they won't mind.. haha yeah ok then see you in a few'. he hung up the phone and did a little happy dance before grabbing lucas' keys from his pocket and jogging over to the front door.

'i'm gonna go get them', he said putting his shoes one.

i took a bite out of lucas' sandwhich and almost choked. 'them?' i said, a mouth full of bread coming out of my mouth.

'yeah them, she invited her best friend. i think she said her name was izzy or isabella or something like that.'

i looked over to farkle, a small smile beginning to grow on his face, he tried to hide it but his excitement got the best of him.

'do you know her?' i asked him as zay closed the front door.

'uh yeah, i actually know riley a little too. you see, i've been kind of, i guess you could say, talking to isadora', he said, making air quotes around the word 'talking' then rubbing the back of his neck.

'oh' i whispered, confused as to why he had never mentioned her, not even once.

'well', lucas said putting his arm around me, 'looks like it's gonna be you and me forever, pancakes.'

i chuckled and put my arm around him as well, 'till death do us part?' i asked.

'friends even in the after life!' he exclaimed making me chuckle even more.

i looked over at farkle, hoping that maybe he was looking at us, but he wasn't, he was looking down at his phone, typing away, a smile on his face giving me the absolute opposite emotion.

boy was this gonna be an interesting night.

hai it me back at it again with the cringe. hope ya like it xx

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